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Chapter- 47



BlackStar and I decided where both of us should start to look, separately that is. He got both North and East of the city while I got South and West. Before we had both dispersed, Star gave me a bro-hug while saying, "Thanks for helping me man." to which I followed, "Homies help Homies!" Then disappeared. And so did I.


So. . . me and Stein. . . we're still kind of searching. . . yeah. . .

We were still in Chupa Capras, digging into the hill of books, just for jewelry. Though it had some of it's perks. Like; making snowmen or in this case book-men, reading new things, searching through some chick's belongings, being isolated in a book-formed igloo, and ultimately being in close proximity with Frank. I had earlier decided to put my shirt on while he kept his off.

This is not going to be one of those relationships where you simply find out your in love with the person and decide that now is the perfect time to do it. I am so not ready to be a girl and take whatever is in those pants go inside me. Not yesterday and certainly not today! But again, still like being close at least.

It saddened me though, Lord Death was overly frustrated that he couldn't find any source of help that leads to what is happening to his son or Noah. It took practically all of Marie, Azusa, Stein and I's strengths to get him to calm down. When he was able to control himself a little better Azusa ordered him to go rest. Reluctantly he did.

My thoughts were cut off by Frank's gruff voice, "So when can we do it?"  I knew what he was meaning but I pretend not to, "When can we do what exactly???" I looked over my shoulder to see Stein bunking his hips forward while pointing towards his pants. My fingers lifted up whatever book I suddenly grabbed and placed it right into my face. "NOT RIGHT NOW YOU BAKA!!!!!!!" 

From beyond the book I heard Stein amusingly say, "Oh look! You found the book!"

Slowly my eyes opened to see bold black cursive letters spelled out, B.J.S.B. "Blair's Jewelry Spell Book. . ." escaped my lips. Stein walked up to me and said, "Maybe you can get a Death hug?" Then chuckled. My fingers flipped through the pages one-by-one and soon enough I was already at the end. Sure, I didn't care to read thoroughly, but I still looked at it. A sudden burst of happiness that was building inside of me had set itself free to the world. My arms wrapped tightly around Stein and I just kept giggling. Creepy. . . but that's happiness for you.

Frank played along with my high-like self in jumping around and shouting random things. I seriously didn't understand why exactly I feel like I'm on cloud 9. 'No longer is there work? No that can't be it. Lord Death will thank us? Sounds nice, but not it. Stein and I can have our freedom? It seems like we already have that. Catherine and Maka will be proud of me? . . . . . . I think that may be it.'

After realizing my motives I stopped rejoicing. Frank took notice to this and stared long and hard at me before asking blandly, "Not so sure about Cathy, but I am certain that your daughter will be." I looked at him with eyes but before I could question him, "Your soul is telling me all." Silent. My eyes glided down to my chest, a hand lifting up to grip tightly on my shirt, knowing that beneath it is my soul. Unwillingly I spoke out loud, "What color is it? My soul?"

A couple seconds passed before he answered, "It's burgundy. Almost like the color of your hair."

He whirled around me then hugged my body from behind, resting his head in the crook of my neck while placing his arms over mine. "What's your color?" I continued asking. Stein breathed onto my skin, "I guess you could say gray, like MY hair." I turned around and said what exactly was on my mind, "After we turn this in to Lord Death, maybe then we can do it."

Pale green eyes widened behind crooked glass circles. "Let's get going then!" He said cheerfully, swiftly throwing on his shirt and dragging the two of us out of there. 'You put this upon yourself Spirit Albarn, don't forget that.' 

We rushed off towards Shibusen, ignoring any odd stares we may or may not have gotten along the way. Soon enough ending ourselves at the door of the Shinigami's main room, we waltz inside and took no lesser time to run towards the where our boss had been sulking about. Though I could go into detail about the situation, I won't. Simply we showed him the book, he took a minute to process what was in his mask, he death hugged us both, called up Blair and the other near Death Scythes, then once again Death hugged us. Stein used the excuse of leaving something in his lab just so we could get out of there and me telling him my decision. 

Once in the hallway he blurted out, "SO CAN WE?!?!" Like a little kid awaiting to open his/her present. Not much difference in the situation really. I pondered around on that, exaggerating a tad bit before peeping, "Fine." I could see it in his eyes that he didn't care if we did it right here in the hall but I sure as Death did! "ONLY if it happens in the Nurse's office." He looked at me confused. I grumbled, "Sure Nygus is the new nurse, but Medusa was once working there and I remember seeing her trying to kiss you. Multiple times if I may add!"

A smirk formed on his lips, "I sense jealousy amongst us." I punched his shoulder, knowing that he would feel no effect. "Shut up. You can see my soul is all." It didn't matter to him anyways, as long as he got me to the school hospital before we were called back.


I've posted!!! Just asking if anybody has played / read the Hetalia series? I'm sorry for slow updates on just about everything, every day feels so tiring. Making these stories is starting to feel like a job. A JOB!!!! I came onto Wattpad to type for fun and that's just what I'm going to do.

Love and Hate ~ Always12345 / Nicole 

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