Ch.2: Back at the Village

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It has been 2 days since I left one of the hideouts. I was almost to the entrance. I breathed in the fresh scent of the forest. I was getting a bit hungry so I took out some Dangos that I stole from Itachi’s stash and ate them.

I swallowed them with a bottle of water. I heard a river near by so I decided to check myself one more time before I go on ahead.

 I crouched down and looked at my reflection. Hmm check, check, and check. I looked good overall.

**Time Skip**

I stopped at the entrance and smiled. Everything was still the same from here. I took a couple of steps.

“Well well well, who might you be? I’ve never seen you around here.” Izumo winked.

I raised an eyebrow at them. “Izumo, don’t harass the pretty girl.” Kotetsu said and wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

I smirked. I grabbed his ear and dragged him to Izumo. I also grabbed his ear. I pulled on both of them. “What do you idiots think you’re doing?” I hissed.

Their eyes widened. “There’s only one person who pulls our ear like that… Serena? Is that you?” I smiled.

“Finally you recognized me. And if you hit on me again, I will make sure you won’t be able to become ninjas anymore.” I said.

They gulped and nodded. I grinned “Good. Now please don’t tell anyone I’m here yet. Okay?”  They nodded again.

I left them and walked around for a bit. Everything was still peaceful. I looked up and smiled. “Heh, looks like mom got her face on the mountains.” Well I actually already knew that from the anime, but it’s still funny to see it in real life.

Hmm how should I meet everyone? My eyes lit up and an evil smirk spread across my face. That’s it.. oh this is going to be fun!

I took out my black cloak. Not the Akatsuki one, but a plain long black cloak with a hood that covered my face. I put it on and headed towards the training grounds. I shrouded my chakra and watched.

I saw Kakashi finish up the spar between Sakura and Naruto. Boy they had grown a lot. I saw Mom, Dad, and Shizune walk towards them into the clearing. This is my chance.  

I jumped out of the tree and right in the middle of the clearing. Everyone gasped in surprise.

“Who are you?” Sakura asked.  I smirked. “Give me the hokage.” I stated in a rough voice. Everyone’s eyes widened and then narrowed.

“What do you want with me?” Mom came up and asked.  “Nothing. I have orders to take you away.” I said.

“Well I won’t let you do that!!” Naruto yelled. He came running towards me with a Rasengan in hand. I rolled my eyes. Always impatient.

I took a stance. Once his hand came into range, I grabbed him, flipped him over and absorbed the Rasengan into my hand.

“S-she absorbed it. H-how can you do that?” Kakashi asked. Sakura came running towards me with a punch. Hmph! Just because she trained with mom doesn’t mean that her attacks will work on me.

I jumped up from her attack and round house kicked her with chakra. She flew into the ground creating a huge crater.

Kakashi pulled up his head banned to reveal Sharingan. He made hand signs and a huge water dragon came out from the river. Shizune at the same time threw poisoned senbon at me. Oh gosh, this is so much fun! I never knew it would be fun to trick all of them.

I pulled out a single shuriken, applied some chakra to make it razor sharp and threw it at all the incoming senbons and cut them in half, letting the attack fail.

I also quickly made hand signs. “Fire Style: Great Fire Ball Jutsu!” I whispered. A huge fireball came out of my mouth. I added extra chakra to make it as tall as the dragon.

The fireball cancelled the attack. I grabbed Naruto’s hand from behind me that was coming to attack. I flipped behind him and jabbed several pressure points on his body.

He limped to the ground. “What did you do to me?!” I smirked. “I just temporarily paralyzed your body.”

“JUST WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE!!??” I raised an eyebrow.

“Who I am… well….” I slowly reached up for my hood. Everyone got tense. I rolled my eyes.

*Dramatic pause* I let my hood fall down, making my long hair flow through the wind. Everyone’s eyes widened.

“Who are you?” Naruto asked. Kakashi face palmed behind him. I smiled. I ran towards the knucklehead and tackled him to the floor.

He got so surprised that we started rolling down towards the river. We landed by the river bed, with me still on top of him.

I placed my hands on his chest and put my mouth towards his ear. “You still can’t recognize me? Naru-chan?” I whispered. His eyes widened and a blush streaked his cheeks.

“S-serena?” he asked uncertain. “Baka! You can’t even remember your own BEST FRIEND!!!!” I yelled at him and shook his collar.

He sweat dropped. Yup… she’s still the same vicious Serena. I grinned and got up. He followed and we walked back to the others.

I ran towards Mom and gave her a hug. She squeezed the life out of me. "Missed you so much, mommy!" I saw tears coming out of her eyes. "Missed you too baby, missed you too." I grinned.

Dad was grinning at me while writing in his book. I raised an eyebrow. He kept measuring me with his hands from where he was standing. "*Pervy giggle* Boy Serena, you sure have grown and not just taller! This is going to be great! You'll be even better for Icha Icha now."

I gained an anime vein. He ALWAYS does that! I ran to him and knocked the day lights out of him. "You're meeting your daughter after 2.5 years, and all you think about is Icha Icha!!" I screamed and punched him in the face again. He laid there twitching in pain.

"Hmph!" I turned my head and walked back. I saw Kakashi and grinned. "ONIIISAAANN!" I tackled him onto the floor also.

"Haha hello Angel, how are you?" I smiled. He ruffled my head. I finally hugged Shizune, TonTon, and Sakura.

"You sure made an entrance Serena. Saying that you will take me." Mom scolded. I grinned. "You know that I have to have a flashy entrance." I winked. She sighed and shook her head.

"I believe that we don't need to test her. Something tells me that I won't survive." Kakashi stated bluntly. I laughed.

"Hey! Naruto, Sakura! Let's get some Ichiraku's. I'm starving!" They grinned and we all ran to the ramen bar. Nothing had changed. Even the ramen was the best tasting as ever.

**Time Skip**

We were now standing at the Hokage's office for our new mission. Here comes the notice from the sand in 3..2..1. "LADY TSUNADE!" A lady barged in. "It's an emergency!"

Mom read the scroll and furrowed her eyebrows. "The Kazekage has been taken by the Akatsuki. Your new mission is to head over there immediately, and provide any back up." We all nodded and left to pack our things.

I put on my sword, pouch, and medical bag. It's definitely going to be needed.

"Alright. Let's head out." Kakashi said.

Gaara...we're coming.

End of Chapter 2! I hope you like it!^^

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