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Quavo 🔥.

I entered the door and walked straight to the back, "umm excuse me.." the woman at the desk called but I completely ignored her.

I pushed open the large glass doors seeing Kendra's manager, publicist, and several others. "Excuse me sir you can't be in here," her manager spoke.

"Look Kendra will not be doin' no more fiddlin' wit' Bryson while I'm im the fuckin' picture," I spat.

"Who are you?" one asked.

"Quavo.. One third, don't act like you ain't seen me befo'.. And oh... If I catch y'all tryna make them all lovey dovey again.. Imma catch ya asses.. And I won't be the one comin'," I then smiled brightly, "have a nice day.."

I then walked out and I exited the building completely, I went to my Mercedes unlockin' it and I entered startin' the engine.

I pulled my phone out callin' Kendra.

"Hello?" She answered.

"Hey bae, what you doin'?" I asked lookin' around at my surroundin'.

"Cafe with some friends," she responded.

"Oh well hurry up I wanna take you somewhere.." I rushed.

"Okay," she replied then I hung up.

Kendra 🌺.

"Who was that?" Bryson asked and I smiled, "Quavo.." His smile instantly faded.

"I thought y'all weren't together," he retorted.

I shrugged, "we aren't.. We're just building.." I responded. "I thought we were buildin'?" He questioned.

"Our relationship is publ-" He then cut me off, "fuck that.. I saw the way you were staring at me and you saw the fuckin' way I looked at you... I haven't looked at a woman like that in forever.. These past couple days haven't been no fuckin' publicity and you know it."

I breathed out slowly, "Bryson can you please just ca-"

"I ain't gone fuckin' calm down! You're all my daughter talks about now.. But yeah that's fuckin' publicity too.. I'm done wit' this shit," he spat tossin' a fifty dollar tip on the table and standin' up walkin' off.

I breathed out and I stood grabbing my purse, I followed him.

"Bryson," I called after him and he threw his hoodie over his head looking down stuffing his hands in his pockets. "Bryson," I continued following him until we reached the parking lot and I rushed him grabbing his arm causing him to face me.

"What?" He spat throwing his hood off.

"I'm sorry.." I mumbled then he laughed, "that's all you actually have to say?" He questioned.

"I'm really sorry?" I questioned raising an eyebrow and he shoom his head running his hands down his face.

"Just forget we met.. Okay?" He then started to walk away again, "no Br-Bryson," I stuttered and he stopped in his tracks.

"I don't wanna forget we met.. I actually like you..." I admitted and he shrugged then he walked towards his car getting in. I stood there watching as he drove off.

I wiped my tear which fell and I looked over seeing paparazzi snap pictures of me. I then walked to my car and I heard a horn, I looked over seeing Quavo pull up beside me.

"What's wrong?" He asked exiting his car.

I shook my head not even wanting to discuss what happen between me and Bryson. "Nothing it doesn't matter.." I mumbled.

"Oh well shit.." he shrugged, "I wanna take you somewhere."

I shook my head, "can you just leave ne alone?" I asked and he looked hurt, "damn I just wanted to take yo-"

"QUAVO I WANT NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU OKAY?" I yelled and his eyes softened, "bu-but what about last night?" He questioned.

I shrugged, "what about it?" I asked and he snatched the necklace from around my neck he gave me the other night.

"Quav give me my damn necklace," I demanded then he threw it, "fuck you.." he spat entering his car and quickly driving off.

I dialed his number and it went straight to voicemail.

I then called again and it rung but it went to voicemail. "Ugh," I huffed out then I called again. "What?" He hollered.

"Why'd you throw my damn necklace?" I hollered back.

"Fuck you.. Forreal..." he spat then I heard the dial tone. I nodded then I entered my car, I drove home and I quickly went inside, I slammed the door locking the very top and I ran upstairs laying in my bed just crying my eyes out.

This is just hard...

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