Ch.4: Barrier, Sasori&Deidara, and Gaara

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There was a barrier surrounding the boulder. “We must first figure out what kind of barrier it is, then we can break through.” Kakashi said.

“It’s a 5 sealed barrier.” I said. They raised an eyebrow at me. I sighed. “Don’t even ask how I know. Kay?”

Neji used his Byakugan to scout out where the other seals were located. Guy handed them radio intercoms to speak through.

He held out his hand and grinned. “Team Guy! Go” All of us were confused. “Oh!” Lee said. He placed his hand on top of Guy’s. “Hehehe.” He looked at Tenten.

She sighed knowing there was no other way. She also put her hand out. Guy looked at Neji. Hahaha you should have seen Neji’s face. It was hilarious! They stared at each other for a minute.

“HMMMM…Hmmmmmm….hmmmm…… hahaha.” Guy made weird noises and finally laughed as Neji put his hand out.

“ONWARD WITH THE POWER OF YOUTH! Yeah! *hand shake* Yeah! *hand shake* Yeah!*hand shake* And… DISPERSE!” They all jumped away.

“Oh man! That was so cool! Hey.. we should do it too!” Naruto yelled putting his hand out.

“I would rather die..” Sakura said. “Me too.” Kakashi muttered. Naruto looked at me. “You do that thing in front of me and I will kick you so hard that you will fly through that boulder.” I sated with my arms crossed.

He sweat dropped and stepped back a bit.

The five seals were pulled off at the same time. Sakura ran forward and broke through the boulder. The five of us jumped inside the entrance and stood on the water.

We say Deidara sitting on Gaara, while Sasori was in Hiruko on the side.

“Just where do you think you’re sitting!?” Naruto yelled at Deidara. I sighed. The two members looked at me.

I slightly shook my head indicating to pretend that they didn’t know me. They nodded enough for only me to see.

“Itachi was right on the money. He’s the jinchuriki. The one that bursts in and barks first.” Deidara casually said.

Before I knew it, both the idiots started talking about their art. I face palmed at their arguing. Even midst of battle its always about art. Art is an explosion…. No art is eternal.. no this…no that.

I sighed. “YOU IDIOTS. ART IS AN ENTERNAL EXPLOSION.” I yelled frustrated. They both looked at me and grinned.

“I guess you’re right. We’ll deal with the arguing later.” I rolled my eyes and lightly smiled at them, without letting the others see.

“Sasori my man, I think I’ll take the Jinchuriki.” Deidara poofed out a clay bird and hopped on. He grabbed Gaara and flew out the entrance.

Naruto started yelling and followed him out. That idiot! “Naruto!!!” I yelled and ran behind him.

Kakashi started following us leaving Chiyo and Sakura behind with Sasori.

We all started chasing Diedara.

I’m sure you don’t want ALL  of the details just for the chasing…^^

Kakashi turned on his Mangekyo Sharingan and injured Deidara’s other arm. He got exhausted quickly overusing his eye. Naruto finally tackled Deidara to the ground and punched him.

Before he realized it, it was a clay clone. He got Furious. Orange chakra started leaking out of him.

That’s the Nine tails Cloak! I had seen it in the anime, but seeing it in real life was unbelievable. The aura turned sinister and gloomy. His hair became pointy, whiskers more defined, and canines came out. The chakra started forming around him into shapes of tails.

I flashed by Kakashi. “Give me the sealing paper that Dad gave you.” I said. “How did you…”  “No time Kakashi! Give it before it’s too late!” I huffed.

I took the paper and held on to it tight. Naruto started punching around the trees and clones again. Not good, not good at all. I flashed in front of him and slapped the paper to his forehead.

The chakra started disappearing and Naruto’s eyes returned to normal. He fell back in exhaustion, but I caught him. I laid him down, as Kakashi came near us. Chiyo and Sakura arrived, meaning Sasori was dead.

I already knew that he was going to die, and I didn’t stop it. I will always feel guilty. I felt a tear drop roll down my cheek. I quickly wiped it away before anyone could question it.

Team Guy burst out with Deidara. My eyes widened. I knew he was a clone, but the explosion will be huge. I had to find the real him and get him out of here. I quietly made a shadow clone and made her stood in my place.

I sneaked off into the back of the forest and saw Deidara partially buried with his head sticking out. I blinked at him and started laughing.

He gained an anime vein. “It’s not funny hmmmm!!”  “Okay okay sorry. But there’s no time. Your clones going to blow and the effects will come all the way out here. I’m going to teleport you away. Okay?” I told him.

He nodded and grinned. I smiled. I put a marker on him and poofed him away to the other side of the forest.

I quickly ran back to the others and switched with my clone, making her disappear.

**Time Skip**

We were all in a breezy clearing, surrounding Gaara. I could feel tear drops rolling down my cheek. He didn’t deserve this. Any of this. All he wanted was a friend. Someone to care about him. A family. He didn’t ask for Shukaku to be placed in him. Oh…Gaara.

Naruto started yelling at the others at how they couldn’t understand what he was going through. No one could understand how the jinchuriki’s felt besides other jinchurikis.

I stood up and hugged Naruto tightly. I buried my head into his chest as he buried his into my hair. I held him tight. Because that’s what he needed.

Granny Chiyo knelt down and started giving her chakra to Gaara. I knew this was going to happen so I knelt down in front of her and gave her my hands.

She looked at me with wide eyes. Naruto also came and sat down beside me. We both put our hands and transferred our chakra.

A burning feeling came within our bodies. It felt like my life was be sucked out of me. But it eventually went away. Chiyo went to sit by Sakura as Naruto and I waited for Gaara to wake up.

He started groaing a bit. I backed away as more Sand Ninjas came. I wanted to give Naruto some time alone to just meet with him.

I stood by Kakashi and rested my head on his shoulder. He wrapped his arms around me. “You did good Angel. I’m proud.” I lightly smiled.

The others found out that Granny Chiyo passed away, and therefore we all said a small prayer for her. As people started clearing up, I went forward to meet Gaara.

I walked up to him and slapped him across the face. The others gasped in shock. I mentally rolled my eyes.


People started chuckling, while the others such as Team Guy and my team sweat dropped.

“S-Serena… Is that you? H-how? When?” I grinned. “The one and only. I’ve been here for a while. You just didn’t see me.” He smiled.

I tackled him into a hug and cried into his neck. “You’re so stupid Gaara. So stupid.” I whispered. He started chuckling and hugged me back. He wiped my tears and we both stood up.

It was now time for the Kazekage to return.

End of Chapter 4!! Hope you liked it! Since the Tenchi bridge and Reunion chapters will be coming up. Any idea on how Serena and Duckbutt should meet? Or what should happen? If you have suggestions. Comment!!^^

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