Ch.29: Home, Ranks, and "Kiss"

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Serena's POV

It was a beautiful day today. The sun was shining through my window as I just woke up. I laid in my bed looking at the ceiling. Thought were running through my mind. A small smile swept on my face.

We were finally home. It had been 3 days since we all came back to the village. It has been peaceful so far, since the war just ended. But it has been quite busy. 

The village needed to be rebuilt again. Food and medical supplies should be stored. The Ninja Alliance was still in tact, therefore all of the nations were helping each other out. They were going to keep the alliance, in order to bring peace to the ninja lands.

All tasks were going well. We had double the work to do since our village still needed to be constructed from Nagato's attack. I got up from my  bed and grabbed some change of clothes and undergarments to take a shower.

I let the hot water scold my back as all of the dirt rubbed off. I had a collection of shampoos as you can tell from my previous shower experiences, so today I decided to lather Mango-Orange and Honey shampoo within my long blonde hair. It had grown a couple of inches. It came down past my but now. Therefore, it took longer to dry.

I rubbed some Shea-Butter body wash on myself and then rinsed. I took a fluffy black towel and wrapped myself. I opened the door to let the steam out. 

I was thirsty so I went downstairs, in my towel, to the kitchen. I took out a cup of orange juice and drank some. 

"Hey there Ser--" I heard a voice. I turned around and spit my juice all over the floor. I screamed. 

"AHHHHH Kakashi!!!! What are you doing here????" I exclaimed as I held my towel to my body tighter. I saw a bit of blood drool down his nose. A pink blush took over his face.

"S-s.. w-wha.. Sorry!!" he stuttered and swiftly turned around. I growled at his back. "If you ever just poof in here again, while I'm in a towel... this village won't be the only thing that will need to be rebuilt. I include your face!" I threatened.

I could see him visibly shaking as he shyly rubbed his neck. I rolled my eyes. "I'll be right back. I'm going to go change."

I ran back upstairs and put on my new ninja clothes. The top was a spaghetti strap tight belly top that was flowery and shaped my chest. It showed off my stomach and my various tattoos. On the bottom I wore dark black tight shorts that came a bit above mid thighs. I also placed on my new white combat boots with black laces. I put on my two necklaces: the teardrop and my frienship one. I put on my 'peace' bracelet on. I refilled my weapons pouch and placed my icha icha book and dad's first novel inside. 

Outfit will be shown in the next section for the new Serena character update!^^

I dried my hair and straightened it with a simple fire jutsu. My cheeks and lips were naturally rosy, so no makeup had to be done. After I decided I looked perfect, I went downstairs.

Kakashi looked up from his book and smiled. "New outfit?" he asked. I grinned and nodded. I twirled around to showed it off. 

"You like it?" He laughed and nodded. "You always have had good fashion sense. You look beautiful... like always." 

I blushed from the compliment. "Aww is my little imouto shy?" he teased while ruffling my hair. I glared and punched his shoulder.

"Come on let's go... We have an important ceremony today. Lady Tsunade especially sent me out to get you..." he said while pushing me out the door.

I raised an eyebrow. "And what exactly is this 'ceremony' that she needed all ranking ninjas in Konoha to come??" 

He shrugged and kept reading. "I'm not sure... we'll find out." I nodded and continued walking in peace. I felt the sun shine its rays onto my skin. The warmth felt good after so long. There were no clouds in sight. Just chirping birds and the people laughing on the market streets.

**Time Skip**

Before we knew it, we had arrived in font of the Chunin Exam stadium. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion. What exactly is going on??? I thought. 

We walked through the doors to hear the loud cheering crowd. I saw many genins, chunins, and jounins standing in the field. In front was a huge stage with Mom standing on it with Dad and the elders. I gawked around and saw many familiar villagers sitting with smiles on their faces.

Kakashi and I walked forward towards the crowd. "So what the hell is going on here?" I asked. The others turned around to the sound of my voice. 

"Serena!!!" Naruto yelled and glomped me. I blinked and grinned. I patted his back.

"Good to see you too Naru-kun? So what's going on here?" I asked. Sasuke and Sakura came up to us. "Hn. We don't know, Lady Tsunade just gathered all of us here." Sasuke spoke up.

I looked at him to see him staring back at me. We hadn't talked ever since the battle. It was kind of awkward for me... His features were still the same. Pale skin, dark onyx eyes, his duck shaped hair. He had grown taller and more built. Damn, he still was hot. Sakura's voice pulled me out of my thoughts.

"If Lady Tsunade has called us, it must be for a good reason..." she explained. I nodded with a smile. She had also grown taller, maybe an inch shorter than me, but had the same short hair. 

"Man, Granny better speed things up! I'm starving, I haven't had Ichiraku's ever since before the war!" he muttered patting his stomach. 

I lightly chuckled and ruffled his hair. Naruto still had his blonde spiked hair, it was just a tad longer. His blue eyes shined like jewels. He was more built and the same height as Sasuke now, which was surprising. I mentally smiled. We had all grown up so much... time goes by so fast.

"Come on guys, let's see what Mom needs." We all walked towards the front of the stage. Mom and Dad looked down at me and smiled. I grinned back and waved.

"We have gathered her for a special ceremony." Mom started as the crowed grew quiet. "We have all fought hard in this war. Each of our ninjas giving their one hundred percent of determination. I have never been proud of any other things, as I am proud of my village right now. Konoha will now prosper from our new Ninja Alliance, and peace shall be brought upon our lands!" 

Cheering went throughout the crowd. "Today, I will be ranking the ninjas once again. There will be no chunin exams this year due to the aftermath of the war, therefore I will be assigning the ranks myself. I will also be stating out new positions within this village"

"I would now like the genins from Team Ebisu to come up to the stage." The said people went up and stood there. I smiled as Kono looked shocked. 

"I now rank you, Konohamaru, Moegi, and Udon to the rank Chunin!" Applaud filled the stadium. 

"Woooh!! Go KONO!!" I screamed as I fist pumped the air. He looked and gave me a thumbs up. I gave him a fly kiss. He blushed and caught it. I laughed. 

"Next, I would like Team Kurenai and Team Asuma to come up." They all went up. We watched our fellow rookies standing there. 

"Kiba, Hinata, Shino from Team Kurenai, and Shikamaru, Ino, and Choji, I would like to appoint you all jounins!" Their faces were filled with shock. Naruto and I laughed at their expressions.

"Also, because of our fellow jounin Asuma passed away, may he rest in peace, I would like Shikamaru to be the leader of this squard. You may still wish to keep Asuma, if you would like." Mom informed.

Shikamaru nodded and thanked her. He climbed down the stairs with the others. I ran towards and glombed him. "Shika! Congratulations. I know that you will be a great team leader." I softly told him.

He looked down at me and smiled. He hugged me back and we all came back to our spots. His arm was still around my shoulders. I felt a dark aura radiating. I looked through the corner of my eyes to see Sasuke glaring at Shikamaru's hands. I raised an eyebrow. Why the hell should he care... he said he hated me. 

"Now the next announcement I would like to make is for Team Kakashi. Can I have all four of you come up." We all grinned and climbed the steps of the stage.

I looked down to see all of our sensei's in the crowd smiling. I grinned back and waved to Itachi and Kakashi, who were standing next to each other. 

"This team is one of our special teams in Konha. Because of them, we wouldn't be here today. The ranking for these individuals will be different and much higher. I would like to appoint Sakura as a jounin and one of my assistants for the office." Sakura smiled and bowed in thanks to mom. We all clapped for her.

"But now... for Sasuke Uchiha and Naruto Uzumaki, you were both still genin went you left the village to train, but now I would like to appoint you one of the Legendary Sannin!" 

There was a hault. My eyes were wide as saucers. I grinned widely and cheered. "HOLY SHIT CONGRATS!!! YOUR A SANNIN!!!" The rookies looked at them in awe to be able to gain such a high rank.

"You both are powerful. Immensely. We are proud to have you as a equal ranked Sannin." Mom spoke. Cheers went around the crowd. 

"Now.. I would like to rank my daughter." I froze. Anticipation ate me alive. My hands grew clammy.

"I am proud to have you as a daughter Serena. I wouldn't want anyone else. You have made Jiraiya and I happy to have you as a daughter." she softly said. I smiled as my eyes watered a bit.

" Serena Senju is already ranked jounin and a ANBU captain, but now I would also like her to ranked as one of the Legendary Sannin!!!" she yelled. 

I was surprised to say the least. I didn't know that I would be a sannin. Now I was just like Mom and Dad... I was happy.

"Not only that, but I would also like my daughter to be head of the hospital." I smiled. I loved taking care of people. There was nothing else that could make me happy.

We all bowed in respect and climbed down the stairs. 

"Now for the new positions. For the head of ANBU... I would like to appoint Itachi Uchiha as our past head has now retired!" I shrieked in surprise!

As soon as Itachi came down from the stage, and attacked him into a hug. "CONGRATS ITACHI ONIISAN!!" I grinned and straddled him. He blinked up in surprise then chuckled. He sat up and ruffled my hair. I smacked his hand away and pouted. 

He softly smiled and kissed my forehead. "If it weren't for you Serena... I would never be alive today. So... thank you." he quietly told me. I smiled.

"It's no problem, Itachi. I would have still done it. You are precious to me, so I couldn't lose you. Besides there is another who couldn't bear to lose you." I replied. Itachi looked at Sasuke then back at me.

"You need to talk to him. I know he still loves you, Serena." he said. I shook my head. "Not now, Itachi. I'm not ready." He sighed and nodded. Mom's voice brought us out of our coversation.

"Once again, I would like to have a round of applause for all our Konoha ninjas. Be proud that they serve our village!" 

Cheers, screams, applauds filled the stadium once again. It was like music in my ear. I gazed around to see all of the villagers smiling at us. We all bowed to Mom and then soon left to go out.

We were now walking away from the stadium, the noise drowning out. I was with Team 7 as we trotted down the market streets. I walked a bit ahead and turned towards them. I started walking backwards.

"I say we celebrate!!" I cheered. They raised an eyebrow. Naruto grinned. "With RAMEN!!" I huffed and glared.




"RAMEN AND SAKE!!" we both screamed. I jumped on his back and we ran towards Ichiraku's. Naruto and I sat down and ordered our usual. 

I ate five bowls, while Naruto ate about 20. We both washed it down with Sake. That's where our bottles switched. He had about 3 while I had about 20. ;) It was normal for me to see him chow down and for him to see me drink so much. I placed the money, but Teuchi shook his head.

"It's on the house for my regular customers. You two have achieved a lot. It's the least I can do." Naruto and I smiled at him.


We walked out of the tents and sighed as the the ramen settled in place. It was about evening now, the sun was just setting. "Hey! How bout we go visit Sasuke!" Naruto exclaimed. I froze mid-step. 

"uh uhm.. Why don't you go without me Naruto? Kay? Oh! Look someone's calling me!" I pointed to a random spot. "Gotta go!!" I yelled and tried to run away until a hand grabbed mine.

I looked to see Naruto frowning at me. "You can't ignore him forever Serena... you'll have to see him again." I looked down as my bangs covered my eyes.

"I know Naruto..." I whispered. "It's just hard. You know that Naruto... He's done so much to me, it hurts." I looked up at him and saw him give me a sad smile. He pulled on my arm, and brought me into a hug. 

I sighed as I melted in his arms. His hugs were so comforting. They always cheered me up. Naruto kissed my forehead and rubbed my cheeks with his fingers. "You know it will be fine Serena. Besides I'm always here for you. You're like a sister Serena-chan. I will always hold your back."

I smiled and kissed his cheeks. "Thank you Naruto... I should get going. It's getting dark." He nodded and we both said our goodbyes.

**Time Skip**

I was now walking aimlessly in the multiple training grounds, not looking to where I was going. The evening chills grazed my skin as I breathed in the fresh air.

The forest around the grounds were looking especially beautiful today. I went out to the KIA ground and froze when I saw him. I saw Sasuke standing there under the moonlight. His head face up. 

He heard my footsteps and turned around to look at me. We both froze. No... I couldn't. Not yet. I took a step back. He took a couple forward. I stepped back even more and began to sprint away.

It was not too long before I felt a warm hand grab mine from behind and pull me towards them. I smacked into Sasuke's chest as his arms held mine.

I looked up at him and glared. "Let me go!" I squirmed under his hold, but he just tightened his hands. "Let go! What do you think you're doing!" I exclaimed. 

"Why have you been ignoring me?" 

I froze. Not moving a muscle. The question caught me off guard. "W-what are you talking about? I haven't." I spoke not looking up at him, but rather his chest. 

"Don't lie to me Serena." he tilted my chin to make me look at him. "Why are you ignoring me?"

I glared at him and snatched my arms away. "Why should you care. Just leave me alone." I prepared to walk away until he flashed behind me and pinned me to a tree. 

"I want to know because I care." he told me. I blinked at him and darkly chuckled. "You?? Hahaha. You care about me?" I hissed at him.

"What happened to that 'care' when you left for Orochimaru? What happened to that 'care' when you said I was a burden and you hated me?" I seethed in his ear. I felt him flinch from my voice.

"What happened when you tried to kill me with your chidori?" I stepped back and shook my head. "You hated me Sasuke... even after we did so much together you hated me!! You never loved me" I yelled. No... don't cry. don't cry. I can't lose control. But I couldn't help it. I felt tears drop from eyes. I saw Sasuke's eyes soften a bit.

"I understood that you wanted power! I understood it! But you didn't let any of us help you!! We could have made you stronger! Revenge was not the answer! You clearly found that out, when you killed Itachi with your own hands!!" I screamed.

He looked down. I couldn't see his face. "Was it you?" he asked. I raised an eyebrow. 

"Was it you that brought Itachi back?"" he asked looking back up. I glared but nodded at him. 

"After you fell unconscious, I took him straight away and healed him. I even gave him new Sharingan eyes since he was becoming blind. Now I've given him the Eternal Mangekyo, while you possess Itachi's eyes." 


"If you have nothing else to say, I'm leaving. Goodbye." 

I sniffled and tried to run away. But he held me back. I narrowed my eyes at him. My angers was taking over now.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT NOW???? ARE YOU GOING TO KILL ME? WANT TO TELL ME YOU HATE ME?? GO AHEAD!!" I screamed. "Go ahead! Do it! Thrust your hand with your chidori. Kill me!"

"Don't have the courage?? Then let me do it for you! If I die, I won't be a nuisance to you anymore! Will you be happy---" I was cut off when a pair of lips smashed onto mine.

I froze as I stared at Sasuke wide eyed. More tears trailed down my cheek. He slowly pulled away and rested his forehead on mine. He stared at me with his dark eyes that I missed so much. 

He caressed my cheek and gently wiped my tears away. "Don't you dare say that I don't care for you. Don't you dare say that I will kill you. Don't you dare even think about it. I never stopped loving you." I stared at him wide eyed, as he continued.

"I never stopped. You were always on my mind. All day and all night. I missed you so much. I couldn't have you coming after me, so I made you hate me. I never hated you Serena, and I never could. I love you more than anything. More than my life. I love you so much. You were the only one who tried to understand me when we were younger. You were so different from other girls. Not a fangirl. You were absolutely beautiful inside and out. You had determination and strength. You were perfect in my eyes. You cared about me and my family. The only thing I could say is that I. love. you." 

That did it. I started sobbing. Tears were streaming down even more fast. I jumped and hugged him around the neck. I cried into his shoulder as he wrapped his arms around me in a tight hug. 

"You're so stupid. You're such an idiot. I-I love you too! I never stopped!" I sniffled. He pulled away and looked at me with his eyes. They flicked to my lips and back up.

I started moving my head closer as did he, until we closed the space. I felt his soft lips on mine as we kissed under the moonlight. Our lips were moving in sync. I missed his lips on mine. The wonderful kisses we had brought back my memories. I wouldn't have anyone else with me other than him.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and brought him closer as he tightened his arms around my waste. He moaned as I pulled on his hair a bit. I mentally smirked. 

I felt his arms graze around my legs and he lifted me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist in surprise. We never let go of our kiss. He pinned me to a tree, as I groaned from the impact. I felt his tongue slide across my bottom lip as he asked for entrance. I denied due to my pride. He growled and pushed against me causing me to gasp. He slid inside and caressed my mouth with his. I moaned against his lips.

He slowly moved his head from my lips to my jaw. He kissed down my jaw line and left butterfly kisses. I was breathing heavily. I felt him sucking my neck. I moaned loudly as he found my sweet spot. "S-Sasuke." I breathed.

He picked me up and we were suddenly inside the Uchiha compound, inside his bedroom actually.

(I'll let your imaginations run wild! ;) Have fun.)

End of Chapter! Hope you like it!^^

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