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(Shinigami-sama's POV)

I was pacing in the death room. A couple of minutes ago, Kid called me and I finally told him it all. Then appeared that horrid friend of the traitor Justin Law and destroyed the communication. I'm actually surprised that Kid rendered those there.

Oh and by the way, If you ever communicate with me through a mirror; PLEASE don't break your end of the line. Because if you break yours, it breaks mine. So right now I have a broken mirror. The company JUST NOW came in and replaced it thankfully!

I wrote Stein's number and it made a little tune sounding like;


I will Dissect you! 

Cut and Slice you! 

Ring Ring Ring- Oh Dear! 

That's the last thing you hear! 


Then his face popped up and said, "Hello? Lord Death?" I replied, "Stein! I need you and the death scythes here right now! Bring the children too since one of them is already one." Stein nodded before hanging up.

I mostly needed Azusa because I know Kid has two mirrors. Soon enough he will call and Azusa will map where he is, and we will find him! I'll also need the children so if Kid were to freak out, they could get him calm. If that ignorant bluenette, BlackStar frightens my baby boy, Oh.  . . that is going to be Shinigami-chop of the year!

 It didn't take long for them all to arrive. I had a comfy chair for injured Soul, and a table with a large paper followed by a sharp pencil for Azusa. Little Maka was probably going to be mad at me for having Soul need to move in his condition.  What happened was that before he hit the bottom, he changed into a scythe which apparently, he doesn't remember. Since he turned weapon before the colliding with ground, it caused lesser damage than if he stayed human.

Soul looked eager to see Kid which was the same for everyone including me, but mostly him. I walked up to my NEW mirror and waited, my son would call at any second now. Then a. . .  *RING* RING* *RI-* I didn't let it finish as I quickly picked up to see that Kid was holding the mirror in front of him. The image was shaky meaning he was running. Probably because of these scary flying creatures chasing him from behind.

Kid practically shouted, "*PANT* Hello Father! I'm sorry if *PANT* I appear brreathless. But *PANT* it's necause of these things chasing me!" 

I told Kid, "Son. I need you to find a temporary place to hide so miss Azusa can draw your surroundings and guide you through it."

Kid nodded before making one sharp turn. He found a nice little spot and dashed into it. When the creatures passed on, he looked back at the mirror and nodded. Miss Azusa said, "Okay now Kid. I'll need you too remain calm. I'm sorry if this stings."  

I looked back to see the lady teacher's eyes glow white as she began drawing fast on the paper. Only seconds then she shouted, "I need more Paper!" 

I gave her another sheet, catching it quickly get drawn over  my multiple lines and curves. She went past two more papers before coming to solid finish.

I said, "God Bless your power Azusa! Kid! You can leave that spot now- but stay covered! I'm sending people to find you!" I told everyone in the room but Soul to go and find my son but leave the map so I could direct Kid. As Kid had suspected, it was underground because I couldn't see any exits on this map. It was surprising of how this whole under-building can take up FOUR GIANT papers without crumbling down in real life. No matter, it will be destroyed soon enough by my own two gloved hands. I led Kid until he arrived in an empty room that was pitch black.

I heard Kid whisper, "Hey Dad? I don't think this is a great place to hide. I can't find a light switch and I'm freaking out!" I said, "It's alright Kid. The rescue team is on their way."  

Kiddo gulped before screaming,- EEP!!" I heard the mirror drop with a clank and the lights on the other side flickered on to show the clown and Justin Law holding my child tightly to where Kid wouldn't be able to move. Although he didn't notice the mirror, I gave my OLD death weapon a death glare. Just saying, you can't give me a death glare because I created it! 'Death' is in the name!

The clown said in a high pitch voice, "I caught the little death god! NOW GIVE ME A SOUL!" Law rolled his eyes and pulled out a light blue soul from his pocket and handed it over for the clown to swallow, whole. I know I've seen worse but that was a pretty gross process of gulping! 

Justin gripped Kid's chin and forced the boy to look at him. He said, "My my. . . Noah and Wes will be very upset that you were trying to runaway from home. It won't end well if you continue to resist your family."

I don't understand this! Why is all if them saying FAMILY crap?! He's my son from flesh and blood! Well so was Asura but that was a different story. Kid was also thinking the same as he spat, "What is with you people and saying your my new Family! I have one and one alone!" Justin shook his head and said, "Technically you have two now. Within your OLD one, you had an older brother, Asura. Your father, Death. And your mighty powerful mother, Arachne."

Kid's eyes grew but his brows were still furrowed. I never told Kid that Arachne was his mother. I knew that he would figure out one day and this was it. Besides, if I told him about the 12 new powers thing in witchcraft, this would of still happened. I can't allow him to gain all of them or something terrible might happen. They were smart to catch Kid while he was down and Stupid of me! Who knows what will come ahead of us now?

Kid's eyes went to that certain purple as he shouted, "String-Tie!!" then all of those bindings grasped the clown and (fake)holy man, causing them to drop Kid to the floor. Kid's eyes flashed back to their beautiful gold but they were more filled with anger and frustration. He walked up to the mirror and picked up, before walking away into another dark yet well lit room.

He sat himself up against a wall and said nothing. Pure silence was filling in until his voice spoke, "Why did you never tell me that Arachne was my mom?"  

I couldn't change subject since this isn't a very good situation for that. I sighed in defeat before saying, "I knew that if you were told that you had a witch in you, your soul would grow shaky and weary. Then your friends would sense that and force it out of you! I couldn't lose you, above the school, your all I have left in my life Kiddo."

I looked back to see that Soul had been unconscious the entire time and that it was just me and my son. I looked back to Kid who was now staring at me with content eyes, he knew that I was hiding something. But pushed it off. He asked, "When are the others arriving? It's getting hard to breath and is Soul still alright? I haven't heard from him." I nodded and moved aside to show Kid that his boyfriend was simply sleeping.

Kid smiled before making a shriek of terror and once again dropping the mirror. Before I could call out my son's name I heard the enemy's voice say, "He belongs to me! Oh, I'll also be calling back soon and I would love it if you kept that red-eyeed rat around for my show-and-tell." 

Then a long *BEEEEEEEPPPPPPP.*              Hung up. I slammed my fist into the wall beside me and fell to my knees, sobbing. Even Death could cry. I guess my under-breath cursing caused Soul to wake up as I heard him say, "Where am I? What happened?" I heard miester Maka explain and all he could do was simply pop, "Oh."     I stood up and paced around in thought on when this certain 'Next Call' would be.

"Death? What is Kid's past? What happened to your family?"

I tensed up and looked at the one who had disrupted my thinking. Once again, it was the young weapon. Since he might become my son-in-law one day might as well tell him. The rest will hear later.  

I said, "It all started when I met, her. . ."

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