Ch.26: The Fourth Great Ninja War Part 1

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Serena's POV

It has begun. The war to protect us. The war to protect our home. The war to protect our people. The war to bring peace. People will be sacrificed, they will lose lives, everything is at risk, but for honor and their home, everyone is willing to do anything.

It was morning and I was laying on my bed staring at the ceiling. I was nervous, but confident. I believed that we could do this. It was really quiet in the village. Why? Duh! Everyone's at war! You're wondering what the hell am I doing here and not out on the battlefield?

Well I'm taking care of the village right now, but I have other important tasks to complete. I have faith in Naruto, Killer B and everyone else. I"m keeping track of what is happening. Shikaku-san sends me updates ever 15 minutes. It has been at least 2 weeks since the war has started. 

Naruto and Killer B have finished training and went to the battle field. I remember this from the anime... those two haven't crossed paths with Mom and Raikage yet. They will try to stop them, but I'm sure it will be fine.

I got up and went to the bathroom to take a shower. I lathered my hair in shampoo wondering when I'll be able to relax again, because I won't be able to. I stepped out and dried my hair using wind jutsu. I changed into my ninja clothes and dragged out my bag and summoning scrolls.

I was packing everything for my medical supplies. And I mean EVERYTHING. It will definitely needed. I put it in a summoning scroll so I can pack a lot more of it. Within my other scroll was my mask. 

I pack some food and I was out the door. 


Naruto and Killer B had finished training and now were on their way to join the war. Naruto was now in control of the Kyuubi's chakra. The color of sunlight surrounded his body. He shined like a bright star bringing happiness to one's eyes. 

It was a dark night right now. The only sound was the running steps of the two jinchuriki's. Because of Naruto's heightened senses, he heard the voices of ninjas from far. 

"The enemy is disguised as one of us! You might be one!" he heard someone yell. 

"What's wrong, Naruto?" Bee asked from besides him. Naruto's eyebrow furrowed. Just what the hell is going on in this war?? Before anything else happened... BOOM!

The smoke cleared and there stood two of the Kage's. 

Naruto's eye widened. "G-Granny?" Bee started sweating bullets, as he stared face flushed at Tsunade. 

"N-no... B-bro!" he muttered. The Raikage grew an anime vein. 


Bee became flustered and waved his hands in defense. "Oh no, Bro! I meant no offense! I'm just shocked is all. The Hokage's jugs are definitely immense." 

"We are here to stop you! You will not pass!" the Raikage said. Tsunade stared at Naruto in shock. So that's what he looks like when he's in control of the nine tails chakra. You have definitely done it. Good job, Naruto!

"Let Naruto go! This is a personal plea! I can vouch for him, I can guarantee!" Bee said. Raikage glared.

"Silence! This war is to protect you two--" he got interrupted. 

"The enemy has perfected their jutsu and the world is about to end!" Naruto exclaimed. "Then why is it that you're going!! Are you crazy!" Raikage said.

Naruto gritted his teeth in frustration. "You don't understand! This is the reason why we should go!! Everyone is risking their lives to protect us! We should also help and protect them!! Those are who shinobi's are! They protect each other!!" Bee nodded his head in agreement. 

The Raikage didn't listen. Naruto put his head down in mourning. "These ninjas believe in us. I believe in them. I know I can end this!!" he declared.

The Raikage scoffed. "You're just like the 4th. You will fail." Naruto's eyes narrowed. He reminisced back to when his mother came to help with binding the nine tails, the story of his parents, they day of the attack on Konoha, and their sacrifice towards him. Naruto clenched his fists and snapped his head towards the Raikage. 

"THE FOURTH DID NOT FAIL!!" he yelled back. The two started fighting. 

Bee and Tsunade watched in anticipation. Finally it couldn't be handled. Bee intercepted the Raikage's punch, right in front of Naruto. 

"Granny Tsunade. You know me better than anyone. You believe me! Pervy Sage entrusted me! Nagato believed me! Serena believes me!! MY PARENTS BELIEVED ME! You know I'll be able to stop this war! I will bring peace into this cursed world! And I WILL BECOME HOKAGE AFTER THIS!" Naruto exclaimed with a tight fist. 

Tsunade watched wide eyed as Naruto spoke to her. He has come a long way... His goal for becoming hokage... just like Minato and Jiraiya... She faintly smiled. 

The Raikage kept attacking Naruto, even trying to avoid Bee. He punched them all the way up into the air and flashed back and watched them fall. The two jinchuriki's fell down to the ground with a thud. 

They shakily stood up and took a stance. The Raikage went for another attack with his fists. A figure suddenly flashed in front of him and grabbed his fist, causing smoke and dust to arise. 

The two jinchuriki's coughed. The smoke cleared and their eyes widened at the scene. 

Tsunade was standing in front of them holding the Raikage's fist. Naruto's eye widened. "G-granny?" 

She smirked. "I'm sorry Raikage, but I will not let you harm these two. You two are free to go," she turned around and told them. "I will hold him off. Now go." The two of them grinned and sped off, leaving the two Kage's staring at each other with narrowed eyes.

**Time Skip 2 weeks**

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