6 - Tsukki x Sachi Kirigamina (OC)

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6 - Tsukki x Sachi Kirigamina (OC)

Requested by: Imanotakuandimproud /ALKAJFLKAlLALALKAJFLKA Your OC is super cute!/

Tsukki typically doesn't pay much attention to his peers that much... Who would want to when most of them are idiots? But there is something about her... About the quiet girl with hair as dark as night, and eyes as grey as storm clouds that gains his attention, and keeps it. Some people would probably assume that Tsukki's teenage hormones made him notice her, because of her large bust. That isn't it why he noticed her (although he will admit that it is a nice feature).

To be honest, he only notices her because of Yamaguchi. Yamaguchi, who frequently walks with the girl to lunch, seems to be friends with her. And not just friends, close friends. He has to admit that he is jealous of Yamaguchi.

Tsukki typically waits for Yamaguchi on the roof, so they can eat their lunch together, and watch all of their peers, appear to crawl like ants. But today, he decides not to wait. In fact, he decides to approach Yamaguchi... He decides to approach Yamaguchi who happens to be talking to the beautiful girl.

"Hey Yamaguchi, aren't you going to introduce me to your friend?" Tsukki asks, his sudden appearance startling both Yamaguchi and the girl.

"I've got to go Yamaguchi-kun, bye," she whispers, before running away. Or at least, attempting to. With her first steps she trips, falls, but quickly gets back up.

"That's my friend, Sachi Kirigamina," Yamaguchi says, with a small sigh. "She is really nice but clumsy..."

"I noticed," Tsukki responds, with a chuckle. Sachi Kirigamina... Her clumsiness is actually kinda cute.


Despite the mess of their first meeting, Tsukki is quick to make it up. The next day, he approaches the two slowly, so they won't get startled. He introduces himself, and decides to be a little more polite than normal, since Sachi is easily scared.

After a few weeks, Tsukki, somehow, is able to become friends with Sachi.

After a few weeks, Sachi offers to play some music on her violin for Tsukki.

After a few weeks, their friendship almost falls apart.

Sachi plays a song for him... A song that her friends in Classical Music Club had been helping her learn. It sounds horrible... Instead of sounding soothing and comforting, each pluck and movement of the bow sounds horrid... Like squeaking and screaming.

The sound is unbearable. Yet he must listen... She is his friend, after all. Much to his surprise, Sachi says, "I like you," once she finishes playing. Before he can even utter a sound, she puts her violin and bow back into the case, runs across the roof, and down the stairs that lead back into the school.

"Wait," Tsukki shouts, before chasing after her. Thanks to his long legs, he is able to catch up to her easily. Grabbing a hold of the back of a blue cardigan to get her attention, the two eventually stop running.

"There's no need for you to run away," Tsukki mutters, "I like you..."

/This was a bit of a challenge to write, tbh. Oh, fun fact, I USE TO play violin. I ended up quitting after my instructor kept trying to get me to play really hard songs./

romance by request: haikyuuWhere stories live. Discover now