25 - Daisuga (fluff & angst)

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25 - Daisuga (fluff & angst)

Requested by: xFamos-_

/OOOOOOHHHHHH YESSSSSSSSSS THIS REQUESTED IS MY FAVE *cue evil laughter but also some crying*/

Suga wishes that he could stop time...

That there was a real life "pause" button...

So, for as long as he wanted, he could admire the sight... The sight of his husband sleeping next to him. His husband, who despite having some drool hanging from the corner of his mouth, looks cute. His husband, despite having his hair and slight disarray, looks really cute. His husband, despite snoring IS incredibly cute. Now only if Suga could get him to admit it... That he is the cute one. That he is the pretty one. That he is perfectly imperfect.

Despite all of his wishing, he never gets a "pause" button. If anything, he gets a "fast forward" button. A button that makes weeks pass by like seconds, months like minutes, and years like hours. All of which are times he will never get back...

What remains are memories.

Memories of Daichi kissing him under the beautiful night sky... With his smile shining brighter than any star. A smile that only grows wider as Suga kisses him all over his face, saving his sweet, soft lips for last.

Memories of Daichi pulling him close... So close that Suga is able to lean or drape all over him... With numerous parts of their bodies touching, with numerous parts of their bodies making skin to skin contact. Each place they connect feels warm and comforting. They belong together, like the pieces of a puzzle.

Memories of Daichi whispering incredibly kind, or cute, or suggestive things in his left ear.

Memories of Daichi laughing at his lame jokes.

Memories of Daichi rubbing small circles on his back, trying to calm him down... Trying to help him let go all of his stress.

Memories of Daichi gently wiping away his tears...

What a shame, he can't do that now.

What a shame, he can't do anything.

After an incident... An incident thats burns like a wildfire within Suga's brain, made Daichi paralyzed.

Paralyzed, and only able to move his eyes...

Beautiful dark eyes, that filled with tears when he realized that he is dead and alive.

Beautiful dark eyes, that filled with realized that he is surviving, not living.

All of those things he did with Suga in his memories, he will never be able to do them again.

He won't be able to talk with Suga...

He won't be able to laugh with Suga...

He won't be able to kiss him...

Hold him...

He won't be able to create new memories with Suga. He won't be able to go for the cliché, long walk on the beach... He won't be able to make Suga a big (and likely burnt, with his cooking skills) cake for his birthday. He won't be able to, on their anniversary, buy Suga flowers, or kiss him or tell him a few of the many reasons why he loves him.



"I love you, Daichi. That'll never change," Suga whispers, before gently kissing Daichi's forehead. His actions are simple but touching. Thanks to Suga, he feels happy, but also sad... Suga doesn't deserve this. He doesn't deserve to be married to a lump of a man. "So don't you worry. We'll make this work... So please, stay with me."

In the end, Suga was the one to leave.

On his way to visit Daichi on a stormy winter day, Suga lost his life.

In the end, Suga became a memory.

Daichi wishes that he could control time.

Daichi wishes that he had a "rewind" button...

In the end, Daichi is selfish.

In the end, Daichi wants to do all of it again...

In the end, he just wants to see Suga alive and happy one more time. 

romance by request: haikyuuWhere stories live. Discover now