Ch. 34: Happy Ever After

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Serena's POV

It felt like it was just yesterday that I was an orphan on Earth, acting like a maid and getting beaten. Who would have known that a simple wish would come true during a desperate time.

I had traveled to the Naruto world as a five year old. I knew nothing about myself besides my name. I had always thought that I didn't have parents. On that lucky day, I had met Kakashi niisan and Guy niisan, and they took me to the 3rd Hokage. 

I found out about my past, my true identity, and finally who my parents were. Yes. I was Serena. Serena Senju. A blood born Senju. Who would have known that I was actually transported to earth from the Naruto world on the day of the nine tails attack. Well I certainly didn't. I met many of the characters I had remembered from the anime. Naruto was my best friend... scratch that. He IS my best friend, even till now. 

I had abilities that many others didn't have. I was powerful. To enhance these powers, I trained. Day in and day out. I went on a journey with my parents, Tsunade and Jiraiya. I learned from them: the best. They taught me everything they knew.

I had come back to the village when I was twelve. I reunited with the blonde knucklehead. I attended the academy and made new friends. But I also met him. Sasuke. 

Of course I didn't really like him in the beginning. I mean who did? Besides the fangirls... his ego was so big, it might have been bigger than the population of the Uchihas... anyways. We created a bond together. I was there for him. 

His mind was set on revenge towards Itachi. Therefore, he didn't stop because he only wanted to get stronger. Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura, and I were placed on Team 7 with Kakashi niisan as our sensei. 

We had great times completing missions or just hanging out as a team. Everyone became closer. Like family. But it all went downhill as Orochimaru joined the picture. Yeah yeah, you guys know all of the things that happened.

We met Gaara. Chunin exams. The curse mark on Sasuke. And of course the Sand attacking the Leaf. The death of the 3rd. Things were getting pretty hectic around. But it all settled down as Mom became the 5th Hokage, as soon as we brought her to the village. 

It became worse though when Sasuke left to join Orochimaru. I remember that day clearly. It was one of the most heartbreaking moments I had experienced. Everything changed after that. Naruto went off training with Dad. Team 7 broke apart. And since I had learned from Mom, Dad, Kakashi, Guy, Itachi, and the 3rd... I didn't know what to do anymore...

So therefore, I went to the enemy! Crazy right? But at that time, I was super excited. I eventually met the Akatsuki and all of their members. Within 2.5 years, I trained with them. My knowledge of medicine, jutsus, and people increased during that time span. I created a lot more relationships with the members. I was closest to Itachi, Pein, Kisame, and Deidara. 

Of course I wasn't only close to them, I was close to all members. Either way I created great memories with them. Their goal was to hunt down all of the jinchurikis and extract the tailed beasts from within them. Why? Well to bring peace to the world. But that was Pein's goal. The real mastermind, Tobi, had other plans. 

I left after two and a half years and went back to the village. I was reunited with everyone, but the news of Gaara's kidnapping put everything on hold. I remember rushing to the Sand Village, and after trying to find one of the hideouts. 

We eventually saved Gaara, but I lost one of my Akatsuki members: Sasori. I'm still guilt ridden now. But I know he's in a happy place. At that time Deidara had lost his arms. 

After that mission it was time to go see who Sasori's spy was. So therefore Team 7 plus Sai, went to the Tenchi bridge. That day was awful. Others getting hurt, the forest nearly destroyed, and of course the reunion with Sasuke. I don't want to get into too much...

A lot of things happened after that. Sora came to the village. Asuma's death. The battle between Hidan and Kakazu vs Team 7 and 10. Also, the whole situation with the three tails. 

I do remember I had a confrontation with Team Hebi when Itachi had sent me out to to the Uchiha warehouse for a scroll. Huh... what times. Well then Sasuke and Deidara had gotten into a fight. 

Then the worst had come. Itachi's battle with Sasuke. That was one of most horrifying experiences ever. I remember not being able to breathe properly since I was worried about Itachi so much. Yes, he had died, but I brought him back thanks to my teardrop necklace that I still wear. I'm glad gramps had given me this necklace. It helped a lot.

Even during the time when Dad had fought Pein and I rescued him. Of course I kept the chakra healing of Itachi and Dad a secret until it was the right time. 

Pein had come to village afterwards, attacking it. A heartbreaking event nearly obliterating the village. I was glad that Naruto and I had arrived on time to beat him. Although, I learned a lot of knowledge and wisdom from Pein's words. He was always one of my favorite anime characters.

I do miss him quite a lot. He never really wanted a harsh life. Just a peaceful one, and that's where his goals came from when he formed the Akatsuki with Yahiko and Konan. 

Well after that I became the 6th Hokage. I know I know, it was quite shocking to me also, but I couldn't really do anything about it since it was finalized from the fire lord. After that Bee got "kidnapped" by Sasuke and the whole situation at the kage summit came. 

We obviously learned about the true intentions of "Madara" and what his goals were. Team 7 and I also confronted Sasuke. Ugh at that time I felt like I wanted to rip him to pieces. 

Of course then the 4th great ninja war started. Who knew another war would start like that. Obito and Kabto were defeated from our battle. This was the time that I had brought Itachi and Dad out to the field. The reactions were definitely shocking. 

We all had returned home, including the two Uchiha brothers. At that time I couldn't talk to Sasuke anymore. After all of the ninjas got their new ranks. Sasuke and I argued, talked, made up, and had angry sex... to put it all bluntly.

After, he proposed near a lake behind the Uchiha compound. I said yes. Everyone was happy, shocked, and they were kind of expecting it. Couple weeks after that, Sasuke and I got married. 

It was a beautiful wedding at the big garden with cherry blossom trees around. I had finally worn a beautiful wedding gown. All in all, it was a joyous day. Yes we did have sex again...

Then... I got pregnant. It was one of the most surprising moments in my life. I went through the whole 9 months journey, of course with Sasuke by my side and the rest of our big family.

I finally gave birth to boy twins. Kei and Ryuu. Ryuu is the oldest from Kei by 5 minutes. Pic at top! Isn't he adorbable?^^

I was the happiest mother ever. I was blessed with two beautiful and healthy babies. 

You're probably wondering how everyone else is doing, right? Well let's start off with Mom and Dad. Those two had gotten married after a week I had. I was quite happy because I knew that Dad has loved Mom ever since they were genins, but he was just too much of a player to realize it. 

All of our friends did get married and now have kids! .

Naruto and Hinata had a beautiful daughter named Yumi and a son named Hikaru. Yumi has blonde hair with the Hyuuga eyes, and Hikaru had the dark hair with Naruto's bright blue eyes. Both of them are gorgeous.

Kiba and Sakura had a daughter, Saki, and a son, Akito. Saki goes after her mom with Kiba's red streaks, while Akito totally goes after Kiba with his looks. Of course, both of them are wonderful.

Temari and Shikamaru had two daughters, Rima and Kimi. Both of them actually go after Temari's looks and Shikamaru's eyes. But Rima has the laziness of Shika, while Kimi is actually quite feisty.

Ino and Kankuro have a son, Daichi. Cute kid, really! Blonde hair and Kankuro's eyes. Ino is currently at the Sand Village at the moment helping out Kankuro with his work and stuff. 

Oh how could I forget, TenTen and Neji also got together and had a daughter named Kagome. Those two together actually didn't surprise me, I had shipped them from the beginning. ;) 

Now you must totally be wondering about Itachi and his love life, huh? Well actually he met a girl from the Village Hidden in the Mist. Her name's Saya, and she's quite pretty. Saya's a very sweet girl, a bit shy, but none the less very kind. I'm glad that Itachi met her. Those two clicked easily, and got married a while later. They have a son named Jun. He isn't anything like his father or mother. He isn't calm at all, in fact quite the opposite. My nephews quite a firecracker. He gets along with Ryuu and Kei very well. Those three are always together. After all they are cousins.

Looks like I forgot about Kakashi niisan huh? Nope! He also met a girl named Ayame. She's actually from the Sand Village. She's also pretty and kind. But at the same time has a bold personality. Those two have a daughter named Momo. She's still quite young since they met after I had given birth to Ryuu and Kei. 

Holy moly. How could I forget about Gaara? Don't worry. He also met a sweet and shy girl named Kiyomi. He was on a mission to the Cloud Village and met her there. Kept in touch ever since, and now are married, and have a son named Kaito. He basically looked like younger version of Sasori. Beautiful child. 

All in all my life has been peaceful. Everyone is getting a long great! I'm still the head of the hospital and a sannin. Same with Sasuke, except he also has his missions. 

But we still have time for each other. I love him way too much, and I'm glad I met him. He's the best thing that has happened to me----

"Mom!! Mom!! Guess what!!" I heard yelling as the front door was banged open. I shook my head to clear my thoughts and went outside to the courtyard to see.

Never mind... Sasuke's ONE of the best things that has happened. Right after Ryuu and Kei. <3

"Guess what guess what??" My hyper five year old Kei exclaimed. I smiled and picked him. I twirled him around and kissed him on the cheek. 

"What is it, baby?" I asked. He grinned and suddenly his eyes changed colors turning from his dark black to a deep blood red with one tomoe. I stared at him in shock. His eyes held the Sharingan. 

I suddenly grinned. "Oh my! You have the Sharingan! You know, I'm so proud of you." I kissed him again and put him on the ground. I heard some footsteps and looked up to see Sasuke coming with Ryuu in his arms. 

I chuckled and held out my hands for Ryuu to come. He immediately jumped over. Trust me, Ryuu was more of a mom's boy than Kei. Kei was mostly Daddy's boy. Ryuu's calm personality balanced with my feisty one and Kei's hyper one with Sasuke's calm and cool one. 

"Alright, hun. Don't you have to show mom something?" I teased and poked him on the nose. Ryuu gazed up at me and giggled. His eyes also changed colors to the Sharingan. I beamed a smile and kissed him on the cheeks. I gently put him down and let him run off to play.

Ryuu and Kei started their training quite young. They're five now and have started the academy. Both of them had the Sharingan and possessed my wood abilities. Well that's what happens when two powerful genes mix together. They're now the pride and joy of the Uchiha and Senju clan.

I gazed at my two boys playing around and chasing each other, with a soft smile on my face. I felt arms wrap around my waist from behind me. I knew those hands belonged to Sasuke. He kissed my forehead and rested his chin on my shoulders. I leaned back into his touch.

"Those boys have grown so much." I spoke. He 'hmmed' a response. 

"Remember this is only the beginning." He said with a slight chuckle. I grinned with him and looked up to see the sun setting behind Naruto's face on the Hokage mountain. ;) ;) 

I'm thankful with how my life has gone. From being beaten on earth to struggles in the ninja lands to having a happy ending at my real home. Be thankful for your blessings and never doubt your struggles. Don't ask why they happened, just be thankful for the strength they gave you.



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