Ch.9: Continuing Naruto's Training and Shikamaru

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Kakashi had asked me to help out with Naruto’s training. I was walking towards the clearing. I saw Naruto, Kakashi, and Yamato all standing.

“Heey everyone. So what are we doing?” I asked as I walked up to them. “We are going to resume Naruto’s training. Since you now know how to split your leaf apart, now you need to split up something more powerful. Serena…?”

I nodded. I went up front and made hand signs. “Wood Style: Wood Release!” I yelled out. The ground started shaking. A huge cliff was growing out of the ground with trees and grass around it. Once it was tall enough, a long waterfall fell from above into a small lake of sparkling water.

Naruto stared wide eyed. “Woah!” Kakashi nodded. “Wood release is the combination of two chakra natures. Earth and Water. Serena combined them at the same time produce this huge scenery.” Naruto nodded.

“Now, what you need to do is split the waterfall in half using wind chakra.” Kakashi told him bluntly.

Naruto created a couple of clones and stood in front of the waterfall. He was now going to split it. Yamato stood within the wood pillars holding his palm out.

“Hey Naruto! While you practice above! I’m going to swim in this pool of water. Kay?” he nodded. I flashed home and put on my bathing suit under a pair of shorts and a loose top. I came back wearing sunglasses and flip flops.

I set my things down by Kakashi’s wooden bench. He was laying down on it reading. Lowering his book he asked me “What are you doing angel?”

I grinned “I’m going to swim! Look how beautiful it is! And the weather is just perfect.”

“What are you going to wear?” I gave him a what do you think? Look. I grinned. I stepped back a bit and slowly took of my top. By now all three of them were staring at me. Kakashi wide eyed, Naruto jaw slack and a blush, while Yamato was just sighed.

I casually threw my top on Kakashi’s face. I unbuttoned my shorts and let them slide down from my left. I was finally out in my bathing suit. It was a black one piece that showed a zig zag cut off design that showed my stomach and skin. Picture shown!

The sun was shining in the sky as I looked up. Hmm I think I’ll go for a dive. I teleported on top of the cliff that I created. I stood on the edge of the waterfall. I stepped back a bit. I readied my feet and ran off the cliff, did a flip, and gracefully dived. “WOOOHHH!” my scream echoed through the forest.

I surfaced from the water and grinned. “Ahh that was fun! You should join me next time eh Naru-chan?” I winked at him. He giggled and nodded.

**Time Skip**

Naruto and I have been together for the past week training. Well he was, while I was swimming and relaxing most of the time.

All four of us were in the field once again, when a ninja came to tell us to come to the Hokage’s office right away.

We all went to stand in front of mom. She had her arms on her chin and her eyes held grief. “There’s some bad news. The Akatsuiki are on the move again and have taken the two tails. But Asuma Sarutobi fought one of them, and has now passed away.”

Our eyes widened in shock. I was so hung up on Naruto’s training that I didn’t even realize it! I’m so so so stupid!I mentally scolded myself. Oh Shikamaru…

I left after the news mom gave us to find Shikamaru. I found him on a small hill sitting by himself looking at the sunset. I frowned.

I slowly stepped up behind and sat next to him. I didn’t say anything. I couldn’t. “Why are you here?” he asked, his voice hoarse. I looked at him. “I’m not here to give you pity if that’s what you’re asking because I know you don’t want it.” I told him bluntly. His eyes widened then he looked back at the sun.

We just sat there in a comfortable silence. He finally spoke up. “I couldn’t protect him. It wasn’t enough. It’s my fault. All of it. If I was stronger, I would have been able to.” He softly spoke.

I felt a tear drop out of my eye. I sat right in front of him on his lap and hugged him. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he put his around my waist pulling me closer. He buried his face into my neck and sobbed.

I felt his tears on my shoulder. I started soothing him by rubbing his back and stroking his hair. “I couldn’t protect him! WHAT KIND OF STUDENT AM I! I’M A DISAPPOINTMENT!” he yelled out.

I grew angry. I grabbed his face with my hands. “Now you listen to me Shikamaru Nara. It’s not your fault. It’s truly not. You are already strong. You have a strong mind, strong body, and a strong soul. You. Are. Not. A. Disappointment. You are the opposite. Asuma is proud of you. You were his favorite student. He treated you like a son. I will help you avenge him Shika. I will and I promise you that. About Asuma’s upcoming son, I know you will take care of him. I know you want to be responsible. I know you will be the best. And you know what?” I softly asked him.

He looked up at me. His dark eyes staring into mine. “What?” he croaked. I gave him a small smile. “I’ll help you along every step of the way. I’ll help with your avenge, I’ll help with Kurenai, and I’ll help with his son. Now it’s also my responsibility.”

He gave me a soft smile and hugged me. My face softened and I hugged him back again. “Thank you. So much… Serena.”

I quickly wiped away my tears and grinned at him. “Now come one. He wouldn’t want you to be like this. Let’s go. We have to do a mission.” I winked at him.

He chuckled and we walked back. I grabbed his hand and pulled him faster. He just needed someone. Some comfort. Someone to tell him that everything will be okay. That’s it. I’ll always be there for the people I care about. 

End of Ch.9! Hope you liked it!^^

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