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(Soul POV)

After I heard Kid say that, I finally understood what had just happened. But I thought that Death couldn't do it? Guess I was wrong. Another perky thing of a Shinigami.

I flailed my arms through the darkness until I had hit something, or someone. I said through the darkness, "Who am I touching right now?"  I heard Sid reply, "It's me Soul. Lord Death where are you??" His hyped voice echoed, "Over here Sid. I'm about to re-open the door so just follow the light. Oh- and don't worry Evans, I have Kiddo with me." 

I smiled out of reassurance of Kid being alright.

A long thin strip of light lined across the room and started to trail up the wall as it began to grow wider. An extra shadow appeared with the shape that nobody could mistake. I didn't want to waste any time so I started running up the stairs we came from earlier to get to the door, Sid trailing me from behind. As soon as we made it out everything turned white for my eyes because of the sudden re-adjustment. Moments passed before my red circles caught on to the lighting.

On the side was Lord Death and my sweet love, only they, were hugging? Oh yeah, the memories. Which ones though? I piped in, "How you feeling?" Kid turned to me with a bright smile on his face. He let go of Death and ran my way only to latch his arms around my neck. He practically screamed, "OH BROTHER!! I FEEL SO ENERGIZED!! It's like I've been sleeping for an entire decade!" I gave a nervous laugh while thinking, 'In a way you have slept for a decade.'

He added in a more confused tone, "I remember a lot right now but. . . I still don't remember anything of my brother?" I felt his body move slowly away and out of instinct, my arms had yanked back in. I buried my face into his neck and said, "Just please, give it time." I inhaled his scent before letting go. The smile on his face was still there. He said, "Anything for brother!" I smiled even though my heart felt sore. I too, need to give it time, or I might lose to that stupid red midget again. It sucks to be saved by a girl that's a flat then get criticized by her father.

Kid looked back to his dad then to me and said, "Say. Is dad, mom, and big brother still having a fight?" I got really nervous now. Death seemed jittery and Sid looked ready to run away. "Uh-um I! I don-" "Yes Kiddo. Your family is not having the best of relationships right now." Death popped in.

His smile faltered into a frown. He asked, "Why? I new big brother Asura had gone a little nuts, but shouldn't you and mama get over that night?? I'll even give this pumpkin thing for it!!" Kid pulled out the necklace from under his shirt, allowing it to gleam within the light. Lord death moved towards us and rested his hands on his shoulders. His voice went to regular humans and said, "If I could ever, EVER! Reverse that day, I most certainly 100%, would take the chance." Before anyone in the room could say anything else, a loud banging at the door was heard. It followed with Liz's voice, "CAN WE COME IN NOW?!?!"

Lord Death nodded to me and went to cover up the passage. I grabbed the handle of the door and opened it but I guess Death didn't want people in his room so he pushed us all out. Kid stepped behind me as everyone tried to swarm him. I said loudly, "Back off! He only has a few memories that doesn't consider any of us." From the very back round Ragnarok the stupid demon lifted above the others and shouted, "What about us?!"

Kid's eyes held a little hatred at the demon until a certain pinkie came through the bundle. Crona. I felt Kid leave from behind me and run up to hug Crona instantly cheering, "SIS!!!" 


Hello my fellow Miesters and or Weapons!!!!! I think this was the longest time that I haven't updated. I had school, exams, partying, family, and writers block. I HATE IT!!!!!! I'm planning on the next chapter considering something where Soul, Liz and Patty, bring Kid around Death City to see if any extra memories can come through. I already have ideas of them going to Deathbucks and the mall but I need some extras.

In the comments, do you want Kid to try any clothes at the mall? Do you want anyone else to appear? Should they start putting up Death-Mas stuff? What drink should they buy? 

Like/Comment/VOTE/Share                    Bye!!!!!! ~ Always12345/Nicole

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