4 - Kuroken (fluff)

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4 - Kuroken (fluff)

Requested By: @cookiiechxn (Idk why it's not letting me tag you)

Prompt & Prompt Credit: 

To be honest, Kenma wasn't expecting it

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To be honest, Kenma wasn't expecting it. He wasn't expecting Kuroo, who almost constantly brags about his ability to stay awake until three in the morning to fall asleep before him. And he certainly wasn't expecting Kuroo to fall asleep on the couch, with his body draped over him, pretty much crushing him. With a small sigh, Kenma tries to push Kuroo off him. After trying for twenty minutes to push the surprisingly heavy Kuroo off him, Kenma gives up. How the hell is someone that is so fit so heavy?

Kenma then spends ten minutes trying to figure out another way to free himself. If this was a video game, what kind of moves could I use to escape? Thinking of no other options, Kenma THEN spends another ten minutes wriggling and shaking himself from underneath Kuroo, and off the couch. He is thankful that the floor is carpet when he lands on the ground with a thud. Feeling as though Kuroo MUST have heard him fall, Kenma gazes at Kuroo expectantly. Much to his annoyance, Kuroo is still sleeping. In fact, he is snoring.

Feeling frustrated and annoyed, Kenma lays on the floor for a while. If I let him sleep on the couch, he's going to whine about his back hurting tomorrow morning... If I wake him up now, in a sleepy daze, he'll attack me with pick up lines that are worse than normal... What should I do? As he thinks, a memory flashes before his eyes...

Kenma wakes to find himself in Kuroo's arms. Although he remembers changing into pajamas... Which for him consist of his boxers and one of Kuroo's shirts, he doesn't remember falling asleep. He doesn't remember falling asleep before Kuroo. He doesn't remember falling asleep on the couch...

Yet.. Yet, using his blurry vision, Kenma can see that Kuroo is carrying him to their bedroom. The he is clearly carrying him FROM the living room TO their bedroom. He is clearly placing him on the bed, and covering him with blankets. "Go ahead and sleep, kitten," Kuroo whispers, before placing a gentle kiss on Kenma's forehead.

Kenma, doesn't even have to try to know that there is no way he will able to carry Kuroo. This fact makes him even more annoyed and frustrated. Kuroo is always doing stuff for him... He would like to do something for Kuroo. As he thinks, yet another memory flashes before his eyes.

"Kenmaaa," Kuroo whines, "cuddle with me." Kenma typically loves the sound of Kuroo's voice... But right now he hates it. He hates the whining.

"We just cuddled on the couch," Kenma responds, with a small sigh, "I love you, but please be quiet. I want to sleep."

Kenma gets an idea. With light and quiet footsteps, Kenma walks to their bedroom, and returns with blankets and pillows. Sliding one under Kuroo's head, he also places on next to Kuroo's head. Kenma then squeezes onto the couch next to Kuroo. Once he is settled, he pulls the blankets off the floor and places them over both Kuroo and himself.

You better appreciate this, Kenma thinks, as he scoots closer to Kuroo. With his back pressed against Kuroo, Kenma falls asleep.


Kenma wakes to find himself trapped. Trapped within the embrace of two muscular arms. "Oh, are you awake?" Kuroo asks, all the while placing a kiss upon the back of Kenma's head. Before Kenma can respond, Kuroo adds, "You're a good cuddler."

Kenma merely hums as Kuroo nuzzles his face into the crook of his neck. Kenma is happy. Kenma is happy that Kuroo is happy. 

romance by request: haikyuuWhere stories live. Discover now