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Chapter- 49



Soul lowered the phone to his side before placing his left palm on his face. Of course he was gracious that his best friends had found each other and both were perfectly safe but the pounding feeling of jealousy was too overwhelming to hold back. His body forced itself onto the bike and drove over to the manor to pick up Maka since he knew she was still over there.

The ride was nothing big, objects flashing by, many sounds whipping in his ears, hair breezing through his hair, it's a wonderful feeling. He remembered a time way back when Kid had first hated the motorcycle since it was asymmetrical and refused to ride it so Soul had to play a little trick to get him used to it. Basically he trapped his boyfriend in a bear hug then forced him to ride in front of the weapon, though he earned himself a couple Shinigami-chops, he believed that it was totally worth it. 'Kid said he hated it but yet he smiled through the whole ride.'

The weapon slowed down in front of the manor until he came to a complete stop. Soul got off the leather seating and took the keys out of ignition before slipping them into his pocket. Slowly, he walked up the steps, trying to buy himself enough time to whip up an apology for his sudden behaviour. "Why should we apologize? All fault belongs to that pest Allen." "DOESN'T MATTER!" I growled. "We must have hurt Kid somehow and that's all there is to it. That was on us. On ME!"

The black blood inside me growled but pulled back, lifting half of the weighted pressure on my shoulders. What replaced it was my fear that the new Kid wouldn't except my apology. I pushed open the door and walked towards the kitchen. As I neared it I could see Patty and Liz standing outside with their heads peeking in. I walked up while whispering, "What's going on?" Patty whisper-yelled, "SOUL'S BACK!!" Liz shushed her then said, "That Wilson guy and Maka are having flirty time!" My eyes almost blew out of their sockets! I rushed past them and into the room, standing before me was my miester being held by that pest and slowly trying to kiss her.

'Hell. . . to the no!'

I stomped over and pulled the dude off while shouting, "Un-cool man! So UN-COOL!" He seemed UN-fazed as he staggered back a little till catching his footing. Maka grasped my arm and pulled me outside of the kitchen, pushing the Thompsans back in. She started, "What the heck Soul! Why did you do that?!" I gave her a look, "What do you mean 'Why?' Maybe I want to protect my Miester from creeps like him!" "Well maybe I like the Creep!" we both went silent for a minute, "Okay then. So you like the dude. That doesn't give him the right to kiss you out of the blue!" Her mouth opened but no words came out, she was stumped.

"Alright," she hugged me, "Thanks for looking out for me. It's just, I saw him already before when getting a place for my mother." I nodded and hugged her back. When she pulled away she said more cheerfully, "Go find Kid, we made breakfast! And I've already called up my mom, BlackStar and Tsubaki." Once she said it, it reminded me of the incident a couple hours ago. She didn't know that Tsubaki went missing for a short period of time.

I looked at her once more, noticing that her pigtails were asymmetrical. With this I touched the two separate strands of hair and made them identical to the other. Maka's eyes grew sad but the smile on her face remained, "Go on! Before we both start crying our eyes out!" She nudged me before walking back into the kitchen. My body stayed in place for a couple minutes more before I moved toward the stairs. What was coming down made my heart sink below rock bottom.

Kid and Allen, had their hand entwined as they came down the stairs. They noticed me and Kid said happily, "Hello brother!" but didn't leave Allen's side. He simply waved. My eyes followed them as they came closer andmy mouth spoke on its own, "Breakfast is ready." Allen spoke up, "Don't worry about it," his hand released from Kid's but then snaked around his waist. "We're going out to eat." Before I could make any objection they were gone in a flash. My legs dropped out beneath me causing my body to fall smack on the floor. My breathing pace stepped up rapidly to where I was breathing in more than I let out. Maka must have heard because she had rushed out and came to my side, elevating my upper body.

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