13 - Kurodai (fluff)

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13 - Kurodai (fluff)

Requested by: seirinvolleyball 

Prompt & Prompt Credit: A is feeling down, so B gives A a surprise present! -From "Fluff Shipfic Ideas" by Cela08 on Quotev

/For some reason I've only been able to come up with angst scenarios lately... I'm blaming it on "but for me, there is a storm" on AO3 because chapter 7 of that fic made me really sad./

To say Daichi is feeling down is an understatement. Daichi is feeling like a whirlwind of emotions... An intense mix of anger, frustration, and sadness. He just wants to get his book published... He just wants to get ethereal published. But he can't... Because it's technically a fanfiction... Because complicated copyright laws are restricting him.

"You should take a break and open your present," Kuroo says, leaning against the doorframe of Daichi's home office. Don't get him wrong... He loves Kuroo. He loves how he will say (and do) ridiculous things to cheer him up... But sometimes it gets annoying. Sometimes it gets old.

"I swear to god if it's the dick-in-a-box thing again I will never kiss you again," Daichi says, all the while studying Kuroo's face. Kuroo continues to grin, and overall seems unfazed.

"Darling," Kuroo purrs, all the while slowly approaching Daichi, "that was once... And on Valentine's Day."

"And my birthday..." Daichi mutters, with a small sigh. "If it's not that what is it? It better not be a talking toilet figurine or Clannad on dvd. You know that show ruined me."

"Just open it," Kuroo says, pretty much shoving the box in Daichi's face. Daichi is surprised by how nicely wrapped the gift is... With there being no excessive folds, and no rips in the paper.

Still feeling a bit wary, Daichi slowly unwraps the present, with Kuroo gazing over his shoulder, and repeatedly saying, "open it faster! C'mon Daichi! You can open it faster! C'MONNNNNN."

Daichi can't help but emit a small gasp upon seeing it... Upon seeing the photo album. Everything about the photo album seems to be hand made... From the covers, to the binding. If that's not impressive enough, there must be hundreds of pictures within it...

Pictures of them in high school...

Pictures of them in college...

Pictures of them on dates...

Pictures of them on their vacation to Canada...

Pictures of them talking...




Curious to see how Kuroo ended the dairy, Daichi skips to the last page. The last page is blank, with the exception of a sentence.

I like your last name. Can I have it?

Leave it to Kuroo to use a pick-up line as a marriage proposal. 

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