Ch.18: Mount Myoboku/Land of Toads

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Serena's POV

POOF! The smoke started to clear. My eyes widened at the scenery. It was absolutely beautiful! The grass was greener than lime, a huge waterfall that cascaded to a crisp lake, except it wasn't water, giant mushrooms that look so soft to sit on, and toads hanging around everywhere.

"Woah! Where are we?" Naruto asked. I smiled. "Naru-chan this is the Land of Toads, or Mount Myoboku. It's the place where all of the Toad summonings live." He nodded and looked around.

We saw Lord Fukasaku, aka Geezer Sage, poof in right next to us. "HEY HEY! Naruto! Serena!" We looked up to see Gamakichi jumping off the gigantic flower right in front of us. 

"Hey Kichi! How's it going?" I asked. He grinned. "Doing just fine! I was the one who summoned you two." he said. We nodded.

"Before we begin training, we must first eat." Naruto and I followed Geezer Sage. We were now sitting at his home staring at the variety of food in front of us.

"I think I'm going to be sick." I muttered. I looked up to see Naruto. I started laughing out loud. His facial expression was hilarious. He glared at me. 

The food wasn't normal food. Well it was normal for them. But they were bugs, insects, and other slimy animals. Caterpillars, worms, fly's, butterflies, etc...

"Now now don't be shy! Eat up! I put extra effort into this food. Eat the caterpillars, they are delicious." Maa-chan said. She was Geezer Sage's wife. 

I picked up the wooden spoon and dipped it into the soup. It was filled with white worms, green beetles, some sort of mushroom, and the broth was purple. 

I hesitantly brought it to my mouth and took a sip. My eyes widened as I dropped my spoon. IT WAS DISGUSTING!! I felt like I was drinking poison. 

I grabbed my throat trying to swallow it. I eventually did and sighed. I felt it coming back up. I stood up from the table and ran outside. 

"UUUUAAAAHHH!" I threw up outside. I shuddered as the flavor stayed in my mouth. 

**Time Skip**

We were in front of the waterfall. Naruto was crouched down trying not to throw up his food. "You'll have to get used to the food. Your stomach will need to be fed so it won't get too choosy." Geezer Sage said. 

"I'll probably be dead by then." I heard Naruto mutter. I silently chuckled. I slapped his back. "Come on Naruto. Get up." He sighed but nodded. 

"Alright you two, training now begins. Before I do I must explain Sage Jutsu." Geezer Sage said. We both nodded to let him continue. "As opposed to Ninjutsu, where you have to utilize internal energy... Sage Jutsu requires the usage of outer energy."

"What does that mean?" I asked. "Ninjutsu is created from creating one's mental and physical energy together. But Sage jutsu requires all of that internally generated chakra, plus the addition of nature energy from the outside.... resulting in even more powerful chakra. This boosts the power of your ninjutsu, genjutsu, and taijutsu." he said.

Naruto kept nodding trying to figure it out. I sighed and shook my head. "Naru-chan what he's basically saying is that you have a chocolate and vanilla ice cream swirl cone. You can add mint swirl in it to make it taste better." I said face palming. 

"Ohh! That makes more sense!" he exclaimed. I chuckled at his limited understanding. 

**Time Skip**

We were now going to learn how to become 'one' with Nature in order to sense and see Nature energy. "To do this you need to be still. You can't move." We raised an eyebrow at him.

"We don't have time to waste, we have to get started." Naruto said. "That attitude will get you killed Naruto boy. Yours and Serena's opponent is Pein. He possess's the Rinnegan, the doujutsu that the Sage of the Six Paths had."

"We know all about him. He's the leader of the Akatsuki and is after the tailed beasts. That means he can come for Naruto anytime." I said. Naruto nodded in agreement.

Geezer Sage sighed. "Lucky for you two there's a shortcut. See this waterfall? It's the secret toad oil from Mt. Myoboku. Come here and hold out your hand." Naruto pushed me forward. 

I walked towards the toad and crouched down. He took my hand and rubbed some oil on top of it. "This oil will help you attract Nature energy from the spot. It will be a training tool, eventually you won't even need it anymore. However... there are risks." I looked at him confused. 

I turned towards Naruto. He stared at me and screamed. "AHH! Serena! What's wrong with your face!!?" I looked back at my reflection. 

I screamed. "What the hell is going on! I look like a toad!"   "If you cannot control Nature Energy, you will start transforming into a frog." I stared at him in shock. M-me?? A frog!! Eww! 

" NOO!! I DON'T WANT TO BE A FROG! GET IT OFF GET IT OFF!" I yelled running around. Gamakichi sighed as I got whacked in the head by a stick. 

I was about to yell at Geezer Sage until I saw that my hands and eye were back to normal. "You need to have a balance of all three natures. Are you willing to risk becoming a frog?" 

Naruto and I looked at each other and nodded. "My ninja way is the same as Dad's/Pervy Sage's." we said at the same time. "So yes we will." 'Believe it!!" 

**Time Skip**

We have been training for a couple of days now. Naruto and I always sneak off at night to do some of our own training with Ninjutsu. We have been practicing to summon Nature energy by sitting in front of the waterfall. 

Geezer Sage always whacked us on the heads whenever we were transforming. Ugh. That annoying little toad...

Our training had been complete now. The Sage taught us Frog Kumite and how it increases our physical attacks. It was now time for us to leave. 

POOF! We had arrived. The smoke started to clear. My eyes widened. Oh my. It's worse than the anime! 

"Where are we!? I thought we were going to Konoha??" Naruto asked. 

"Naru chan..." he looked at me. "This is Konoha. Look!" I pointed. His eyes widened as we scanned the barren land. 

End of Chapter 18! Hope you liked it! 

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