35 - Kurodai (scenario/fluff)

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35 - Kurodai (scenario/fluff)

Requested by: doichi /BRO it took me forever to decide which pairing to do. I was going to do more than one pairing but I got lazy LOL

Scenario: Person A's volleyball vest from high school suddenly looks a lot better on person B, so Person A has to go through their whole day turning into a blushing mess every time they remember.

/It's really cute how you called it a "volleyball vest" xD For some reason I forgot that you know/use a different kind of English than me so at first I was like WHAT and then I realized that volleyball vest = jersey LOL (if I got your pronouns wrong I will scream @ myself

It was by chance that Kuroo and Daichi ended up going the same university. It was also by chance that both brought along their old high school jerseys and got the random notion that it might be fun to put them back on... Or rather, put them on each other.

After the exchanging of jokes and scolding, "Kuroo, the pick up line, 'you can volley my balls' will get you a punch in the face, not a date." The two do their jersey swap. The whole process takes longer than it should... With both men sneaking glances at each other when the other isn't looking. Damn, he has a lot of muscles!

Kuroo, who had hoping that his jersey would fit Daichi snugly was VERY disappointed to find that it was like a dress on Daichi. Daichi, on the other hand, wasn't disappointed at all...

His jersey fits Kuroo snugly, with the stretchy fabric clinging to every curve, every muscle... It fits so incredibly snugly that Daichi is (pleasantly) surprised that Kuroo even managed to get it on.


As it turns out, mornings are a bad time to do jersey swaps... Ever since their jersey swap, Kuroo keeps seeing Kuroo... Keeps seeing the beautiful image of Kuroo in his jersey whenever he sees something orange, or black... Or when he sees something related to volleyball... With a large (and arguably excessive) of orange and black volleyball club recruitment posters in the hallways, Daichi thinks about Kuroo almost constantly.

He blushes almost constantly.

He has blushed so much, and with such intensity that he has had multiple people ask if he is feeling alright.

Much to his horror, when he meets up with Kuroo at noon to have lunch, his blush doesn't go unnoticed. In fact, it seems to be the first thing that Kuroo notices.

"Oh? What lovely lady has gotten you flustered?" Kuroo asks, with a goofy grin. Please let him say, "It's not a lady that has me flustered..." PLEASE let him be gay, or bisexual or...

"No one! I'm not flustered!" Daichi insists. "You're imagining jerseys... I mean things!" Daichi, afterward, emits a loud groan. Great, now his probably straight crush knows that he has been thinking about him in a very blush worthy way.

"Ohohoho? Were you thinking about this morning? Did you like what you saw?" Kuroo purrs, looking like a very happy cat. "Don't lie to me, Daichi."



Or, perhaps more accurately... Fuck me

romance by request: haikyuuWhere stories live. Discover now