Ch.28: End of The Fourth Great Ninja War

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Third POV

"Isn't that right, Obito Uchiha?" As soon as those worlds rolled out of Serena's tongue, everything froze. There were no movements. Just the movement of the howling wind blowing in the faces of the ninja. 

The facial expressions of the others were amusing to Serena's eyes. She was just smirking as the truth had FINALLY come out. She was getting quite tired of this whole masked figure act. Serena looked at everyone's faces.

Itachi was silent with narrowed eyes. He knew that the masked figure was an Uchiha, but he never thought that it would be Obito Uchiha. He didn't know him that well, but was still questionable about this situation.

Sasuke, Naruto, and Killer B were surprised that their enemy was the former member from Kakashi's team. Since they didn't know the guy well enough, they couldn't say anything. They all looked to see Kakashi's face.

His face had paled. No color on his cheeks. Eyes wide, as his ears seeped all of the information into his brain. His jaw was slacked. Shock? Surprised? Disbelief? 

O-Obito? Impossible! My best friend, Obito? He snapped his head towards him. 

Obito's fists clenched in anger. How dare that Serena brat reveal all of the truth!! He darkly chuckled. Serena raised an eyebrow as if saying 'what the hell is so funny?' 

Obito finally took off his mask. His entire right side of the face was wrinkled, due to the boulder incident. Smashed and covered with deep scars. Ones that could never disappear. His right eye held the Sharingan while his left possessed the Rinnegan. Black short spiky hair. 

His facial features were still the same from when he was young, except all innocence had disappeared. There was nothing but hatred and revenge within those eyes. 

Those eyes were just like Sasuke's... Serena thought as she gazed into Obito's eyes. He stared back at her with a smirk on his face. 

"So it seems, my true identity has finally been revealed. I'm surprised that no one was suspicious. Of course... who would be suspicious of a dead person?" he seethed.

Kakashi flinched as the word 'dead' was said. He looked at his former best friend. "H-how are you alive?? All this time you have been alive, but you never returned! W-why a-are you doing this?" Kakashi stuttered in exasperation. 

Obito clenched his jaw. "Shut up." he muttered. "JUST SHUT UP!!" he screamed.

Everyone became silent in shock. "HOW DARE YOU ASK ME THAT AFTER YOU KILLED RIN!" Kakashi grew a frown on his face. Guilt was now stronger than ever. This guilt had always haunted his past, even till now, but he was once again reminded. It was eating at him slowly. It was a thing that could never be forgotten and won't be in the future.

He has changed. He's not the same old, clumsy Obito. Kakashi thought. He looked into his ex-friends eyes. Nothing but darkness. Sasuke's, even though had a shed of light that brought hope, Obito's light had disappeared. There was nothing left to convince him anymore.

Serena's POV

"Oniisan..." I called out. Kakashi turned towards me. "You know he won't come back. You can see it in his eyes. The only way is to defeat him. You must understand this." I gravely spoke, having a sad smile on my face. 

Obito darkly chuckled. "She is right you know. Nothing can bring me back. I will get my revenge on all of you and take over this world by my ultimate genjutsu." I shook my head at the thought of his domination.

Ugh.. Why do all evil enemies plan to take over the world... How idiotic. I had enough of this talking. It was now time to fight. 

I took out a couple shuriken and kunai and threw them at Obito. Everyone snapped out of the situation and got on guard for the final battle. Obito dodged the weapons easily. 

"Okay!" I yelled out into the clearing. "Killer B and Guy sensei please come with me. We will battle Kabuto. While Naruto, Sasuke, Itachi, and Kakashi battle Obito. I think it would be great if the Sharingans were against him." They nodded and we broke apart into our groups.

I flashed in between Killer B and Guy as we glared at Kabuto. He had changed. His skin had become milky white with snake scales. His eyes had become yellow slits with purple paint around the eye shape. A long red cloak with a hood, completed his look.

"Well well well, it seems like I will be battling the Senju princess, the eight tails, and a fellow jounin of the Leaf. This shall be interesting indeed." he smirked and licked his lips. I mentally shivered at the action. With the absorption of Orochimaru's cells, some of his habits also transferred to Kabuto. I gagged. How gross!

I narrowed my eyes at him and pulled out long katana. I slightly got into a stance and flashed behind Kabuto to strike him. I swung the sword, but he dodged by jumping out of the way. As he did, Bee took out his eight swords and fought him from the left side, while Guy sensei punched and attacked him from the right side. As for me, I was from the front and back.

He dodged our efforts flawlessly. It will be harder than I thought... Well, I can't really expect anything else. 

"Fire Style: Fireball Justu!" I blew out a gust of fire aiming it towards his back. He was already preoccupied dodging Bee, that my fire hit him straight on.

He yelped in pain as he flashed away from the flames. Black scorn marks covered his back, as a bit of smoke rose from the affected area. I smirked, as he gave me  death glare.

He suddenly smiled. He created a series of hand signs. Suddenly, thousands of snakes started coming out of his mouth and headed towards me for an attack. I kept dodging the different snakes, but their mouths opened and a sword stuck out.

They came from all directions. I couldn't avoid all of them. I hissed in pain as the swords gave me cuts on my arms and legs. I took a few steps until a wobbled onto the ground.

I groaned in pain. "Wh-what? What the hell is going on??" I screamed. I couldn't move at all. If I did, more pain spread throughout my body. I felt like I was on fire. It consumed my veins. Sweat started pouring from my forehead.

Kabuto laughed darkly. " My special swords were grazed with a poison that paralyzes your nervous system and muscles. The more you move, the more your muscles tear apart." My eyes widened. 

If I don't stop this poison, it will spread to my heart, eventually stopping in whole! I tried to move my hands a bit. It flexed. Good, the poison is spreading, but it hasn't come fully to my arms yet. I flexed my arm again, and sneakily dug my hands inside my medical pouch. I had an emergency supply of poison antidotes.

I quietly took out the antidote that was milky white in color. This potion helped to stop the paralysis of the muscles. I had created it a while back, since I knew that Kabuto was a medical expert. 

I injected myself on the thigh and closed my eyes. My breathing slowly became stable. The numbness was slowly retreating. I opened my eyes to see the snake bastard injuring Bee and Guy.

Guy was bloody all over. He still had energy, but that was just forced will. You could see that he was also exhausted. I glanced at Bee. He was now in Jinchuriki form with the tentacles chasing after Kabuto. 

Rubble and boulders crashed into small pieces as the tentacles kept missing the target. I glared and huffed in anger. I stood up and held out my right hand.

I added chakra with high rotation and density. A blue ball appeared. I hid my chakra from the other parts of the body and flashed right in front of Kabuto.

I smacked my right hand into his abdomen. "RASENGAN!!!" I yelled out. He flew back into the ground many meters away. Debris spread everywhere, blocking my vision. I coughed to get the dust out of my lungs.

The smoke cleared to see Kabuto shakily standing up and coughing blood. He glared at me for his pain. I mentally smirked. 

I flashed in front of him and started a taijutsu battle. He threw a kick while I dodged. I punched him in the stomach but he jumped behind me to avoid the attack. This kept going on for a while until Bee came from behind and struck him with one of his eight swords. 

I panted putting my hands on my knees. I looked over towards the others. They were still fighting Obito head to head: Naruto in Sage Mode, Sasuke flashing Itachi's eyes, Itachi using his new Eternal Mangekyo, and Kakashi with his Sharingan and Chidori. 

It was intense. All of them had bruises and scratches everywhere. Obito had a couple of wounds, but not that many. I looked at our two enemies frustrated. They're too strong!

I groaned and went back to fighting Kabuto. "Seems like you joined our battle once again... Serena." Kabuto said. I rolled my eyes at him.

"As you can see Snake Boy... it's called catching your breath." I retorted. He chuckled at his new nickname as I raised an eyebrow.

**Time Skip a couple hours**

We all had been fighting since morning. All of us beat up and tired, except of course the enemies. They were also tired, but stronger than ever. It was as if they couldn't be beaten.

By this time I already had let my saved chakra behind my forehead be released. Black marks covered my forehead. Bee was in the controlled beast form while Guy had already opened his chakra gates. 

Chakra was being drained fast. I glared at Kabuto. "Is there no way to get you tired????" I exclaimed. He blinked at me and smirked. 

At this point I had let my guard down for a sec when a hand came through my stomach. Everything froze. My eyes wide.

I gasped loudly as the pain spread through each of my cells, my veins, and my body systems. It was slow, then the fire started building, slowly consuming my body.

Everyone froze around me staring wide eyed. The other battle had paused for a moment. Stares burned through my neck. 

Tears leaked a bit from the corner of my eyes. I lowered my head to see a bloody hand sticking out of my stomach, with a bit of purple liquid on it. Poison! I shakily turned around my head to see Kabuto grinning evilly at me. If this is the real one... that means the one I was talking to was a clone!

I felt the hand move out of my abdomen, slowly grazing my organs. I put my hand on the hole to stop the blood from coming out.

Third POV

All the men stared shocked at the scene. Naruto was the first to snap out of it. "SERENA!!!!!!" He screamed out as a couple of tears rolled down his cheek. His scream snapped everyone else out. 

He flashed in front of Kabuto, ignoring his current fight, and punched him straight in his face. Naruto caught Serena before she fell and held her in his lap. 

"Serena!!??" She looked at him and smiled. "Hey Naruto. Don't worry about me, I'll be fine. Besides..." she paused. Naruto's eyes furrowed in confusion. "I still have to complete one more task." 

With that, she slowly stood up ignoring the fact that her knees were buckling. Naruto stood up with her and held her to keep her balanced. Another figure suddenly flashed by on the other side of Serena holding her up also. 

Both Naruto and Serena looked to see a familiar dark haired Uchiha looking at them. Serena stared wide eyed as Sasuke wrapped his hand around her shoulder to support her. His dark orbs staring back at her bright amber ones. A flash of worry came on his face. He didn't bother to hide it. 

She turned away as she had to complete the final task. The task that will end all of this. The task that will end this whole war.

She let go of Naruto and Sasuke and jumped on the cliff where Obito and Kabuto were now standing together. Her allies were standing below watching what exactly she was doing. They were confused to say... but kept looking.

Serena looked back at them and into everyone's eyes. First Guy, Bee, Kakashi, Itachi, Naruto, and finally Sasuke. She glanced at him a bit longer than the others. She averted her eyes and looked at everyone as a whole. Serena softly smiled as a tear rolled down her cheek. 

Kakashi became worried for his student. What is she planning on doing?? He didn't know what was going to happen. 

"Well well well... I guess we are now facing you Serena? This won't be too bad." Obito taunted. She narrowed her eyes and darkly chuckled. 

The two enemies raised their eyebrows. "And.. what's so funny? The fact that you shall be going down with the others?" Kabuto asked. 

Serena shook her head and smirked. "No... what's funny is that you two will be defeated and there will be peace in this world of ninja once again."

Obito full out laughed. "And how do you expect to do that?? You don't have enough chakra." He continued laughing.

Serena just smirked and said. "With this."

"FORBIDDEN SECRET TECHNIQUE: REAPER DEATH SEAL!!!!" she yelled out as she quickly made a dozen hand signs.

Itachi and Kakashi's eyes widened. "NO!!!!" they both yelled and tried to stop Serena. But when she finished the hand signs an enormous gust of wind pushed them back. 

Wind started howling around the trio as sudden lightening flashed around them. A spirit started coming out of Serena's back. Obito and Kabuto's ears ranged at the jutsu Serena yelled. They couldn't believe it. 

A purple monster stood towering above everyone. Ribs showing, sharp teeth glaring. White hair descended down the reaper. He wore a white shinigami outfit with a blade stuck between his teeth. Red horns were topped on his head. Long arms with nails barred at the others.

The enemy stared at the shinigami in fright. They had never seen such a monster. So dark. So afraid.

"Kakashi sensei... what jutsu is that??" Naruto asked as he curiously watched Obito, Kabuto, his sensei, and Itachi watch in fright. Sasuke was thinking the same thing. Why is everyone so scared?

"Naruto. This is the same jutsu that the third hokage used while fighting Orochimaru. It is also the same jutsu that your father, the 4th used on the day of the nine tails attack." 

Naruto and Sasuke's jaw slacked but in confusion. "But why are you guys so afraid??" 

Itachi finally looked at them and answered. "This is no ordinary jutsu. It's a special sealing technique where the user's soul is used to take away the target's soul and pulled towards the Shinigami for it to eat staying within the stomach. But the consequence is that the life of the user is also taken. Never for their soul to be returned." 

Sasuke looked at his brother wide eyed. "That means that Serena is risking her life! What the hell are you doing! Stop her!!!" 

Kakashi spoke up. "It's too late." he looked down guiltily. Once again he was going to lose someone precious to him. He wasn't able to stop them. It was practically his fault that this whole war even started. If he had stopped Obito from the beginning...  These thoughts churned within Kakashi's mind.

"Yes... it is too late. Once the jutsu has been cast, it cannot be taken back." Itachi spoke. 

All they could do was watch.

**Back to Serena**

The shinigami hovered behind Serena and wrapped its left arm with prayer beads, uttering chanting. Serena could start to feel the pain coming in. It was slow, but bearable.

After some time, a cursed seal appeared on its arm. The reaper thrusts its arm into Serena's chest from behind as the black marks from the seal spread from its arm to Serena's stomach.

The reaper partially pulled out Serena's soul and restrained it by its hair. It thrusts its arm back into Serena waiting for the command.

Serena smirked at the two. "Now your fate shall be sealed." She nodded at the reaper. 

It began performing the sealing by dragging Obito's and Kabuto's soul through the formed seal on Serena's stomach.

The two tried to struggle free by stepping back and trying to escape. But it was too late. The reaper had already grasped the soul of them. 

"It is too late. Do not try to struggle." Serena spoke hastily as exhaustion took over. The sealing required a lot of chakra. Her chakra was running out. She didn't have enough to seal the two properly.

I don't have enough chakra! I've used up my normal and my conserved one! I need more! An idea came through her mind. She took the teardrop necklace and crushed it within her arm letting the chakra flow through her body.

The immense amount of chakra made the sealing go faster. "AHHHHHHH!" The screaming and pain of the two echoed across the ninja lands.

So loud. Such in pain. Unable to do anything. The two dropped on the floor. Eyes open. No heartbeat. Lifeless. The sealing was so fast, that it wasn't even known that the two had died, until their bodies fell on the ground.

"NO! We have to save Serena! I don't care! We can't lose her!!" Naruto and Sasuke tried to run but were restrained back by Bee and Guy.

"LET US GO!!!!" they yelled. "I cannot Naruto and Sasuke boy. The sealing must not be disturbed."

The souls of the enemy were devoured. It was now time to consume Serena's soul. I better do this properly.. it's a risk, but must be done.

"Wait..." Itachi pointed out. He narrowed his eyes at her as he watched in confusion. "She's doing something..."

Attention went back to Serena, as everyone stared at what the blonde girl was getting.

With the minimal energy she had left, she rolled out her summoning scroll and poofed out the Uzumaki mask. She placed it on her face and turned around to face the shinigami.

The shinigami's smirk dropped as it shrieked at the sight of the mask. It hissed in anger as the taunting face looked back at it. It let go of his knife as it hovered back a couple of steps. Who knew a powerful reaper could be frightened merely at the scene of the mask. 

Serena smirked behind her mask. The plan was working. She stepped forward and grabbed the reapers knife. Her soul was still partially attached on its hair, but now... she was going to retrieve it. 

Serena grabbed the knife and flashed in front of the reaper. She slashed at the Shinigami's stomach as it screeched in pain.

Through the cut were seen thousands of souls, with generations of ninja within them. She found her trapped soul and released it by grabbing it and bringing it back to her body.

As her soul transferred within her once again, she made a series of hand signs to make the demon disappear. POOF!

Smoke cleared. The lightening gone, the wind dying. 

There was no sound in the air. Just the gentle breeze that swayed the grass. 

There stood Serena on the top of the cliff panting in exhaustion. Her chakra had not been completely drained, but the wounds were starting to take effect. 

She ninja jumped down from the cliff and stood in front of the others. She looked at all of them, before a small smile came onto her face. Serena was suddenly attacked in a hug... by Kakashi surprisingly. 

He held her in his arms, burying his face within her hair. She was now close to his height. Her head probably coming right to his eyes. Serena sighed and wrapped her hands around her sensei's/brother's torso.

"Idiot. How could you possibly use that jutsu." he whispered, as his arms tightened. She lightly laughed and looked up at him. Kakashi looked down and kissed her forehead. 

Before anyone knew it, Serena was tackled on the ground be everyone else. "SERENA YOU HAD US SO WORRIED!!!" 

She laughed at the scene. "Come on guys... it's time for us to go back."

**Time Skip**

All of them were now walking towards the other side of the battle field where the Kage's were fighting Madara. They came into the field and found the Kage's just standing there in confusion, but relief. They were talking small talk.

They all turned around at the sound of the footsteps. Tsunade's eyes lightened at seeing her daughter. Serena jumped off Kakashi's back and ran to her mother. 

"MOMMYY!" she screamed. Tsunade wrapped her arms around Serena and cried. "Oh Serena... I was so worried. Are you okay? Are you alright? Bruises? What happened? What did you do?" all of the questions fired back at the younger Senju.

She laughed and shook her head. "Mom slow down... I'll tell you everything after." Tsunade nodded and kissed her cheek. Serena went back to stand by Naruto. As she was walking she saw the orange knucklehead staring at something wide eyed. 

She trailed his eyes to see, not staring at something but a certain someone. She went behind him and gently pushed Naruto towards the figure. He jumped at her touch and looked back at her. 

The figure was staring at them with a smile. Serena nodded her head to Naruto as if saying 'Go on.' He grinned and ran towards her father.

"PERVYYY SAGEEE!!" He screamed and tackled Jiraiya in a hug. He was the father, guardian, and mentor of Naruto's. Family. Tears struck Serena's eyes as she watched the reunion of her best friend and dad. 

She grinned and ran at them smiling. Reunions were happening all around. Everyone from all of the different sites of the war had gathered together. Sasuke and Itachi reunited, now embracing in a brotherly hug as the older one poked the younger one's forehead. 

Kakashi and Guy talking it out with the other jounins. Killer B smacking his fist with the Raikage. Gaara with his siblings.

Laughter echoed around the fields. Serena climbed the tallest cliff and spoke to the crowd with thousands of ninja, young and big. 

"AHEM!!" She projected her voice. Murmurs died down around as they listened to the blonde. She had a twinkle in her eyes that brightened everyone's day.

"I NOW CLAIM THE END OF THE. FOURTH. GREAT. NINJA. WAR!!!!!" Cheering exploded in the land. Roots and howls for the end of the great war. 

Happiness was the only emotion. They could now go all home. Their safe house. Their haven. Back to their loved ones. It was now time for all of the great nations to prosper from the new alliance. 

Peace shall now be brought forth.

Follow and Comment!!! Hope you like it!! Don't worry! The book hasn't ended yet. There's still a lot of things left! ;) I will try to update by tonight. Comment please!^^

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