28 - Daisuga (fluff/scenario)

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28 - Daisuga (fluff/scenario)

Requested by: Ottaro546 /I thought English was your first language! I think your English is really good! :D/

"Daichi, are you listening?" Suga asks, after having repeated himself five times. Daichi seems distracted... Hell, he has been distracted for the past week. Daichi, who had been lost in his own thoughts, mumbles a "yes" as he tries to make sure that Suga doesn't catch on... To make sure Suga doesn't manage to trick him into revealing what is on his mind... What he has planned. Or rather, what he doesn't have planned.

Daichi wants to purpose to Suga. But he isn't sure how he should... Should he just pop the question and get down on one knee? The idea is basic and Daichi can't help but feel that someone as special as Suga deserves something better... Something more unique.

After getting unhelpful and crude suggestions from Kuroo and Bokuto about something involving "a dick in a box" Daichi decided to get help from the internet instead. Thanks to the internet, he has a whole list of ideas... A list he has yet to narrow down. A list that has kept him awake until late because he can't help but agonize over it. He wants his proposal to be perfect.

Failing to have fully shift his focus out of his mind and to Suga, Daichi fails to notice it... To notice Suga reach across the table and touch his face.

He doesn't realize that Suga is touching his face, or specifically, cupping his cheek until he feels the skin on skin contact... Until he feels Suga's pale hand touch his tan skin. "Are you feeling okay?" Shit, I made him worry...

"Yeah, I'm just a little tired," Daichi says, with what he hopes to be a reassuring smile. Leave it to Suga to notice even the smallest changes in his mood and behavior...

"In that case, I'll wash the dishes while you go to bed early," Suga says, letting go of Daichi's cheek so he can pick up the plates, chopsticks, and cups. He has them all neatly stacked on top of one another, and is about to walk over to the sink when he feels it... Two muscular arms wrapped around his waist.

"I'll only go if you come with me."

"Fine," Suga says, with a small sigh (and a smile), "but at least let me put the dishes in the sink." Almost as soon as Suga sets the dishes in the sink, he can feel himself being picked up... Being carried bridal style into the bedroom.

With Suga present, Daichi falls asleep almost immediately. He falls asleep and dreams of the perfect proposal.


Suga, upon opening his eyes and finding Daichi's side of the bed empty, can't help but feel surprised. After all, Suga usually has to drag Daichi out of bed in the morning. Suga feels even more surprised as he notices a pleasant smell in air... A smell that makes it clear that Daichi is making them breakfast. Suga decides to stay in bed... He decides to just rest his eyes.

He falls asleep again... Daichi, who needs Suga to be awake for his proposal, gently shakes him. Once Suga is awake and sitting up, he places a metal tray, with breakfast on it, on Suga's lap.

Daichi can't help but feel proud of himself... Not only did he make Suga an omelette and manage not to burn it, he also managed to write in ketchup... He also managed to write, "Will you marriage me?" on top of the omelette.

"Does this," Suga asks, with a large smile, "say what I think it says?" Daichi, who is very excited, but also nervous, only manages to nod. "Of course I will! God Daichi I love you so much!" Quickly setting the tray on the bed beside him, Suga practically jumps out of the bed in order to hug Daichi... In order to cover his face in kisses.

Daichi has never been so happy.

//spews rainbows

//daisuga fluff is life 

romance by request: haikyuuWhere stories live. Discover now