note #2/thanks

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I love all of you so much!

When I log onto Wattpad I always look forward to reading comments. Whether you guys are just screaming or actually typing sentences it always makes my day, and inspires me to write more. 

I also love the fact that all of you are so nice, and have stuck with me even though I've had rough patches this year (especially those who wished me well back when I was having issues with my eyes- thanks a bunch!)

To reward you all I might try to work up the courage to do one of the tagged challenges I got tagged in...

Or something. Idk.

Thank you for reading (and lately helping edit... Could you tell I've been tired? xD!)

Thank you for commenting!

My writing still could use to improve...

With all of you supporting me improving should be easy!

Hoot Hoot! <3

I've been writing a lot of author's notes lately...


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