Ch.7: Confrontation

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Serena’s POV
I groaned as I felt a hard surface. I blinked my eyes open and saw I was in a bedroom? I slowly sat up. The pain was gone. It seems like my body can repower with chakra fairly quickly. I stood up and glanced around.

My eyes widened. Oh my god… I’m at Orochimaru’s hideout! It looks exactly like how it was in the anime! I got out of the bed and walked into the hallways. BOOM! I ran towards the sound while shrouding my chakra.

I stood in the darkness of the new hallway I was in listening to the people outside. Then I heard him. I felt my heart clench a bit. I was going to see him after a long time. I shook my head out of these thoughts. No. I’m not going to let him play with my emotions anymore. It’s time for Confident Serena. I told myself.

I heard Sasuke say something and flash towards Naruto. I knew what he was going to do, before he could stab him with the Katana, I flashed over and grabbed each of hands with mine.

“You hurt Naru-chan… and I’ll kill you.” I bluntly told him. There was no emotion on my face. My eyes were dark.

I saw Sasuke’s eye widen for a fraction of a second before going back to his emotional self. Naruto stared at me wide eyed. “S-Serena? What are you doing here?” I gave him a small smile, my eyes still looking at Sasuke’s onyx ones.

“Sorry I was late, a small snake came on my path and I just had to smash it, choke it, and squeeze it until its guts came out.” I winked at him.

Naruto just lightly laughed.  I pushed Sasuke away. He jumped a bit back. I stood next to Naruto.

I pulled out my sword from my back and held it in my hand. Sasuke flashed his Sharingan. He tried to put us under a powerful genjutsu. I knew he was trying but it wasn’t working on me. I could see in his eyes that he was confused as to why I wasn’t trapped.

“Your Sharingan won’t work on me. I’ve been trained by the best.” I told him with a smirk. “So don’t bother.” 

He channelled his chidori into his Katana. I mentally rolled my eyes. He came flashing towards me. I gripped my sword tighter and blocked him off. Our faces were inches away from each other, and our swords locked.

His eye widened at the fact that his chidori katana had no effect. I gave him a smirk. “You think you’re the only one who can channel? You forget that I’ve been trained by the best, and not from anyone from the Leaf.”

His eyes narrowed at me. “I will not be coming back. Don’t try.” I rolled my eyes and scoffed. “I only came because of Naru-chan.” I tried to hide my emotions. On the outside I was all confident but on the inside I was breaking.

He had grown. Much taller than before. His hair was longer and spiky, but still shaped like a ducks ass. He was more toned defined. Sasuke wore a loose white top with some sort of purple pajama bottoms tied with a blue rope. It was weird, but it definitely showed off his abs.

I tried not to show that I missed him. I missed him a lot.  But I wasn’t going to show him that he affected me. That’s something I learned at the Akatsuki, specifically from Itachi, masking me emotions.

Sakura came and tried to punch him. Is she crazy?? Naruto tried to form his fox chakra but Sasuke used his Sharingan on him. I knew this scene. He was facing the 9 tails with Naruto and they were talking how is red eye is like Madara Uchiha.

While they were in their mind sequence, I helped Sakura and Sai up. Sasuke stepped back on the cliff as he was about to execute a powerful justu.

But before he could, Orochimaru came and stopped his hand.

“I wouldn’t bother using that jutsu.” He said. Sasuke yanked his hand away. “Now now, you outta be more respectful towards Lord Orochimaru.”

I rolled my eyes. “Great… the Snake duo have graced us with their appearance.” I said. Kabuto glared at me while Orochimaru just smirked.

“You have gotten powerful Serena. I must say a spitting image of your mother and father. But I must think where you trained these past 2.5 years. Wherever you did, you have grown strong. Maybe even more than me.” He said.

I stiffened at the training part. Did he know?? I glared up at him. If looks could kill, then he would have been dead on the spot.

“I’ll take your statement as a compliment.” I said with a small grin. My teammates just looked at as if I grew another head.

I blinked at them. “What?? If your enemy says that you are more powerful than them, that means something right??” I asked if it was the most obvious thing. Yamato face palmed.

“Ohh you guys are just jealous that the snake didn’t say anything to you.” I winked. Naruto shook his head and sighed. Kabuto just rolled his eyes while Orochimaru just looked at me amused. Sasuke.. well he was Sasuke. Emotionless, but I knew differently.

I could see the emotions inside his eyes. Confusion. Happiness. Love? I must have been knocked out too hard. I shook my head. It can’t possibly be love. He had told me he hated me and he proved it by stuffing his chidori arm within my chest.

They started disappearing as fire surrounded him. Sasuke gave me the last look as I just smirked at him back. I grinned back at everyone.

“Okay! Let’s go go go! I’m tired and I want Sake.” I grabbed all of them and pulled them towards me.

“Now put your hands in the middle as if you were to cheer off. Just do it.” Sakura’s hand came first, then Sai, followed by Yamato, Naruto then me. I put my hand at the top and at the bottom holding everyone’s hand together.

I closed my eyes. “Flying Thunder God Teleportation Jutsu!” I said in my head. Everything around us started to change.
In seconds we were in the Hokage’s office. Mom jumped in surprise as papers flew around from our entrance. My teammates looked at me in surprise.

“How did we get here so fast?” Naruto asked. I smiled. “Teleportation Jutsu. Pretty cool huh?” He nodded and grinned.

I knew that everyone was still sad, especially him after what happened at the hideout. Yamato reported while the rest of us went home. I immediately took a shower. I sighed as the hot water rand down my back. I didn’t want to think too much about it.

I glanced at my ring and softly smiled. Those days were the best. But everything has changed now. I got out of the shower and changed into an oversized t-shirt and long knee length socks. I didn’t wear anything on the bottom except my undergarments because I was just at home.
I crawled into bed, stored my chakra, and went to sleep.

Sasuke’s POV
The moment I saw Serena I knew my eyes had widened. She looked different. But her beauty had exceeded far greater than I have ever seen. She had grown more tone, taller, and her chest was also big.

Her ninja outfit had changed. It showed off her stomach and new tattoos. Her belly piercing made her look hotter. Her hair reached all the way down below her back. She still wore her necklaces, bracelet, but what surprised me was that she still had the ring on.

I was happy that she had kept her promise to cherish it. I had missed her. A lot. But my goals were important. My revenge is important. I’m willing to do anything.

Serena had gotten stronger. Much stronger than I had expected. I couldn’t help but wonder who she trained under. She was the same Serena. Confident and sarcastic. But there was a sense of mystery to her this time around.

 I shrugged it off. I don’t care anymore. My eyes are for killing Itachi now. I told myself. But I knew I was lying.
End of Ch.7!

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