Ch.14: Team Hebi

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Serena’s POV

I smirked. It was time to reveal myself. I raised my hands ever SO slowly and grabbed onto my hood. I lifted my hood off and let it drop on my back.

The wind decided to pick up at this moment letting all of my hair out and blow in the wind. I dramatically turned and stared at him straight in the eyes.

I would have laughed outloud. His facial expression held nothing but shock. His eyes were wide and jaw slack. I smirked at him.

“Well well well… if it isn’t Sasuke Uchiha.” I walked closer to their group. “S-Serena? W-wha..” he stuttered. Sasuke Uchiha stuttered! Hahaha

I walked closer to his face. “Can’t speak? Cat got your tongue?” I winked at him. Suigetsu started laughing at the scene. He came towards me and wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

“Now what’s a beautiful girl like you  hanging around in a dangerous place like this?” he raised an eyebrow. I smirked at him. He was kinda cute.

“Nothing much. Just a small mission. You must be Suigetsu. One of the Hozuki brothers from the Mist.” I said.

He grinned. “Well, I’m glad that someone like you knows my name.” he winked. I laughed at his antics. “You’re teeth are all the same. They remind me of Kisame and Zabuza.” He blinked at me.

“You know Kisame?” I nodded. “Of course I do! He’s like my older brother. See this sword..?” I took it out. He nodded.

“He got his for me and we trained together.” I grinned. He smiled back wrapping his arm tighter. Sasuke narrowed his eyes and took his arm away from mine.

He pulled me towards him and kept a firm hand. I raised an eyebrow. “What do you think you’re doing, Sasuke?”  “Hn.”

“Yeah! Sasuke what are you doing! Who is this little tramp anyways! She looks completely weak and pointless.” Karin yelled.

I grew angry, but my face was calm. I smirked and walked closer to her. “You must be Karin. The annoying follower of Orochimaru. Hmm I’ve heard a thing about you. You’re a sensory type aren’t you? Your chakra also heals… but you’re a total Sasuke fangirl.. am I right?” I winked.

She blushed and grew furious. Suigetsu started laughing in the background. “Hahaha she told you!”

Karin narrowed her eyes. “Hmph. Your just weak so you can’t say much about me.”

I blinked at her and started laughing. “HAHAHAHAHA!! She thinks I’m weak! Hahaha, no no please don’t make me laugh. I’ll pee!” I stepped back a couple of steps until I could see all of them in range.

“W-why are you laughing! What’s so funny!” she screamed. I raised an eyebrow. “You sure have a short temper don’t you?” I looked to Jugo and smiled.

“You must be Jugo. Nice to meet you.” He smiled back and nodded. “Now just who are you freak!” the bitch yelled.

I rolled my eyes. “Allow me to introduce myself. My name’s Serena. Serena Senju. I’m not sure if you have heard of me or not, but I assure you that I am not weak.” I explained calmly with my hands on my hips.

“I’m 16, ninja from  the Leaf Village.” I walked to Karin’s face. “And have been an ANBU captain of the Assassination squad since I was 12.” I hissed in her face.

She scoffed. “So?” I blinked and smiled. “Want to know more about me?” I stepped back again and looked at the others. “Fine. I’m from the Senju Clan. One of the most powerful clan next to the Uchiha. I have all chakra natures including wood. My parents are two of the Legendary Sannin Tsunade and Jiraiya. I’ve been trained by both of them since I was 5. You want to know what else? I’ve also been trained by every single Akatsuki member… including Itachi Uchiha.” I said.

Sasuke looked at me wide eyed. “Oh! And I’m also Sasuke’s ex.” I casually added on. All three of their mouths dropped and stared at Sasuke.
I winked at him.
“Serena. What are you doing with the Akatsuki?” he asked.
I shrugged. “I had to do something for the 2 and a half years. I had trained with everyone I knew. So I went to their organization and trained with the best.”

He narrowed his eyes at me. “So you know where Itachi is! WHERE IS HE!” he grabbed my shoulders and shook them. I glared and pulled away from his touch.

“Why should I tell you anything?” I asked. He glared at me then smirked. He came closer and whispered in my ear.

“Because… you still love me.” I shivered under his touch but smirked. I pushed away and put my lips to his ear.

“A lot has changed duckbutt, but your arrogance is still the same” I whispered and bit on his ear. I heard him groan and inwardly smirked. Still have that effect.

I backed up a bit and chuckled. I saw in his eyes that he was happy? Glad? I don’t know but I saw his lips twitch up a bit.

“Well what do we have here? Ara! Sasuke-kun! You look like Itachi!” I heard a voice. Sasuke glared. “That uniform, the Akatsuki?” I heard something above, it was a clay bird.

Deidara landed on the ground with Tobi next to him. My eyes lit up! “DEIDARAAAAA!!!” I yelled and ran towards him.

He looked at me for a second then he smiled. “Serena,hmmm? Is that you!?” I tackled him onto the floor and hugged him.

“Oh Deidara I’ve missed you! I haven’t seen you since forever!” I grinned. He chuckled and we both stood up. He kissed my forehead and hugged me.

I saw Sasuke glare at him for the corner of my eyes. I looked at Tobi and smiled. “TOBSTER!” I grinned and hugged him.

“Serena-chan!!” He yelled in a childish voice. “How are you??” he asked.

I laughed and went to his ear. “Just great Madara. Just great.” I whispered. He stiffened and looked at me. I noticed his Sharingan eyes widen with shock.

“How did you know?” his deep voice whispered in my ears. I shrugged. “Don’t worry I won’t say anything. I just have special knowledge.” I said.

I took out the scroll and poofed away my Akatsuki jacket leaving me in my nina attire. I took out the scroll.

“I must get this back to Itachi oniisan.” I told them. Sasuke looked at me wide eyed. I looked at him and smirked.

“Ahh before I leave… Sasuke?” I asked. He looked at me. “Do you like my new tattoo?” I asked curiously. I showed him my shoulder blade. It was the tattoo of Itachi’s name.

He growled in anger and tried to come after me. Deidara stepped up. “You go ahead. I’ll take care of him.” I nodded and kissed his cheek.

“Be careful.” I said and teleported away.
 Third POV

Sasuke glared at Deidara. Why did he kiss her and why did she kiss him! Who exactly is this guy!?

“Who exactly are you to Serena??” he demanded. Deidara blinked and grinned at him. “I don’t see why that’s any of your concern but I’ll tell you. I’m one of her close friends and she’s like a sister to me. If that’s what your asking.”

Sasuke relieved a silent sigh. He didn’t even realize that he was holding his breath.

Deidara narrowed his eye at her. “Don’t think about her like that. I wonder if you know how much you have hurt her. I see it in her eyes everyday. I don’t know what the hell she saw in you, hmmm. All I know is that I’m not the only one who was mad at you for almost killing her. Do you know who was the most upset, hmmm?” he taunted.

Deidara flashed behind and whispered in his ear. “Itachi was.” Sasuke’s eyes hardened.

And their battle begun….

End of Chapter 14! Hope you liked it!^^ Comment! 

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