Ch. 21: Hokage

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Serena's POV

Kakashi, Naruto, and I were walking towards the village after defeating Pein. It was quiet, but peaceful. The birds were chirping as if a new ray of sunshine had penetrated the forest.

As we got closer I heard muffled noise. I raised an eyebrow, confused as to what was going on right now. Kakashi was watching us from the corner of his eyes as we scrunched our noses. The noise was getting clearer. It was cheering?

We stepped out of the forest and into the village clearing. My eyes widened at the number of people standing there...waiting for us. Naruto and I looked at each other then back to the crowd.

"WOOH! Yeah!! GO SERENA AND NARUTO!!" the villagers cheered. All of the rookies were standing in the front smiling at us.

Sakura ran forward and hugged Naruto. I wanted to stand on the sidelines. I moved a little back and stood next to Kakashi. I was grinning as people came up to Naruto and recognized as a hero.

I smiled. That's all Naruto wanted. This was his dream. To be known as a hero so people would appreciate him. I wasn't going to interfere, but rather mentally cheer for him. Kakashi wrapped his hands around me and pulled me into a hug. I knelt into his touch. He was warm, so I relaxed letting my eyes rest for a bit.

Kakashi's POV

I was watching the villagers cheer on for Naruto. I smiled under my mask. I remember the day when we said our introductions starting off in Team 7. It seems like one of his dreams came true.

Serena came and stood next to me, but didn't say anything. I looked down at her. She had a soft smile on her face as her eyes were gazed on Naruto. I wonder if she knows that she's the main one that has changed Naruto the most. It was because of her that he became more happy.

I wrapped my arms around her and rested my chin on her head. She closed her eyes and relaxed into my touch. She meant a lot to me. In some ways a daughter, in others like a sister. She has changed not only me, but many others in this village.

"I'm so proud of you Angel. You have no idea how much you have done for this village and its people. I'm so proud." I whispered in her ear. She nodded to let me know she heard.

"Why don't you go stand by Naruto? Hm?" I asked. She shook her head and smiled.

"Let Naruto be in the spotlight. He deserves it. He has done a lot. I had said that one of my goals was to let Naruto reach his dreams. This is making him happy, so why would I interfere?" she explained.

I chuckled and kissed her forehead. Serena may be bipolar, temperamental, loud, but she is wise, happy, and has a kind heart.

I saw Shikamaru look at us. He looked at Serena questionably. He walked over with his hands in his pocket.

Serena's POV

My eyes were closed but I heard footsteps. "What a drag... Serena what are you doing here standing next to Kakashi sensei?"

I peeked one eye I open and saw Shika standing in front of us. I raised an eyebrow. "What does it look like I'm doing... I'm hugging him." I stated in an obvious tone.

He rolled his eyes ans sighed. "I meant over the crowd." I shrugged.

He walked closer, put his arms around me and flung me on his shoulder.

"H-HEY WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING SHIKA!! Put me down!" I yelled as I pounded my fists on his back.

"Women are so troublesome...just like my mother." I heard him mutter. I gained an anime vein.

"If I'm so troublesome then put me down now!!" he set me down and looked at me.

"Women may be a bother, but you're the one that's least troublesome to me..." he said.

That's a compliment right?? I sighed. Sometimes I don't understand Shika's mind. I was suddenly swept off my feet and into the air.

I screamed as I fell back down. I was thrown into the air multiple times as people cheered my name.

"I'm not the only hero here. Serena Senju has been by my side ever since I was 5. If it weren't for her today, I would have been clearly defeated. It was because of her. She believed in me when no one else did. She's my family." I heard Naruto say.

I turned around and looked at him wide eyed. "N-Naruto..." I muttered as tears streamed down my cheek. My feet moved on my own and tackled him into a hug.

"Oh Naruto..." I sobbed into his chest. He chuckled and buried his face into my hair. We stayed in each others arms until it was time for us to go back.

We both smiled at each other then walked inside the village.

**Time Skip 2 days**

I had rested the whole day yesterday trying to replenish my exhausted chakra. The opening of the gates put sever fatigue on my body. But I'm okay now.

I was walking through town and went towards the main tents where the council and my mom where. I stopped in front of the tents and looked back at the village.
It was completely destroyed due to Nagato's Almighty Push, but the progress was getting there. I smirked. How about I help out s bit.

I got into a stance and closed my eyes. I made a couple of hand signs. "Wood Style: Wood Housing Release Technique!" I yelled. One third of the village started shaking as if an earthquake was going to hit.

Screams echoed throughout as the shaking continued. I silently laughed. "W-what happened?" someone asked. I turned around and saw Kakashi, Shikaku (Shika's dad), and the Leaf Elders.

I laughed and pointed to one part of the village. The wood I had released had rebuilt the houses and shops how they were before the attack.

They looked back at me. "Did you do that?" I nodded.

"Yup! I thought that I would help out a bit. So I released wood on that side of town. I'll do the other sides a bit later..." I told them back.

They were thinking for a couple of seconds then eventually nodded going back into the tents. I blinked at them but shrugged it off.

I walked off into town and looked around admiring the village's hard work.

**Time Skip**

I was headed towards the barrier training grounds to check up on Dad and Itachi. I walked into the smaller hut first.

I checked the BP, heart rate, and breathing. Everything was normal. I sat down and started talking to him.

"Good morning Itachi. How are you doing...? Well you can't really reply so I'm just going to talk. Anyway, the village was attacked yesterday by the Akatsuki leader, Pein. He had come to get Naruto. The village is now in ruins basically. But Naruto and I defeated him. Mommy also went into a coma. I don't know when she's going to wake up... Therefore no Hokage temporarily..." I continued on my conversation with him as I told of the recent events.

"Well I have to get going... I'll come later on to check up on you." I said and softly kissed him on the forehead.

I left the room and went to the bigger hut to talk with Dad.

"Morning Dad! How are you doing on this fine sunny day. I'm fine just a bit exhausted. Nagato attacked the village. It's completely blown up now due to his Rinnegan. Naruto and I defeated him. Do you know what he said when confronted him face to face? He said that he will put faith us into bring peace to the ninja world. He said that he will believe in us just as you believed in him." I kept on talking and told him about the state the village is in right now.

**Time Skip**
I was walking back to the village now humming a simple song.

"Serena!" I heard. I stopped walking and saw Shikaku running towards me. I smiled.

"Heeyy Shikaku-san. How can I help you?" I asked. He smiled.

"Serena I would like you to come with me to the meeting with the lord of the Land of Fire tomorrow." he said. I raised an eyebrow.

"Why exactly do you need me?" I asked skeptically. He just looked at me. "Well I would like you to come just like a representative of the village. Nothing big, but just to come instead of your mother."

I eventually nodded, still confused. He grinned. "Great. We shall be leaving tomorrow at 8." I nodded and left to go back home.

**Time Skip to next day**
We were now sitting around a long, round table at the capitol city in the Land of Fire. It was an emergency meeting. There was the the Feudal Lord himself, a daimyo, the two village elders Himura and Koharu, Danzo, Shikaku, and myself.

Ugh. Why the hell am I in such a boring meeting for anyways...? I'd rather drown myself in Sake or something...

"Regarding the Akatsuki, we will continue to pursue them with our allied nations." Himura spoke up.

"We will support the Leaf Village fully with what has happened." the daimyo said. Himura nodded.

"We will need to put together a budget..."

"More importantly..." Danzo spoke up interrupting Himura. "The selection of the Hokage is needed first." Shikaku and I glared at him. The crazy old bat is dying to get the position.

"What about my mother?" I asked. Koharu looked at me. "Serena, Tsunade is in comatose right now. We are not sure when she will wake up. Besides it was her fault that caused the destruction of the Village!!" he exclaimed. I grew furious. I slammed my hands on the table and stood up.

"She did what any other Hokage would have done! She protected the village with all her might! What did you old bats do huh?? NOTHING! But sit around! Why don't you get your old asses up and do something about it rather than order people around." I yelled at them.

The others stared at me wide eyed. I gave a heated glare to the elders and sat down. I kept my glare on them. I saw them gulp nervously.

"Ahem anyways... I always thought that Jiraiya would take over the position. But he's no longer with us." the Feudal Lord spoke.

I decided to speak up. " I recommend Kakashi Hatake." I said with confidence before Danzo could even try. He glared at me while I smirked back. Shikaku looked at me with a smile.

"Ooo. The son of the White Fang? Yes! How nice. What do you others think?" the daimyo asked.

"Ahh very powerful indeed. Who was his master?"

"Minato Namikaze. The 4th Hokage."

"And Jiraiya was the master of the 4th? Yes?"


"The 3rds teachings are what annihilated the Leaf Village!" Danzo shouted getting the attention of the Feudal Lord. "Pein was Jiraiya's student, the one who destroyed the Leaf! Much has occurred within the Leaf! The Sand betrayed during the Chunin exams, Orochimaru invaded the village, Sasuke Uchiha one the survivors of the Uchiha clan became rogue! What we need is a Hokage that brings order!"

"I will become a Hokage like no other!" Danzo concluded. I glared at him as he finished his speech. Dumbass was the one who ordered the annihilation of the Uchiha. This guy is probably the most shady of all the people I knew.

"Hmmm he is right... I have mad my decision. Danzo shall be....." the Feudal Lord started.

"Wait!!....." Shikaku interrupted. All attention went on him. "There is another I would like to recommend. A person that is better and stronger than both Danzo, Kakashi, and Tsunade."

Confusion went around the room. WOOH! Ya! Go shikaku san. I knew he probably had someone up his sleeves.

All ears perked up wanting to know who this mysterious person is. Even mine.

"Oh?" the Feudal Lord asked. "Who?"

"Our very own second Senju princess." my eyes widened. I snapped my head towards Shikaku. WHAT THE HELL!!

Everyone looked at me as I squirmed under all of their gazes. Shikaku continued.

"Serena Senju. 16. Daughter of the two Sannins Jiraiya and Tsunade. She has been trained by both, including the 3rd and Kakashi Hatake. Became ANBU captain at 12. I believe that she is stinger than all and more than fit to become a worthy leader." Shikaku concluded.

I was speechless. "Ahh what a worthy choice! She did defeat Pein and protect the village." the daimyo said.

"H-Hey wait a min---" I was cut off as a hand slapped over my mouth. I groaned and looked at Shikaku's hand. He was looking straight at the Lord with intent eyes.

The Lord looked and studied me. He finally put his fan down and grinned.

"SERENA SENJU, I now appoint you as 6th Hokage!"

Shikaku grinned and bowed to the lord. "She will not disappoint you." I just stood up like a statue. Frozen.

Shikaku had to drag me out of the room. As we came out of the building entirely, I spoke up.

"SHIKAKU SAN, ARE YOU CRAZY!!" I yelled. He sighed and waited for me to calm down.

"Serena. I know this is sudden, but we could not have Danzo as Hokage. I'm sure you agree." I sighed and slowly nodded after a minute.

"B-but how can I be Hokage... I don't even know how."

He chuckled. "Do not worry my dear. Kakashi and I will be there to help you. I nodded and grabbed his hand. I teleported right into the village.

Shikaku looked at me in shock. I shrugged. "I didn't want to walk all the way home."

He just laughed and ruffled my hair. I looked at the Hokage mountains and softly smiled.

"Serena Senju. The Sixth Hokage."

End of chapter!! Hope you liked it!^^

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