Ch. 32: Newlyweds, Ribs&Carrots , and Party

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Serena's POV

I could hear the birds chirping a bit outside as I lay in bed. I groggily opened my eyes as a ray of the sun woke me up. I blinked to get the blurriness out of my vision. 

I smiled as I saw Sasuke laying in front of me. He had a gentle face, no hard lines anywhere. It seemed like he was finally in peace. I gently raised my hand and traced my finger down his cute nose and chiseled jaw line. I then softly traced his hair with my hands.

"Is this what you always do when you wake up?" I suddenly heard him ask. He opened one of his eyes and stared at me with a smirk. I smiled back.

"Yes I do, so get used to it." I told him. I went up, pecked him on the lips, and got out of bed. I shivered a bit. I looked down to see that I was naked. Oops. I blushed a bit and turned around to see Sasuke staring at me with his Uchiha smirk. 

I glared at him. "What the hell are you looking at! Turn your head away!" I exclaimed as I grabbed the bed sheets to cover myself. He chuckled and sat up. I felt his arms come around from behind. He pulled me onto his lap, with my back touching his chest. 

"It's not like I haven't seen it before....twice." he whispered and kissed my shoulders. I could feel the ends of my mouth twitch up a bit. I jabbed him in the stomach.

"Shut up." I muttered. He chuckled again and interlaced his fingers with mine. I sighed and laid my head back on his chest. We just stayed in each others arms until...

"RISE AND SHINE YOU NEWLY WEDS." Itachi barged in through the door. 

"Itachi!!!" I shrieked and dove myself under the blankets. I heard Sasuke and Itachi laughing. God, how embarrassing to have your brother-in-law barge into your room when your naked.

"Alright alright, I'm leaving. You might want to wake up though, it's 12 in the afternoon." I heard his footsteps fade away. I peeked out of the bed sheets to see Sasuke raising his eyebrows at me. 

"What?" I asked. He shook his head and laughed. "Nothing, you're just so cute."

I blushed and muttered nonsense under my breath. I got out of bed and went into the closet. I pulled out a black silk kimono that had the Uchiha symbol on the back. I went into the bathroom, brushed my teeth and washed my face. I came out and went downstairs while Sasuke went into the bathroom.

(Serena's silk kimono, just imagine the Uchiha symbol on the back with embroidery.)

I saw Itachi reading a newspaper at the kitchen table. "Good morning Itachi, any requests for breakfast?" I asked as I tied my hair. He looked up from his reading. 

"I must say Serena, you look good with our clan symbol." he complimented. I blushed and muttered a thanks. "You can make anything you want, I won't mind." he spoke.

I nodded. I decided to make brunch since it was 12 already. I got some ingredients from the cabinet and from the fridge and began to make everything. 

**Time Skip**

I plated everything and set it on the table. I heard footsteps and Sasuke finally stepped into the kitchen. "Good morning." he said and kissed my forehead before sitting down at the table. Itachi was already there with his cup of tea. 

"Mhmm this looks good, what did you make?" he asked. I grinned and sat down.

"Since its our first brunch as a family, I decided to make a variety of things. I made crepes, ham quiche, some chocolate chip strawberry pancakes, and Jasmine tea." They nodded and we began eating. 

**Time Skip**

We had all left the home now. I was heading towards the hospital, Sasuke going to the Hokage office for his mission with Naruto, and Itachi was going to the ANBU building since he's head now.

I arrived at the hospital. As soon as I entered in, the staff greeted me. I smiled at them. The head nurse came and started walking with me.

"Today we have multiple surgeries and patient visits. There's a chunin with appendicitis, a genin that broke his arm, another chunin that needs to have surgery for his colon, and a heart surgery for a jounin." I nodded.

"Alright, let's get started. This will be a long day." I went straight up to the top floor which was my office. I grabbed the lab coat and put it on, tied my hair again, and placed my glasses on.

I went to the first operating room and began the first surgery.

**Time Skip 2 weeks**

The week went on like this with me going to the hospital and Sasuke going on missions and just working around. I had heard the news that Naruto had finally started Hokage training. I was quite excited. I remembered barging into the Hokage office and tackling him in a hug. 

The smile on his face had never left that day. 

I was now walking towards the Hokage's office to have some tea with Mom. It was my day off today, so Mom thought I would spend some time with her. 


"Come in." I heard her voice. I opened the door and went inside. "Ah Angel, come sit. I was just waiting for you." I smiled and sat down on the couch next to her.

We were just having small talk as I drank the tea. I started feeling a bit funny. I ignored it though. But it got worse. I looked at the tea in my hands. I smelled it and nothing seemed off about it. 

"Angel, you okay? You're looking pale." Mom spoke as she looked at me. I was just frozen, until I urgently got up and ran out the room. I didn't even realize that I had dropped the tea on the floor. I couldn't care less right now.

I found the bathroom and barged into it. I went in front of the toilet and threw up. I heard Mom rushing into the bathroom. She grabbed my hair and patted my back as I threw up again multiple times. 

I finally sat down on the floor and sighed as the nauseous feeling slowly went away. Mom knelt down and felt my head. 

"Hmm you don't have a fever or anything. How do you feel?" she asked. I sighed again.

"I'm fine Mom don't worry. Just a slight headache and nauseous feeling. It's probably just a bug going around." I waved it off. 

She shook her head. "Absolutely not. You being one of the top Medical Ninja should never underestimate anything. Get up. We're going to the hospital." 

"Mom there's no need! Really, I'm fine." I explained. She ignored me and grabbed my hands. We were walking out of the bathroom now.

"Shizune, cancel all appointments for today and put the paperwork on pause as I take Serena to the hospital." Mom ordered.

Shizune nodded and went back into the office.

**Time Skip**

I was now in one of the patient rooms wearing a hospital gown, sitting on the bed. I was waiting for Mom to come back. She had taken a blood and urine sample to test. 

She finally came in through the door with a huge smile on her face. I raised an eyebrow at her. "Why are you so happy?" I asked.

She laughed. "Wouldn't you be happy if you found out that you were going to be a grandparent??" she teased. I nodded and just ignored it. I blinked a bit and realized what she said.

"WHAT??" I asked. She nodded. "You're pregnant!!" she squealed. I could feel myself smiling hugely. 

"Eeep!! Oh my god!!" I screamed and hugged Mom. She laughed and stroked my hair. "Im going to be a mom?" I asked in a whisper. 

She nodded. "You're going to be a mom!" I could feel the tears coming out of my eyes. They were definitely happy tears. She handed me the ultrasound picture. It was black and white and Mom pointed out the baby on the photo. It was as small as a Lima Bean. 

**Time Skip**

I was now at home after that surprising moment. I wanted to tell Sasuke and Itachi in a fun way. I thought about the different ways to tell them. I didn't want it to be to fancy, just sweet and simple. 

I decided to make a special dinner. I got some ribs, carrots, corn, and for desert something cute. 

It was now around 7 in the evening. I had laid all of the food out on the table, when I heard the door open. I saw Sasuke and Itachi coming in talking about stuff. 

"Hey guys. Wash up, dinners ready." I told them. Sasuke gave me a kiss on the cheek and went to get washed up. I placed the water glasses on the table when they finally came down. Both of them sat down on the table.

Itachi looked at the meal and his eyebrows grew in confusion. Same with Sasuke. "Serena..." Sasuke asked. "Is there a reason you made baby back ribs, baby corn, baby carrots for dinner?" he asked. 

I smiled and walked out of the room. Sasuke and Itachi looked at each other in suspicion. I went into our room and took out a long red ribbon. I tied it around my stomach in a bow. I also picked up the bowl of chocolate Sugar Babies (It's a type of candy) and went downstairs again. I came into the kitchen.

I went up to Sasuke. "Would you like some Sugar Babies... Daddy?" I asked him with an innocent voice. The face on the two were priceless. They were so shocked that they didn't believe me. 

"A-are you s-sure?" Sasuke stuttered. I gently nodded. His face suddenly became ecstatic and he twirled me around in a hug. I laughed as I held onto him.

"I'm going to be a dad?" he asked. I eagerly nodded and kissed his lips. He pulled back and went to Itachi to hug him. 

"Congrats you two. I finally get to be an Uncle." Itachi said with a small grin. "Good job." he said and kissed me on the forehead. It was normal for Itachi to kiss me on the cheeks or forehead. He treated me like a sister, and both Sasuke and I didn't mind since he has taken care of both of us. 

That night as I slept on the bed, Sasuke crawled next to me. He gently pulled up my shirt and kissed my stomach. I giggled as I played with his hair. He just laid his head on my stomach until the both of us fell asleep.

**Time Skip 2 days**

It was now time for us to tell the others the good news. We decided to have a party for all of our friends. All of us were just sitting on the sofa talking with one another. A lot of people were here, all of the senseis, Naruto, Sakura, and the rest of the past rookie genins, including Neji, TenTen, and Lee. 

"So Serena what's the special occasion that you invited all of us?" Sakura asked. I grinned and looked at Sasuke. He nodded at me. I got up and went into the kitchen. 

I took out the cake from the fridge. In icing were the words "I'm Prego!" on top of the cake. I plated the cake and took it into the living room. I placed it on the table and sat back. 

"Ohhh! Cake!" Naruto yelled and got up. He took the knife and was about to cut the cake until he read the words on it. His eyes widened in shock as he dropped the knife on the table. 

He suddenly ran towards me and swung me around. "CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!" he screamed and hugged me. I laughed. The others became confused and also read the cake. 

Before I knew it, everyone was hugging Sasuke and I and congratulating us. I handed Sakura the ultrasound picture and she squealed. All of the girls gathered and "awwwed" at the image. I giggled. 

"So is it a boy or a girl?" Naruto asked. I shook my head. "We don't know. It's too early to find out. Atleast 4 or 5 months before we can tell." I said. Everyone nodded in understanding. 

"Sasuke, the only advice I can give you is get ready for a roller coaster life during the pregnancy months." Sakura advised him. 

He raised an eyebrow. "Why?" All of the girls grinned.

"Because... you'll find out." 


It's now the first month of my pregnancy. Nothing has really changed. I mean its only the first month so yea... but we have started looking at magazines and stuff for tips. 

Sasuke has already began to give me healthy food only. I always gag at the thought of only eating veggies, fruits, and grilled meat. No fried stuff or junk food. 

Ugh. How annoying. 


The cravings had finally started kicking in. "Sasuke! Can you get me some Ice cream and pickles??" I asked. He popped his head into the room and made a disgusted face.

"Ice cream and pickles?? That's gross." I rolled my eyes. 

"Hey, it's not my fault that I have weird cravings." He shook his head and got me some.


Sasuke and I were now in the patient room at the hospital. It was our monthly check up and also to find out more about the baby. 

Mom came into the room with a file. She sat down and smiled. "Everything is normal. Blood pressure is fine. The babies are also perfectly healthy so far."

I nodded. Wait... "Did you just say babies?" I asked. Mom grinned and winked at me.

"Congrats, you're having twins!!"

Sasuke and I were grinning ear to ear. It was great news. 


My stomach was pretty huge now. It was kind of hard to walk around. That's why Sasuke always scolded me if I walked too much without him. 

Naruto and Sakura were over to visit me. I was sitting on the sofa with my legs up with a plate of Dango as the two sat across from us.

We were just having small talk, until Naruto came up to me, stole a piece of dango, ate it, and sat back down next to Sakura. I stared at the piece that was now gone.

I glared at Naruto harshly. "Why did you take my Dango??" I demanded. He tilted his head.

"Eh??" He asked. I gained an anime vein. "DON'T YOU DARE TAKE MY DANGO!!! GIVE IT BACK!" I screamed as I stood up and shook his collar. 

He was definitely scared. "How can I give it back!" he exclaimed.

"Grrrrr! THEN GET ME SOME MORE! NOW!" I screamed again. Sasuke rushed downstairs to see what the commotion was about. He came by my side to get me to calm down. But I didn't. 

"NOW NOW NOW!" I whined. The others became flustered. 

"JUST GET OUT AND GET SOME MORE!!" Sakura and Sasuke yelled at Naruto. He quickly nodded and scurried away. 

He finally came back with some. I snatched the bag and ate them. "Don't you dare take them again!" I threatened in a dark voice. He nervously laughed and nodded.

That's when the mood swings started kicking in....... Yeah. 

**Time Skip to Month 9**

We were all actually inside the Hokage's office. All of our friends were now congratulating Naruto, since his training was almost finished. Not quite. 

"Congrats Naruto, I'm proud of you." I smiled at him. He grinned and gently gave me hug, trying to be careful. My stomach was extra huge now. Since they were twins, I'm not sure boys or girls. 

I was standing in the front of the crowd, next to Sasuke. Kakashi went up and popped open a bottle of Sake. It foamed a bit and spilled.

Sasuke chuckled. "Wow look. That Sake spilled all the way down to our feet." he shook his head. I looked at him eyes wide.

I hastily grabbed his hand. "Sasuke.." he looked at me.

"That was not Sake... my water just broke!!" I shrieked. His eyes widened as I bent over and held my stomach as the immense pain started kicking in.

I screamed. "Ahhhh!!!!" 

Sasuke screamed along with me. "GET SERENA TO THE DAMN HOSPITAL NOW!!!!!" 

Comment please!! End of Chapter 32!!! :)

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