17 - Yakulev (fluff)

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17 - Yakulev (fluff)

Requested by: superpiggyy

"Kenma, do you know when Yaku's birthday is?" Lev asks the small setter, who emits a sigh.

"I do... Why do you want to know? You're not planning something stupid, are you?" As Kenma speaks, he narrows his eyes. He seems suspicious of Lev's motives... He has every right to be. After all, on Kenma's birthday, Lev gave him a ball of yarn and said, "now smile, kitty" before petting him on the head. He ended up petting him a little too hard, resulting him to fall onto Kuroo, who fell onto Yaku, who scolded all of them for an hour straight.

"My plans are always flawless," Lev responds, with what he hopes is a reassuring smile. "So... Will you tell me?"

Kenma sighs yet again. "Fine... But only if when your plans fall through that you tell Yaku that Kuroo told you when his birthday is."

"Condition accepted," Lev shouts, feeling happy and excited. Lev is going to make sure Yaku's next birthday is the best one yet!


"Yaku-san," Lev chirps on the BIG day, on Yaku's birthday. "Happy Birthday you small cat!"

"DON'T CALL ME A SMALL CAT!" Yaku shouts, all the while giving Lev a swift kick in the shin. "Can't you say 'Happy Birthday' properly?" Even though he glares at Lev, and seems grumpy, Lev can't help but notice it... The smile that almost forms upon Yaku's face.

"That was a perfectly good 'Happy Birthday!' After all, your birthday lands on World Cat Day," Lev responds, all the while rubbing his sore shin with his hand. Hoping to salvage the moment, Lev stops rubbing his shin in order to pull Yaku's gift out of his messenger bag. "Here, for you," Lev hands the gift to Yaku. Or rather, due to their height difference, shoves the gift in Yaku's face.

Yaku can tell that Lev wrapped his gift... After all, there are a few rips and the wrapping, and an excessive amount of tape has been used. Despite that, Yaku feels happy... He is happy that his usually annoying kouhai has managed to behave on his birthday. Upon noticing Lev's intense gaze, Yaku assumes that Lev wants him to open his gift now. With a small sigh, all the while feeling a bit afraid that it MIGHT be a gag gift, Yaku opens his present.

Although it is clear that Lev used photoshop, Yaku loves it. It has a lion looking proud, underneath the night sky, with his star sign drawn on the moon. "Wow, this is actually a good gift."

"ACTUALLY?" Lev shrieks, "Do you not have faith in me?"

"I do, just not much," Yaku says with a chuckle. As he chuckles, Lev sees something rare and beautiful... He sees one of Yaku's smiles. The smile makes his heart skip a beat... And also a step. The two, which had started to walk down the stairs after Yaku opened his present, end up becoming a tangled mess at the bottom of the stairs.

"GET OFF ME YOU BEANPOLE," Yaku shouts, all the while trying to push Lev off him, to no avail. Lev is now hugging him... He is hugging him and doesn't seem to want to let go. 

romance by request: haikyuuWhere stories live. Discover now