7 - Oikage (fluff)

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7 - Oikage (fluff)

Requested by: seirinvolleyball /This ended up being kinda angsty on accident OOOPS /

Kageyama knows that its not normal to have a crush on someone that seems to hate you... But he can't help it. He can't help but notice how Oikawa's brown hair seems to glow under the bright gym lights... He can't help but notice how soft and perfect Oikawa's skin appears... He can't help but notice that Oikawa has killer looks and talent.

He is tall.

He has a beautiful smile.

He also has beautiful eyes.

His serves...

Kageyama is sure that there is nothing more beautiful than them in the world.


Oikawa knows that is not normal to have a crush on someone that you're jealous of...

Who in the hell both loves and hates someone?

He both loves and hates how Kageyama's hair never gets frizzy.

He both loves and hates how focused Kageyama is during practice.

He both loves and hates how Kageyama observes his seniors...

How he watches their every movement, in order to learn from them.

"Oikawa-san, can you teach me how to serve?" Kageyama asks one day, with a slight blush on his cheeks. Oikawa is tempted to say yes... After all, the word 'yes' rolls of one's tongue a lot easier than 'no.' Yet, he finds himself saying no... He finds himself pushing Kageyama away. If I help him, he will probably surpass me.


No matter how many times Oikawa says 'no', Kageyama keeps asking. He asks everyday... He asks everyday with a hopeful look upon his face. Oikawa both loves and hates how determined he is.

After a few weeks, Oikawa ends up saying yes.

After a couple of months, Oikawa ends up becoming friends with Kageyama.

By the end of the year...

He is flirting with Kageyama and only Kageyama in the locker room. He is covering his face in kisses, and promising to keep and touch with him. Even though I'll be in High School and far away from you, I'll never let you go. I could never let you go, Tobio-chan~

/This was pretty short, sorry./

romance by request: haikyuuWhere stories live. Discover now