Ch.8: Naruto's Training, Sora, and Battle

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I was in the hospital making rounds to make sure all of the patients and surgeries were in order. I finally went into Kakashi’s room for his checkup. KNOCK KNOCK “Come in.” I stepped inside.

“Good morning oniisan.” He looked up from his reading. “Morning Angel. How are you?”

I made the so-so hand gesture. “Eh. I’m okay not too bad. Anyways let’s check your blood pressure and breathing.” I put my chart down. I wrapped around the BP wrap and listened to his pulse using the stethoscope. I nodded hearing the blood flow.

“Good. Now let me listen to your lungs.” I went around him and put the cold stethoscope on his mid back.

“Okay breath in……breath out. Once again.” I nodded and wrote in the chart.

Naruto came barging through. I looked up at him and smiled. “Hey Naru-chan. What brings you here early in the morning?”  He grinned at me.

“Ser-chan I want to do more training!” I raised an eyebrow and looked at Kakashi.

He just sighed. “Naruto. You’re training will have to wait until I get out of the hospital.” He said. Naruto grew upset. “BUT BUT KAKASHI SENSEI!! I have to train in order to bring back Sasuke!” he yelled. Everything became quiet. Always Sasuke…

I sighed. “How about I train him, eh oniisan?” Kakashi looked at me in surprise. “Well….” Naruto looked at me and squinted. “Eh Serena! How could you train me! Do you even know how to train others?” he asked suspiciously.

I gained an anime vein. “What?! Do you think I can’t do it?” I walked up to him slowly with fire in my eyes. His eyes grew wide and started laughing nervously. “Hehe n-no it’s not that! I-think…” he didn’t have time to finish as I smashed my fist into his face.

I grabbed him by the collar and threw him out the window. “AT THE TRAINING GROUND! 7 AM TOMORROW! IF YOU ARE NOT THERE, I WILL SKIN YOU ALIVE! UNDERSTAND?!?!” I yelled out the window.

The locals looked at us and just chuckled. Kakashi sweat dropped. He should know by now not to provoke Serena. Idiot is trying to get himself killed. But I believe that Serena training him would be great.

“Alright Serena. I think you training him is fine.” I nodded and grinned. “Yeah!” I cheered. Suddenly Team 10 appeared. I blinked at them and smiled.

“Hey Shika, Choji, Ino, Asuma sensei.” I greeted. They smiled. “Hey Serena!” “We heard Naruto come by… Where is he?”
I pointed. “I threw him out the window.” I stated bluntly. Shika sighed.

“This is such a drag… what did that idiot do this time?” I laughed and shook my head. “Don’t worry about it. How about we all go for lunch. My treat? I can also invite the rest of Team 7 so you guys could meet Sai.” They all nodded.

**Time Skip**
Team 10 and Team 7 were now sitting in the bbq restaurant. We were talking normally. Sai was trying to think of nicknames.

“Come on guys! Eat up or this food will be gone!” Choji said as he grilled the meat. Sai looked at him. “Sure thing fa—“ Naruto smashed his hand over his mouth.

Choji looked up suspiciously. “What did you say?” Naruto shook his head. “Nothing Nothing.”  He replied nervously.

I giggled at the situation. Sai can be so blunt sometimes. “SO Sai, I hear you’re making nicknames for others? How about me?” Ino tried to flirt.

Sakura suddenly grinned. I raised an eyebrow. I knew what she was thinking. That Sai will say something horrid about her. I shook my head and laughed.

“That’s right…..beautiful.” he said. Ino gained hearts in her eye. Naruto looked at Sakura to see her getting angry. She suddenly stood up and punched Sai in the face. I sighed.

I was now walking with Sai. “Let me guess, you thought she was also ugly. But since saying the truth makes others upset.. you said beautiful?”  He smiled and nodded. I laughed and threw and arm around his waist as he did with my shoulders.

We would look like a couple that was walking, but were nothing more than good friends.

**Time Skip next day**

Naruto and I were now in a huge clearing at the training grounds. “Alright Naru-chan let’s begin your training. We will first find out what nature your chakra is.” I handed him a piece of chakra paper.

“Pour your chakra into this paper.” He nodded and did. His paper split in half. “Good! You have wind nature, Naruto.”  “So how does that help me?”

I sighed. “Naruto you’ll be able to use more jutsus. I’ll help you make your own jutsu. How about that?” I asked. He grinned and picked me up.

He spun me around in the air. “That’s great Serena! Thanks!” I laughed. “Okay Naruto, put me down. Now I want you to create shadow clones so we can speed up your training process. After that take a leaf and try to split it in half with your wind chakra. Kay?”

He nodded. I sat down and did a series of handsigns. “Hokage Style Sixty-year old Technique!” Wooden pillars came from the ground.

I sat in the middle of the pillar circle and raised my palm facing towards him so whenever his nine tails chakra is leaking, I can immediately suppress it.

Some time had passed by and he still wasn’t able to split the leaf. “Serena!! There has to be another way!” he whined.

I stood up. “Why don’t you go see Asuma sensei.. he’s another wind chakra user like us. He’ll give you a few pointers since I don’t use wind that much.” He nodded and ran off.

I sat down and rested for a while. “You’re doing good angel. I see that Naruto is starting to learn.” I looked around to see Kakashi standing there.

I grinned. “They let you out?” he nodded. “Phew! Thank god, now you can train him. I’m tired.” I said. He chuckled.  “I don’t know how you can become a sensei… it’s such a tough job!” I exclaimed. Wow… I’m never teaching when I’m older.

**Time Skip**

Team 7 had gone to a mission at the fire temple. Something about coffins being stolen. Although I wanted to go, Mom had given me hospital duty and ANBU missions.

It was tiring. Day after day I was at ANBU then from evening to all the way in the morning I would be working at the hospital. It was over powering, but mom knew I could handle it.

I remembered from the anime about Sora and Chiriku. I knew that the coffins were being stolen from the four enemy ninja. I didn’t remember what their group was called, but that they wanted to destroy and save the Land of Fire.

I was walking back from the hospital and saw Team 7 come through the gates. I grinned. “HEYY! NARUTO, SAKURA, SAI!” They looked at me and smiled.

Naruto grinned and ran towards me and tackled me in a hug. I laughed as we rolled on the ground. He finally straddled my waist, with me lying on the bottom. “Hey Serena! I haven’t seen you in a while!!” he exclaimed.

I rose an eyebrow. “Naruto… it’s only been a couple of days.” I said. He chuckled and got off of me.

“Well well well, who is this beautiful lady?” Sora came up and kissed my hand. Naruto and Sakura stared wide eyed with jaws dropped.

I raised an eyebrow at them. I looked down at Sora. “The names Serena.” I smiled at him. I saw a blush streak across his cheek. “What are you doing out here walking by yourself! Someone like you needs company!” he winked and wrapped an arm around my shoulder.

“S-Sora! What are you doing!? Do you know what will happen to you if you hug her like that!” Naruto whisper yelled at him.

I hated him touching me like that. Ugh, what a player. I mentally rolled my eyes. An evil glint came. I think I’ll have some fun, before I beat the bloody pulp out of him. 

Serena will probably kill Sora, if he touches her any longer!! Naruto thought.

And the fun begins. “Hmm you right.. why don’t you join me for a little walk.” I winked and scraped my finger nail down his chest. He shivered.

Naruto looked at me wide eyed. “W-what do you think you’re doing SERENA!!” I blinked at him innocently. “What are you talking about Naru-chan?”

He ran over to me, grabbed my arm, and pulled me away from Sora. “You don’t get to have Serena. ONLY SASUKE DOES!” he yelled.

Everyone froze. I stared at him wide eyed. Naruto blinked and just realized what he said. His eyes also held surprised.

Sora raised an eyebrow. “Ch. Whatever, if only this Sasuke guy does.. then where is he? Huh?” he asked. None of us answered. I just looked down at my feet.

I didn’t say anything and just walked away from the rest of the group. I will not have his name ruin my mood. No.

**Time Skip**

I was walking towards the Hokage’s office, when suddenly Sora crashed through the wall and into the hallway. Mom came after him with an angry fist.

I raised an eyebrow at the scene. “DID YOU JUST CALL ME OLD?????” Mom yelled in his face. He eagerly shook his head. “NO NO! I s-said BOLD lady… that’s right! Bold lady.” He stuttered back.

Mom blinked. “Hmm? Oh.. that’s fine.” She smiled and patted his collar away of dirt.

He shakily stood up. “That woman is crazy!” he said. I laughed. “Haha yup. That’s mom for ya.” He snapped his head towards me. “The hokage is your mom!!!” he yelled. I nodded.

**Time Skip**

I was walking with Shikamaru around the village. We saw Asuma up ahead watching some of the boys ahead. We walked towards them.

“Hey Asuma. What’s going on?” Shika asked. He shook his head. “They’re fighting. Apparently Sora’s been causing a havoc around the village.”

I watched them fight. It was getting annoying. Yelling here and yelling there. Before I knew it, even Lee came and joined the fight.

It went on for a while before I couldn’t handle it anymore. “THAT’S IT! I CAN’T TAKE IT ANYMORE!” I marched up to the others with a huge anime vein throbbing on my forehead.

I went right in the middle of the scrap and pulled everyone apart. Well, technically I threw everyone away from each other.

“Just shut up all of you!! You’re creating drama for no apparent reason! Kiba! You take Akamaru and get out! Lee go back to training at the grounds! Choji! Don’t listen to what that idiot says about your size! Naruto! Shut up or I’ll have Kakashi cancel your training!” I yelled at all of them. They looked at me wide eyed. Naruto nodded frantically.

“Haha, you got told off by a girl.” Sora said from behind me. I turned around and glared at him.

“And you…” I hissed walking up to him. I brought my arm back and punched him straight in the face. He flew back and landed in a crater. I flashed behind him and chakra kicked him. He landed right in front of the boys.

I flashed over and grabbed his collar. “Don’t you dare come into this village, after we so kindly offered, and insult our people.  If you can’t stand them, I will make you stand them. I’m only tolerating you because Mom and Asuma have asked. Otherwise I would have beaten you SO hard that even the nine tails chakra inside you… will fear me.” I hissed every word with venom.

He looked at me wide eyed. He nodded frantically as he started sweating with fear. The other boys just smirked at him. Ha! He got what he deserved. Serena will probably kill him if he goes on like this. They all thought.


They all gulped and nodded. Shika just sweat dropped at my behaviour while Asuma just chuckled. “Naruto… if he causes any more trouble, come get me. I’ll straighten him out.” I said cracking my knuckles.

He grinned. “Will do Serena!” He exclaimed and gave me a thumbs up. I smiled and walked away.

**Time Skip**

I was working in the hospital. It was evening time when suddenly all of the power went out. “It’s a state of EMERGENCY!” I heard someone yell from outside. My eyes grew wide and I ran out of the hospital towards the main gate.

I saw a huge barrier around the entire village. All of the teams were on the front lines fighting someone. “I’ll break the barrier, Asuma! You go on ahead!” I yelled. He nodded.

I sat down right in front of the barrier and observed it. Hmm it seems like this barrier is made  out of lightening. Lightening is the nature that these enemies have. 

Lightening is strong… Earth is weak and fire and water would just help utilize it more. I guess I’ll have to fight Lightening with Lightening.

I’ll try to combine a lightening justu with another of mine, but first I need to find a weak spot on the barrier. I walked around trying to search for a spot that had less static and lightening. Aha! I found it!

I took a stance in front of the spot and closed my eyes, making quick hand signs. “Lightening Style: Lightening Dragon Tornado!” I yelled out.

The atmosphere started changing, rain clouds came above, thunder struck across the dark sky. The wind started howling around me making my hair fly. A HUGE ass lightening tornado came out of the sky and took shape of a dragon.

It creeped out of the clouds and roared in the sky. All ninjas stopped for a moment and stared at it wide eyed. The dragon was ferocious and petrifying. It hissed into the night.

It flew down towards and stood behind me. The thing was taller than the hokage building! “Alright dragon, I believe that you can break through this.” The lightening dragon huffed as if it were alive.

I made another series of hand signs. A blue chakra ball appeared with static and lightening surrounding it. As it rotated, I stuck my hand within the lightening dragon and let the new jutsu run through it.

The dragon opened its mouth and roared out the Rasen-chidori in a mass amount hitting the soft spot dead on. Both the creature and jutsu flew through the barrier.

A huge light illuminated the entire village as lightning struck more. Suddenly in a smoke, everything disappeared. I looked at the barrier. Cracks started forming around the spot. Eventually bigger and thicker cracks spread out to the entire dome, obliterating the barrier field.

I panted on my knees. It took a lot of chakra to make that. *Huff Huff* I ignored exhaustion and went after Naruto and Sora.

When I reached there I saw both of them in their nine tails cloak attacking each other. My eyes became wide. “Why aren’t you stopping them!!” I yelled at the others.

“We can’t!! Sora doesn’t have the first hokage’s necklace and some force from the outside won’t let me suppress Naruto’s” Yamato yelled back.

I grew frustrated. I couldn’t do anything. Suddenly Naruto stabbed himself in the leg in order to stop the nine tails chakra from spreading any farther within his body. I smiled. Great job Naruto! Naruto yelled at Sora trying to let him snap out of it.

Eventually Naruto’s talk got through Sora’s mind. The nine tails chakra started to suppress to Sora’s will. Both of them landed on the ground huffing in exhaustion. I ran up to Naruto and hugged him.

“You were awesome Naruto. I’m proud.” I said as I pulled away. He grinned at me. I put my hand on his chest and healed him. I also went to Sora and healed him up also.

**Time Skip**

Next day we were all standing at the front gates waving off Sora as he went to travel the world. “Well this was quite a week wasn’t it?” I asked generally to all the others. All of the teams nodded.

I grinned. “I say we celebrate at the BBQ restaurant with Sake!” I yelled out. Naruto snapped his head towards me. “No No Serena! No Sake for you!”  I growled at him.

“You can’t take me away from my Sake, Naru-chan. If you dare try, I will demolish you. Understand?” The others chuckled at my threat. We all headed down and enjoyed out time… while it lasted.

End of Chapter 8!! Hope you liked it!^^

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