30 - Tsukkiyama + Yachi (angst)

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30 - Tsukkiyama + Yachi (angst)

Requested by: Imanotakuandimproud

Yams is happy.

He is happy that Tsukki is smiling...


and talking...

But he is also sad. After all, the person that he is smiling with, laughing with, and talking to ISN'T him.

It's Yachi.

Yachi who has beautiful blonde hair, a dazzling smile, and is a girl.

Yams doesn't know which hurts the most... Knowing that Tsukki is unavailable, or realizing that he was not available to begin with. After all, it is painfully obvious that he is straight... That he likes hugging and kissing girls. That he likes hugging and kissing Yachi....

Yams is jealous of Yachi. Not only is she dating Tsukki, but Tsukki treats her better than him.

When she trips, he tells her to be careful. When he trips, Tsukki laughs at him and makes some comment about him being clumsy.

When she is nervous, and is shaking, he helps her calm down... He whispers soothing words to her and holds her in a warm embrace. When he is nervous Tsukki just tells him to "take a deep breath and calm down". He says so in a monotone... As if he isn't doing it out of genuine concern for him... As if he is doing it because he feels obligated to say something.

Such disturbing trends continue...

After all, it seems as though the only reason Tsukki still eats lunch with him, and walks him home, is because he feels obligated to. Because that's what "friends" do.


Are they still friends?

Were they even friends to begin with?

Yams can't help but cry...

Would things be different if he was more like Yachi?

Would things be different if he was a girl?

Or would Tsukki always like, and treat Yachi better than him?

These days...

These days Tsukki seems to be as far away as the moon. 

/I just realized that I have a lot of requests!?!?! I'll try to do a bunch today :D/

romance by request: haikyuuWhere stories live. Discover now