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Chapter- 46



Just driving my motorcycle.

In the desert.

Feeling the wind slapping my face.

And pain poking my heart.

V-room V-room.

I've been speeding around in the open area of dirt and sand, re-capping everything that happened to me in life ever since I met Maka. When my days became like I was the star of some famous action series that could never end. Or just a lousy soap for old women.  My crying had dried out long ago and so all I pretty much was doing right now was sniffling. Same with the voice.

'I can't believe what I heard. Or even what I said. Kid fell in love with some guy he only saw once before! And at a mall! At least we met in much cooler standards, even though it led to us fighting.' I thought about that long and hard. 'Yeah. . . that was fun.' Since being in Nevada, and this being a desert, I passed lots of sand dunes, decayed or decaying animal parts, and shrubs. 

Things started going all TWILIGHT crap because I started seeing Kid, like everywhere. Behind me, beside me, above me, in front of me, even ON me! Soon after a while I just slowed my driving to a halt and sat on my bike. The day was slipping into noon already and my stomach was growling from the loss of food. 

'Maybe I could just go to the next town and get some food?' I checked my phone. The next city was an hour away and I'm just plain lazy. While on the portable computer, I checked my messages. 'Nothing new. Not even missed phone calls.' Knowing those two simple facts felt like daggers in my soul. I would bet that I'd be crying right now but like I said earlier, they had all spilled out and dried away.

I turned around to see Death City in the very far distance I had. Half of it was barely visible but even though, the spikes on top of the Academy were easily recognizable. A long sigh escaped the deep parts of my throat and past my sharp teeth. Suddenly my phone started buzzing. The phone was instantly in my face, hoping for it to be Kid but sadly it wasn't, it was just BlackStar. As I put the phone to my ear, I prepared to use an optimistic voice.

The first thing I said was, "Sup Star!"  'Nailed it.'

What came back to me was something I least expected, "Tsubaki is missing."

On the other line was my best friend, one of the coolest guys I have ever met. But this wasn't his usual self. It was him, it was BlackStar. Just not the one that I knew oh so well. His voice was gruff and strained but laced with sadness when he spoke. It cracked half-way in to suspect that he had been crying, or still was. 

I replied, "What do you mean she's missing." He blurted back, "I MEAN SHE'S MISSING!!!!!" I had to quickly pull the phone away just so my eardrums wouldn't burst. A second passed before I drew the electronic close again, "Dude where are you? I'll drive over and you can explain everything to me. Okay?"

A long silence followed before he whispered back an, "Okay."

He told me to just meet him back at his apartment then tell me. Before I was about to hang up he added in an extra, "Please come quick!" Before killing the line. My eyes stared at the device before I quickly put it away, turned the bike around. I kicked in the gears then sped off towards Star's place.


Some would say I'm being paranoid. 'Dude she's just shopping. Maybe found some cool thing to buy but has to fight some other chick for it.'  or even, 'She could have just met another one of your friends and is talking with them.'  The worst thing I could here would be, 'She probably found someone better than you.' 

Being the guy I was in times like this, I became a pessimist. Otherwise known as a person, though I am a God, who thinks for things turning towards the worst. The last option of Tsubaki's whereabouts that I mentioned earlier was just the start of my awful thoughts. The mental riot was thinking of stuff that would make me cry myself to death out of dehydration. It may sound over-exaggerated but I'm pretty much ready to do this now. 

Never in my life have I cried so much. The only times I have were always about Tsubaki. Of course they had to be bigger reasons unlike, "She had a bad hair day" or something like that. It would at times like now when I would let the salt water pour down. Since I'm not completely used to the feeling, my eyes always seem to sting. Burn is more like it.

I paced back and forth, laid in Tsubaki and I's bed, inhaled her scent that swept around the apartment, since some exercises. Anything to keep me going while waiting for Soul to appear. I very well know that he has problems of his own but the fact of Tsu missing made me want to go and call my best friend. Which I did, he didn't sound busy and agreed to come over anyways. 

About five more minutes passed before the door bell rang. I immediately was at the front in a flat split-second. I took caution to opening the door quickly without breaking the door itself or the wall it may smash into. Soul was on the other side, bending over and breathing heavily. Before he could ask anything I pulled him inside, shut the door, and did what most people would doubt me doing.

I hugged the dude. Tsubaki was clearly not here so he was the next best thing. 

At first Soul stiffened, but soon eased into realizing what I was doing. He then hugged back and said, "Don't worry bro. Tell me what's going on and we'll go find her. We WILL find Tsubaki. Alright?" I nodded and we went into the living room, flopping down onto the futon.

I then explained to him on how I woke up this morning and found the letter she lfet behind. I had went out in hopes of surprising her wherever  she was. Since Tsu wasn't at the market I came back here in case she took a different route home. The apartment was empty. So I looked around other places, scouting them out one-by-one until I had pretty much covered all of Shibusen. Still no sign of her. Once again I checked our place. Nowhere could she be found. I started losing it.

So I thought that she could be moving quickly and decided that two people should search, which brings in Soul. I told him what places Tsubaki liked and hated just so he ccould understand where she may or may not be. After finishing we both headed out, starting to search.


 Hello my fellow Weapons and/or Miesters!

So. . . New chapter. . . yeah. .  . 

Love and Hate ~Always12345 / Nicole

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