Ch.25: Preparation

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Serena's POV

I woke up in a daze. I looked around confused. Huh? Where am I? I shook off the blanket and stood up. I was wearing a white shirt with the leaf symbol and orange pants. These are Naruto's...

I went out the door to see Naruto cooking breakfast. He turned around and grinned at me. "Hey Sis. You finally woke up?" Sis? I guess I'm his sister from now on.

I smiled at him. "Hey Naru-chan. Did you bring me here last night?"

He nodded. "You fell asleep when were at the mountains. So I brought you here. Now come on sit. I made breakfast." I grinned and sat down next to him. 

Of course breakfast was ramen, but I didn't mind. I was in the mood for Beef ramen today. We both finished up our breakfast and cleaned up. I teleported back home and took a shower. 

I changed into my ninja clothes and hokage cloak. My hat was still at the office. I locked the door and walked into the busy streets.

I finally arrived at the office. I sat down and started on my paper work. I was assigning missions to teams. I heard the tent flap open and saw Team Ebisu. I smiled at them.

"Hey good morning Kono, Moegi, Udon. How are you?" The looked and ran towards me. I laughed and hugged them. I also kissed all of their cheeks. 

"Okay so the mission for you guys is to go the capitol of the Land of Fire and bring in food and medicine supplies." They groaned. I smirked.

"Come on Serena nee-chan!! WE NEED A BETTER MISSION!!! Not this crappy one!!" Kono yelled out. Ebisu whacked him on the head.

"So S-sorry lady Hokage. Konohamaru mind your manners!" Ebisu yelled at him. I giggled. "It's quite alright Ebisu-san. I'm sorry Kono, but currently this is all we have with the village being renewed and all. Besides, if you want to be Hokage you're going to have to do this right?" He nodded.

"Then you should do this mission. Kay?" They all sighed. "Fineeeee. But only this time." I nodded. "You are dismissed." 

**Time Skip**

It was now about 2 pm. I was just relaxing with a cup of Jasmine tea and dangos in my tent. I sighed. There are certain things I have to do right now. First I need to get 'that' then I need to leave to get the other 'thing.'  

I put my snack down and stood up. I went outside to find Kakashi. I found him sitting with the other jounins.

"Kakashi sensei..." He looked at me and smiled. "I have a task I need to do. So if you see Shikaku san could you please tell him that I will be out for a while." he nodded.

"Where are you going, Serena?" he asked with a suspicious look. I grinned and innocently blinked my eyes. "That's for me to know and you to.... dot dot dot." I said.

I walked away. The place I needed to go was the ROOT building. I was walking towards a less populated part of the village. I found the underground ROOT building.

I had told the members to abandon it, but not to touch any single item. I was going to inspect. But actually I needed something. Or two things. I quietly walked inside and shrouded my chakra.

I closed my eyes and felt around for other ninjas in the area. None..good. I walked inside the building. It was dark and damp inside. The ceilings were high, but a bit pointed. As I enter, it's like a boardwalk. The path I'm walking is surrounded by water. It meets in the middle with three other paths. 

I had to find the path that lead to Danzo's office. I closed my eyes and sensed for any traces of Danzo's chakra that might have been left behind. Hmmm.... ah bingo. I walked towards the middle path and all the way down. I continued until I came to a large room. 

It had a big desk with papers and a chair behind it. On the wall was a land of fire symbol and around it was root anbu masks. It was a plain office. I bet he hid his secret lab or something... There has to be a small opening or trap. I searched around the room for something out of the ordinary. 

Knowing him he probably put it somewhere that someone would least expect it. I searched in the walls tapping around to sense any sound that was different. Nothing. I checked under his desk for any buttons or levers. Again nothing.

I stood up and crunched my eyebrows. The only thing that is decorative are the masks... that's right! The masks! I snapped my head towards them and came closer. I tried to move the masks. When I did, I heard a chain noise. Confused I moved the other masks. More noise.

It seems like I have to move the masks to find the opening. Kind of like a code. Maybe... which direction the masks are facing? Or wait... If I think about it, I know that Danzo was a Sharingan freak. So maybe if I changed the shapes of the masks to look like a Sharingan... I went up and rearranged the masks in order. 

CLICK! I blinked. The masks started moving on their own. When they finally stopped, I found a door right under the desk. It looked like a basement of some sort. There were a passage of stairs that led down to a dark room.

I roamed my hand around the wall to find the lights. I switched them on and my eyes widened. It was a laboratory  There were glass cases that held body parts in them, wires attaching to computers, green lights that illuminated the room. It was unbelievable.

I slowly crept in the room, making sure not to trip over the wires. I glanced at the glass cases. There was an arm preserved in it. But it had some special seal. I ignored it and kept looking around.

I was looking for small glass cases that held something particular. I went all the way towards the back of the room and looked in the cabinets. I opened them one by one until I found the right cabinet.

I smirked. There it was. I picked up two of the small glass bottles that held the item I needed. I put it away in my weapons pouch and fled out of the building immediately. I was going to blow it up. All of the information and records from inside were all copied and put away. 

The stuff inside was useless now, except what I had in my bag. But that was also going to be given to someone else. I stood a couple of meters away from the entrance.

"Fire Style: Grand Fireball Jutsu!" I blew out a massive fireball that was as high as the roof the ROOT building. The walls ignited and the foundation was eventually in flames. 

I watched as the roof and walls melted off from the heat. As everything crumbled to the ground, I blew out a Water ball to diminish the fire. As that task was done, I left to go back to the tents. 

I was walking when I came by Kakashi, Shikaku, and the elders. I kept on walking by them. "By the way, the ROOT  building is no more." I bluntly said and walked on not waiting for a response. But from the corner of my eyes I could see their eyes widen. 

**Time Skip**

It was now about 9 in the evening. It was dark outside. My duties were finished and I had to complete that specific 'task.' I was heading towards the back of the Hokage mountains. 

Making sure that no one was following me, I entered the barrier. I was now invisible to the outside world. I gazed at the waterfall and bridge, along with the different huts attached to the mountains. Now that I think about it... kinda reminds me of Mt. Rushmore in S.D.. I remember reading about them at school. 

I blinked trying to focus on hand. I walked towards Dad's hut. I stepped inside and put my stuff down. I knelt down besides him. He was looking much better. Color had returned to his face, pulse was normal, and breathing was also normal. My chakra was circulating in his body, 75% had been done, 25% needed to go around again. I nodded in acceptance. 

Next, I went to Itachi's hut. He was also looking good. All vitals were normal and his face looked healthy. His chakra circulation was about 80% done, 20% needed to go around. But that will be done, when I finish my task now. 

It was now time to check his eyes. I carefully peeled the bandages off. I gasped in shock at what I saw. There were no eyeballs! It was just a hollw opening. Blackish inside but you could still see the fresh veins and nerves. I covered my mouth a bit. It was horrifying. That's impossible!! When I brought him here, he had his eyes. Was it fake? Genjutsu? I didn't know. I was confused. My eyes widened. 

Wait a minute... if his eyes are not way. Sasuke's eyes! Ugh I'm so stupid. That's right. I forgot that Sasuke now has Itachi's eyes. But how did Madara even acquire it... Maybe I made a mistake in recognizing it.. Anyways. It's actually good that his eyes are hollow right now. It will make the task much easier. 

"Itachi... you were in a lot of pain when having the Mangekyo right?" I softly spoke to him. Of course he wasn't replying but I knew he could hear me now. "I'm guessing that becoming almost blind was quite scary. But now... you won't need to be." 

I went into my bag and brought out the two bottles that I took from Danzo's lab, and set them on a table. I went over to my medical bag and pulled out all of my materials needed for surgery. I anesthetized him and hooked up the NaCl IV. After that I put on my gloves and mask.

I was now ready to transplant the Sharingan into Itachi. 

I began immediately. I made sure all of the veins were correct and not damaged in the hollow eyes. After that I opened the bottle, and carefully scooped out one of the Sharingan eye balls. I surgically attached it to the left eye. I did the same thing to the right. I sewed on the veins and nerves to make them function again.

I cleaned up and re-wrapped bandages around his face. I lightly smiled. There... now you won't need to suffer Itachi. No more blindness and no suffering. Because now... you have the Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan. That stupid Danzo. I knew that he would have some Sharingans stashed away since he has them all over his arm. What a freak. Anyways, good thing that there were only two left, and I have used them to restore Itachi. 

I cleaned up my tools and put Itachi on morphine for pain. I kissed his cheek and said goodbye. 

I was tired. The surgery took about 4 hours. It was about 1 in the morning. I teleported straight into my room. I crashed on the bed, falling asleep instantly. 

**Time Skip**

I was soundly sleeping having a wonderful dream. I was walking in a green forest. Trees were along the side. But it was dark. I wanted to get out of this thick forest. I reached the end. There was a bit of light coming, from behind all of the vines. I went forward and pushed the branches aside. My face was in awe. It was a beautiful clearing. Luscious green grass, palm trees everywhere with ripe coconuts, fruit trees also were surrounded. Apples, bananas, oranges, mangoes.. yum. They were all surrounding a waterfall. But the waterfall looked a bit strange. It was still sparkly, but it wasn't crystal clear like how water is. Confused, I went over and crouched on my knees. I dipped my hands and took a sip. My eyes flew open in shock. It was a Sake Fall!! How amazing!! A huge grin came on my face. I kept on drinking it. It was so delicious that I decided to take a dip. I jumped and swam in the sake, but drinking it at the same time. Ahhh! My life is perfect now. There is nothing that can ruin------

KNOCK KNOCK I groaned as the noise penetrated my ears.  I dreamed too soon. "WHAT DO YOU WANT?" I yelled out not moving. I ignored it and went back to sleep. KNOCK KNOCK.

I groaned as I clenched my fists. I heard footsteps coming towards me room. My door opened. "Serena? You awake??" The  voice sounded like Kakashi. 

"UGHH! What do you want! You woke me up *looks at clock* at 11 in the morning! And I was having such a wonderful dream about Sake! GO THE HELL AWAY!" I screamed not opening my eyes. 

Of course she's dreaming about Sake... Kakashi thought. 

I heard him come closer. All of a sudden, my bed sheets were snatched away. I shivered and went into a fetal position. "Come on now Angel. Wakey wakey." I shook my head. 

"No. Go away. I came in late last night." I told him. "Why were you late?" He asked. Silence.

"Uhm, that's for me to know and you to... not to know. Hehe" I chuckled into my pillow. I could practically feel him rolling his eyes. 

"Angel wake up. Don't you want to see Lady Tsunade? She has awoken." Kakashi said. My eyes snapped open. I jumped up and grabbed his collar. 

"You could have told me that earlier!!" I yelled. I ran to the bathroom to take a shower. I changed into my clothes, cloak, and hokage hat. 

I came out into the kitchen. I saw Kakashi sitting there on the bar stool reading his book. I rolled my eyes. 

"Have you had breakfast oniisan?" I asked. He shook his head. "I have not. I came straight here once I heard the news." 

"Alright then. I'll do the honors of making something for us. I'll probably make something comforting for Mommy also." I said as my eyes roamed inside the fridge. 

Hmmm what to make... what to make. Ah, that's it! I grabbed a lot of eggs and whisked it. I added milk, flour, and butter. I mixed them all. I then added cheese, bacon, tomatoes, and onions. I then put the quiche into the oven. 

On the side I made some cake batter and added ground coffee and cinnamon. I was making a yummy coffee cake. I put this in the oven and took the quiche out. 

I set up the table and got some orange juice. "Here you go oniisan. Some yummy food." He grinned and took down his mask. I dreamily sighed looking at him. Still handsome as ever... I grinned and ate my breakfast also. 

I thought I would make something comforting for mom. She woke up and must be exhausted. I headed back into the kitchen and made the food. At the end of all the cooking, I packed away individual chicken pot pies, mashed potatoes, and apple pie. I put it all in a picnic basket. You're wondering how I could even have that food as 'take away' but it's not impossible! Hehe. 

Kakashi and I left home and went towards the tents. We arrived a couple minutes later and stepped inside the medical tent. I saw Mom, Shizune, Sakura, and Naruto standing around her.

As we came in, they all looked at us. Mom blinked at me then smiled. I put the basket down and ran into her arms. "Mommy!" I yelled. She wrapped her arms around me. I felt like a kid again. Being in the comforting hands of your mother. I felt a couple of tears come down. I pulled back and looked at her. I grinned as she wiped my tears. 

"How is my little angel?" She asked. "I'm perfectly fine! Everything is great. I'm glad that you're awake now. How are you feeling?" I asked her.

She nodded. "I'm fine now. Just a bit tired, but I feel good." I smiled. "Well that's good news. Maybe some of my home cooking could cheer you up." I stood up and brought the basket over. 

I pulled out all of the stuff and put it on a small table in front of her. "Mhmm Serena. You have become quite the cook, haven't you? This looks amazing!" Mom complimented. 

"Granny she's such a great cook!! She has been making food since we were five! I remember my first meal with her! She made pancakes! hehe." Naruto said. I smiled and hugged him, noticing him now. We then all started talking about me being hokage. Mom said that she was proud of me. But now she's going to take the title again.  I didn't mind. I had my fun being Hokage for a while. 

The war was discussed, along with Madara, Sasuke, and the jinchuriki's. I told her the purpose of the war and what Madara wants to do with the tailed beasts. 

"Hmm this is a serious issue. We all must take our part. We will do everything to protect the last two remaining jinchuriki's. I hope you understand that, Naruto." Mom said. Naruto nodded determinedly. 

**Time Skip**

It has been a couple of weeks since Mom woke up. She was now Hokage again. People were cheering, glad to see that she was well again. Nothing special has happened so far... I have been training Kono along with Naruto, on the side. 

Mom has also asked me to train a couple of new ANBU recruits. I was still an ANBU captain. I just didn't do a lot of missions since I was handling other things. 

I was now walking towards the Hokage's office. Something important had to be discussed. KNOCK KNOCK

"Come in." came the usual reply. I stepped inside and walked towards Mom and Shizune. I sat in front of her, legs crossed.

"Hey Angel. What's up?" Mom asked as she put her pen down. I smiled but then went into serious mode again. 

"I'll be honest. I want to go into the forbidden archives." I told her. They both looked at me wide eyed, clearly not expecting that answer.

"And why do you want to access to it? If I may ask." 

"I need something. Something important that I will be using in the war. It will help a lot." 

"What do you need?" I stayed silent. "Serena?"

I sighed. "I need the Uzumaki seal mask." 

Mom looked at me in shock. "Why do you need that? Serena???" she asked.

I looked into her eyes. "I'm going to wear it when I use that jutsu." It was silent again. Then she slammed her hands on her desk and stood up. 

"ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND, YOUNG LADY?? I WILL NOT ALLOW YOU TO USE THAT JUTSU! I'm not having my baby use that!!" She yelled. 

I knew she was going to react that way. "Mom! You know that I will have to!! I promise I'll only use it if that is the last hope!" I exclaimed. 

She frantically shook her head. "No way. Nuh uh. That seal is a forbidden technique. I'm not having my child use that. I don't want to lose you." She said. 

I frowned. I stood up and hugged her. "Mommy. You know I love you. More than anything. I need to do this in order to fulfill one of my goals. Please. I can't be useless anymore. I have to do this." I whispered as I laid my head on her chest. 

I felt her shaking in worry as she wrapped her arms around me. 

"I'm sorry Serena. But I'm still saying no. Promise me that you won't use it."

I pulled away and stepped back. I headed towards the door and opened it, about to step out. I paused and turned only my head to look at her.

"I'm sorry Mom. But I cannot keep that promise." I said and slammed the door shut. I walked out of the hokage building and headed to the side of the mountains. The archives were hidden within. And the entrance was on the side of the first hokage's face. 

I climbed up the many stairs that led to the door. I'm just going to assume that she gave me permission. The guards were standing there. 

They bowed. "Hello Lady Serena." I nodded and went ahead. It was a narrow passageway. 

On the sides there were many doors. Each of them labelled by clans, chakra natures, or just types of jutsus. I went to the Uzumaki clan door. I opened it and stepped inside.

It was a medium sized room with shelves all around. Hundreds of scrolls were within these shelves. Never opened. Dust covering them all. But I needed the mask. I searched around until I came upon a glass casing. 

Within were 3 masks. I took out one and poofed it away into one of my summoning scrolls. 

I went back out of the room and out of the archives. I teleported home and sat down on my bed. I summoned the mask and looked at it.

Pic shown! Just pretend it is okay? ;)

I sighed. It's the only way, if things get out of hand... I will have to  use that forbidden technique.

I made dinner and then went to sleep. Anxious to what will hold tomorrow.

**Time Skip to next day**

All of the ninjas, gennins, chunins, and jounins were standing outside looking up at the balcony where Mommy stood. She looked down at each and every one of us. I was standing next to Naruto and Sai. 

The noise finally drowned out. Mom looked again and then spoke with determination in her eyes.


End of Chapter! Comment with your opinion! What do you think will happen??^^ Hope you liked it!

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