23 - Daisuga (fluff)

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23 - Daisuga (fluff)

Requested by: Ottaro546 /Sorry that it took me such a long time to fulfill your request :(/

"Daichi," Suga whispers one sunny morning. They are in bed, the are STILL in bed despite the fact that it is nearly noon. That it is nearly lunchtime. "I'm sorry."

"For what?" Daichi asks, genuinely confused. Why is Suga apologizing? Daichi fails to recall anything that he could've done recently that needs apologizing. Deciding to listen instead of voicing his confusion, Daichi places a kiss upon the top of Suga's head.. Suga, who is using his chest as a pillow, ever so slightly, leans into the kiss.

"We've talked about if before, haven't we? About having kids... I can't have children because I don't have..." his voice trails off as he struggle to prevent his voice from shaking, and to prevent tears from falling. "We can adopt... But it isn't the same. After all, an adopted child will never look like you. Never have your gorgeous dark hair or," Daichi ends up interrupting him.

"That doesn't matter," he says, his voice accompanied by the steady sound of his beating heart... A sound that calms Suga down, just a little. "Anyway, don't go on apologizing! After all, I'm in the same boat. I also can't..." With a brief pause, he shifts the conversation back to the direction he meant it to go. "A child, if we chose to adopt, will always be our child, regardless of their looks... After all, looks aren't important. What matters is personality. It will be clear which child is ours because they will be kind... They will be caring, intelligent, respectful and open minded. That is, if you still think we should adopt. We're in this together."

"Thank you," Suga whispers, as tears fall down his face, "thank you for being here for me."

"I should be the one doing the thanking."


It isn't until a year later that Daichi and Suga go through the long, complicated, and frustrating process of trying to adopt a child. And who exactly are they trying to adopt? They are trying to adopt a dark haired, bright eyed child by the name of Kageyama Tobio.

By the time they get all of the legal work done, Suga is ready to scream... Read to scream louder than their adopted son... Their adopted son, who they visited every week as they did all of the paperwork...

"Daddy!" the toddler shouts, upon realizing that he is going home with them... That he will now have a family. As he shouts, he grabs fistfuls of Suga's shirt. Grabs fistfuls of Suga's shirt in his tiny, chubby hands. Although Suga isn't entirely sure whether Kageyama is talking to him or Daichi, he feels happy. Daichi and him are going to be fathers... They are a going to be a family.

A family that will have many funny moments occur... So many funny moments that it would make a long list.

Daichi, not being much of a morning person, not only puts his own clothes on backward, but Kageyama's as well. The two earn quite a few confused looks when they go for a walk to the park.

Suga walks into Kageyama's room, and is surprised to hear his soon great him by shouting, "FUCK I MESSED UP." Suga knows where he heard such language, after all, Daichi says the same phrase whenever he makes an embarrassing mistake.

When Kageyama is thirteen, Daichi and Suga embarrass him by acting all lovey-lovey in public... With them not only kissing each other on the cheek but Kageyama as well.

There are many more funny things that happen... Many funny things that always bring a smile to Suga's face.

None of it would be possible if it weren't for Daichi... Daichi who is always there to cheer him up, or calm him down. Daichi, whose loyalty is unwavering... Daichi who is steady and dependable.

Daichi and him may not have in a genetic sense, made Tobio who he is, but they have certainly shaped his personality... Have shaped his morals, likes, and dislikes.

"He is a setter, just like you."

"And thanks to YOU he swears!"

"IT was ONE time."

"Mhmm. Sure." 


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