39 - Yakulev (fluff)

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39 - Yakulev (fluff)

Requested by pisskoppkind

Prompt & Prompt Credit: 

Normally, Lev loves sleeping with his boyfriend

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Normally, Lev loves sleeping with his boyfriend. Normally he loves cuddling with Yaku, and draping his long limbs over his boyfriends small frame...

But now, it's different.

But now, it's winter.

And a war has begun.

Practically jumping into bed, the two men quickly grasp onto the to edge of the quilt... An edge that has become faded and torn due to their yearly fight.


"Yaku," Lev purrs, soon chucking upon noticing Yaku's blush, "if you love me, you'll let the blanket go."

"That's cheating!" Yaku shouts, before kicking Lev in one of his shins. "We both agreed not to do stuff like that to get the blanket!"

"How is your kicking not cheating?" Lev wails, all the while repeatedly tugging on the quilt. Yaku has a surprisingly tight grip... A grip that could terrify the gods. LEV DOES NOT EVEN GAIN A CENTIMETER OF THE QUILT.

After tugging on the quilt, and bickering for ten minutes, Lev decides to use his secret weapon... A weapon that Kuroo gave him. "Yaku, you don't need this blanket... After all, I can be your blanket."

Yaku lets go of the blanket... In order to get his hands in a better position... In a position that makes it easy for him to throw the blanket at Lev. "You got that from Kuroo, didn't you! Fine! Take the blanket! Just know that you have to cuddle with me..." his voice trails off as he grows extremely embarrassed by his own words.

I will have to thank Kuroo later... Lev thinks, before pulling his boyfriend close, and spreading the blanket over the two of them. Even though his feet are now exposed to the cold air, Lev doesn't care. After all, Yaku is next to him, ready to warm his heart.

//spews rainbows

//Was that enough fluff? 

//And yes I know I'm trash for adding the video.

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