10 - Oiyama (fluff)

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10 - Oiyama (fluff)

Requested by: kingtobio /If I get a chance I'll try to write you some kagehina fluff as well :3 UGH I HAVE BEEN HAVING MAJOR ISSUES WITH TAGGING *flips table*/

Yamaguchi can't help but to admire him... He can't help but to admire Oikawa Tooru. After all, he has everything that he doesn't.

He has beauty-

He has silky brown hair that shines like a star under the bright gym lights.

He has grace-

With each breath,

with each look,

with each step...

He appears to dance.

And, most importantly, he has confidence. He has so much confidence that Yamaguchi can practically feel it radiate off him in invisible, but none the less powerful, waves. Overall, Oikawa is a painful yet beautiful reminder of how incredibly weak, and how human he is. To him, Oikawa is like a god, hovering just out of his reach.


Oikawa will admit, he did not think much of Yamaguchi at first. After all, the boy seemed like the human version of the emotions nervousness and anxiety. But, over time, he noticed it...

He noticed the fire, fueled by determination, within Yamaguchi's eyes.

He noticed Yamaguchi's intelligence, as he managed to calm himself before trying... Before trying to serve. Before trying to trick him and his team.

And trick him, he did.

Yamaguchi had seemed so simple... He had seemed just like another insecure teen. But he turned out to be so much more.

Yamaguchi is like space.

He is continuously growing, with no end in sight.



Now the two are lying in bed.

Now Oikawa is running his fingertips over Yamaguchi's soft skin... He is connecting all of the freckles, which seems to shine like stars against his pale skin. He runs his fingertips up Yamaguchi's right arm until he reaches his face...

Until he reaches the sun.

"Good morning, Tooru," Yamaguchi chirps, with a dazzling smile... A smile that makes Oikawa's heart skip a beat.

"Good morning, Tadashi," Oikawa whispers in response, before kissing Yamaguchi on the lips.. Before connecting galaxies.

/Thanks to this request I have the strong urge to play connect-the-dots with my own freckles... I can't though because I don't have any washable markers ;-;/

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