Ch.19: Naruto&Serena vs. Pein

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Serena's POV

There we were. Standing in Konoha. The whole village had been destroyed except the mountains. Buildings crashed on the ground, water pipes exploded at parts, and people injured all around. 

Smoke and dirt consumed the air. It was hard to breathe. Our home. Gone. 

It was absolutely unreal. My eyes narrowed at the orange figure in the distance. I saw Pein standing there on the other side. 

"The Nine tails Jinchuriki and ahhh Little Serena. Good now we don't have to hunt you down." he said. Suddenly the rest of the paths came down to stand by him from above.

"All six have assembled." Geezer Sage muttered. Out of no where, Mom came in front of us. My eyes widened. 


"I *huff huff* am the 5th Hokage! How dare you tremble upon the jewel. The dream's of my predecessors. I won't forgive you! I'LL SETTLE THIS NOW AS HOKAGE!" she yelled. 

Suddenly the first path came flying towards us. Before anything, I flashed in front of Mom and crushed the path with my bare hands. CRASHHH! I glared at Pein with my Sage jutsu eyes. 

"The one you need to settle this is with US!" I yelled. I stood there with my arms crossed. 

She looks exactly like Jiraiya, the 1st Hokage, and me! Tsunade thought as she looked wide eyed. 

Naruto flashed right beside me. He looks like the 4th and Jiraiya! Tsunade thought once again.

"There's no need for the Leaf's 5th Hokage to bother with the likes of them. You just sit back and sip some tea, Granny." Naruto exclaimed. 

"Take her away and make sure she's alright." I told the ANBU next to her. He nodded at me and flashed her away. 

Third POV

"What's going on! What can you see?" Sakura asked a Hyuga member. 

"It's Serena Senju! She took down one of the Pein members in one blow.  And Naruto has also come now. Both of them are standing together." he said. 

Naruto.. Serena.. Sakura thought as she looked wide eyed. 

Third POV

"Gamakichi. Go and make sure the rest of the villagers stay out of this." Serena told him. 
"We'll take over from here." Naruto added on. Both of them glared at Pein. 

We ran forwards. One of the Pein girls did summoning jutsu. POOF! A giant rhino and wolf came out of the smoke and headed towards them. Maa and Paa jumped in the air. "Sage Art: Frog Song!" Yellow sound waves came out of their mouths and headed towards the summoning. 

Naruto and Serena continued on forward as they distracted. Serena kept running forward as Naruto stayed behind and blasted the wolf and the rhino with two giant Rasengan balls. 

One of the Pein's ran at Serena. "Naruto! You go on ahead! I'll take care of this one since it absorbs Ninjutsu!" She yelled at him. Naruto nodded and continued on. 

Serena fought head to head with the path. Since she has monster strength without the use of Ninjustu, she was able to land a hit. She brought back her hand, concentrated chakra, and punched him right in the face, knocking him out.

To git it one more blow, she jumped in the air, flipped and crashed her right leg onto his stomach. 

Serena's POV

I landed right beside Naruto as I defeated the first path. "That's it! We don't have time! We'll finish this with our new jutsu's!" Naruto yelled. We both got our hands ready.

"I see. You both have become sages now. Serena being the first ever female sage. Just like Jiraiya- sensei." Pein said. 

"Jiraiya.... sensei?!?!" Naruto exclaimed. "Naruto, he's right. Pein was one of his students back during the 2nd Shinobi War." I told him. Pein nodded at my statement. 

"She's correct. I also learned justu from Master Jiraiya. That makes the three of us sibling students. We should be able to understand each other. Our master required peace." he said. 

I glared and made quick handsigns. "Just shut the hell up!!" I screamed as I held the Rasen-Chidori in my hands. It was gigantic because of how the Sage Jutsu added more power. Naruto held up his rasen-shuriken. 


"What a mass amount of chakra! Did you teach the two that, Paa?" Maa asked. Paa shook his head. "This is the first I'm seeing the two using that jutsu!" 

"What are those two jutsu's?" the Hyuga member looked with his Byakugan. "Whats happening?" Sakura asked. 

"Naruto's and Serena's Chakra. One of them looks like a shuriken with a ball, while the other is having static around a ball." he said. Sakura's eye widened. "Wind Style Rasen Shuriken and the Rasen-chidori!" Serena.. Naruto!


"Everything that you have done here, all of this destruction! WHAT PART OF THAT IS PEACEFUL!!" We yelled at the same time and Naruto threw his Rasen shuriken. 

From the anime I remembered that the long haired one would push the short haired one out of they way. Therefore, I ran to the spot the short haired Pein landed. 

When she did, I blasted her. "RASEN CHIDORI!!!" I yelled. A huge light illuminated and thunder crackled as the massive chakra destroyed her. 

The same happened with Naruto's jutsu. It completely blasted the long haired Pein within the molecular level. Naruto and I once again came back and stood next to each other as we watched our jutsu's obliterate two of the Paths. 

"What was that? Who could be fighting Pein??" Shikamaru asked. Katsuya answered "It's Serena and Naruto." 

"What? They're back?" Shika asked. The slug nodded. "Yes. They both have mastered Sage jutsu and are fighting Pein alone." she informed. 

"What! Are they kidding me!!"  "Please stay here. Serena has asked that none of us interfere." she said.

"Man Serena. She's such a drag! Trying to care for others, but can't take care of herself." he muttered. "They can't do it alone." 

"Shikamaru. Leave it alone. They both have mastered Sage Jutsu. They are in a class of their own. And besides you know how Serena is. Her temper and strength is like the Hokage's but don't forget Master Jiraiya has also trained her." 

Shika chuckled at the fact that Serena could be pissing her head off at Pein. 

Naruto's and mine Sage mode had reached its limit. We can only go into Sage mode two more times! I thought. The main Pein started coming at us fighting both of us head on. 

I fought him with Taijutsu as Naruto tried to get his Sage mode back. He tried to punch me, but I ducked. I tried to punch him back but he caught my hand. I flipped over and kicked him away. 

He landed in a crater. I was panting on my knees. I looked up and saw him coming out. I got into a stance. He ran at me. I backed up with each step stopping his arm movements with my own. 

"NOW WOULD BE A GOOD TIME TO GO INTO SAGE MODE NARUTO!!!"  I screamed as I dodged all of Peins attacks. He finally manged to kick me. I flew back, but Naruto caught me.

"Oof!"  I muttered as I held my stomach in pain. Naruto flashed over and punched Pein in the face with his Sage chakra. As he did, I quickly ran over to Paa and let my clone come out from the summoning. I put my hands together and released it, replenishing myself back into Sage Mode. 

I ran to stand by Naruto. He created Rasen shuriken and threw it Pein. But the ninjustu absorb-er dude came and absorbed the jutsu. 

"That's his ability! But I thought I took care of him." I stated. We both looked over to see another Path standing beside a huge machine. 

"Ah so that's his ability. To bring back the dead." Naruto said as we looked at it. Katsuya nodded in confirmation. "The most bothersome Pein is the one Serena fought earlier. He can repel all jutsus and attacks. He can also pull objects towards him. His full power hasn't been shown yet." 

"We first need to get the guy in the back. We'll also use smoke bombs. Naruto you disguise and go for the front while I fly above and get the back one. Kay?" I quickly told him. He nodded and threw red smoke bombs. 

I quickly jumped up and out of the smoke, as all of the paths were distracted. A rasen shirken was thrown to the front path. He tried to absorb it, but it turned out to be Naruto transformed. 

I quietly floated on top of the back Pein and crashed into him with one hand holding the Rasengan and the other holding the Chidori. 

The main Pein snapped his head towards me. What?! I glared up at him as my attacks finished up hurting the back one. 

Serena used the cover of the smoke to get the Pein in the back. The main Pein thought. 

As Naruto and I were about to punch him... "ALMIGHTY PUSH!!" he yelled. I crashed into Naruto as we both slid into the dirt landing all they way by Maa and Paa. 

"Are you two alright?" We stood up and nodded. Two paths were now remaining. 

"Well what do we do now?" Naruto asked. "The main paths power has returned. The interval between every attack is 5 seconds." I told him. 

The big toads went ahead and tried to attack, but they were pushed back in the same way. We stood their glaring at the two Peins.

"We should try the Genjutsu on Naruto that we did with Jiraiya boy." Paa said. I walked up a bit in the front. 

"I must say... Serena, Naruto. This is the farthest Pein has been pushed." The main pain said. "Universal Pull!" He brought out his hand and pointed it towards me. 

Suddenly I'm flying towards him. "SERENA!!" The other ninjutsu Pain came behind me and grabbed my hands in a head lock. 

I felt my chakra being drained. All of my Sage jutsu is being absorbed!  It completely disappeared. I was breathing heavily.

"Not yet, Uncle Pein... not yet." I softly exclaimed. He looked at me in surprise as I said Uncle. For a second, I saw his features soften. Mhmmm.... wait.. that's it! I can't move! This is perfect. 

I closed my eyes and concentrated. I tried sensing for Nature energy and called it upon me. I felt it come and absorb into me. More. More. I abruptly opened my eyes and smirked. 

The Pein's hand that was holding me suddenly started to get bigger. It's hands were transforming. Then his face transformed. Uncle Pein looked at me.

"I guess you didn't know that Nature energy is hard to control." I said. The Pein behind me grew toad like features and started turning into stone. Eventually becoming a statue.  

I clenched my fists trying to break out of the hold. "Uggh..eeeehhh.. ahhh!" I finally broke out and fell to the ground. *Huff huff*

"Alright, we're finally down to just you." Naruto said as he came up beside me. "Now see that's where you're wrong." Pein said. 

"Naruto. These Peins are kind of like puppets. They are being manipulated by the real Pein." I told him 

"Alright the Genjutsu is re--" Paa started but was suddenly heading towards us. Pein took out a rod and struck him through it. Our eyes widened. "GEEZER SAGE!!" we yelled. 

Suddenly, Pein grabbed me and kicked me on the ground. He took out a rod and stabbed it through my thigh holing me at place. "AHHHH!!" I screamed in pain. "SERENA!" Pein went over to Naruto and did the same thing but on his palms. 

We laid there in agony as Pein started telling us the story about his village. "You and Serena are trying to bring peace to the ninja world. All three of us are thinking the same things. The peace that Jiraiya sensei wanted. All three of us motivated by our desire for peace and justice. The justice I delivered the Leaf Village is no different than the both of your justice towards me. Everyone feels the same pain losing someone dear to us. You both strive for your justice and I strive for mine." 

"Our shinobi world is ruled by hatred." I spoke up. "Justice will seek out vengeance as we are doing now for Daddy and the Village. This justice will create a vicious cycle of hate. " I concluded. 

Pein looked at me surprised. He nodded. "Serena. You are correct. This shinboi world of ours is ruled by hatred and hatred alone." he said as he knelt down to my height and stroked my cheek. I looked at him straight in the eyes. But didn't say anything.

He started telling us that he wants to create the 10 tails to end this cycle of hatred and let the world know what true pain is. As he was talking to Naruto, I quietly took out the rod out of my left. I bit my lip to try and stop myself from screaming. I pulled it out and sighed. 

I saw Pein walking towards Naruto with his hand out. My eyes widened and I quickly flashed over and jumped right in front of him. I brought my arm back and chakra punched the ground. "Hyaa!" 

Naruto looked at me wide eyed as I stood in front of him in a fighting stance. "I will not let you hurt Naruto anymore." 

I glared at Pein and raised my hands. "I had made a promise. A promise that I will always be there. As a friend, as a sister, and as a family member. I had once told you that I would protect the people I care about, Pein. So now, I'm fulfilling my goal." 

I stared at Pein and looked at Naruto's chakra rods from the corner of my eye. I jumped a bit in place then suddenly kicked off part of the chakra rod on Naruto's hand. 

They both looked at me in surprise. I was about to kick another when Pein suddenly pushed me away with his power. I shakily stood up and wiped the blood away that was dripping down my cheek. 

I ran forward and had a hand to hand combat with him. I tried to punch him but he dodged. I stepped back a bit and chakra punched the ground. As it started rumbling I made a series of hand signs. "Fire Style: Fire Ball Jutsu!" I blew out hot air. He repelled. 

His powers were on a pause now. I made handsigns. My left hand a chidori and my right a rasengan. I combined the two and teleported behind Pein to get him faster. 

I smacked my hand on his mid back and he flew all the way to the other side of the cliff. He created a huge crater. I ran back to Naruto and quickly kicked off another chakra rod. 

Then I was suddenly pulled towards Pein. My eyes widened as I looked down. He had stabbed me in the stomach with one of his chakra rods. I groaned as I dropped to the ground. It hurt like a bitch, but it hurt even more because my chakra was getting pulled out of me. 

My chakra had been drained. I put my hands together. "RELEASE!!"  I yelled. It was the only option. The design on my forehead began to disappear. Black designs covered my forehead in swirls and waves. 

Chakra radiated off of me. My hair was flying because of it. I added chakra to my hands to make them razor sharp. I ran forward and hit Pein in the chest. He doubled over a bit in pain, but stood up. We kept fighting as I tried severe his chakra system a bit in his arms. 

He kept flashing around me. I looked left right left right trying to find him. The next thing I knew that another chakra rod hand gone through my stomach in the front. I screamed a little. 

Pein grabbed me by the neck and tossed me in the air. I landed RIGHT IN FRONT of Naruto's face as he was still pinned down by his hands. 

Pein flashed over to me, sat on my stomach, and the next thing I know is that his hand is jabbed through my chest. I looked at him wide eyed. 

No words came out. No scream. No yell. Nothing. "SERENAAAAAAAA!!" I heard someone. I couldn't see who it was. I was too busy staring at those Rinnegan eyes. Those infuriating eyes. 

They bore down on me. I felt a tear drop trickled down my cheek and mix with the blood. Numb. There was no feeling. My ears were filled with a loud ring. I didn't hear anything. 

Third POV

Naruto stared speechless at the motionless Serena in front of him. Pein still had his hand within her chest. He finally stood up and pulled it out. Naruto's head buzzed with thoughts.

"I'll always remember you Naru-chan!"

"See this friendship bracelet? This shows that I'll always be in your heart."

"Your my family Naruto. I'll always protect you. That is my goal." 

You matter to me! You are like family. I will always protect you, Naruto! Always and don't you forget that. You are no monster. You are my Naru-chan and always will be okay?" 

Naruto grew angry. He was furious. Pein had harmed the only person who cared about him. His best friend. His first friend. His family. His sister. His believer. 

The pain couldn't stay inside of him anymore as he saw her stay motionless with eyes staring into the sky. He saw the tears that came out of her eyes. No. No more. 

BOOOOOOMMMMMMM!!!!  The ground started shaking. Pieces flew everywhere. Suddenly everything became silent. Then.....


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