Proved Wrong.

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Quavo. 🔥

I watched as Harley held Kendra hand continuing they walk throughout the mall.

Kendra acted like I was completely invisible.

"Hey," I called smacking her ass and she looked back at me, "you wanna go to the island or no?"

"Nah.. I'm busy," she responded dryly.

I looked confused, "I didn't even give you a damn date," I spat and she shrugged, "K..."

I rolled my eyes and I continued trailing behind them as we exited. "So you really don't wanna go wit' me?" I asked as we reached her car and she placed Harley in her carseat.

"I do.. But you need to work on yourself before you try to invest in a relationship," she shrugged.

"Tha fuck that mean?" I spat as she opened her door.

"I mean.." she then pointed, "you always accusing me of doing this and that.. But you want me back after awhile.. You so fucking insecure like a female Quavious and its not cute.. And you not trusting me is even worse."

"So you don't wanna go wit' me?" I asked again and she scoffed rollin' her eyes startin' to enter her car.

I quickly grabbed her arm laughin', "you bein' a baby... And I'm sorry I act the way I do.. It's just I ain't tryna get played or nothin'."

"Cause you used to doing the playing? You don't wannabe on the otherside of the field.. You gone eventually be," she nodded and I shook my head closing my eyes, "ain't no bitch finna play me."

"Maybe not now but in the future.." she assured me and I rolled my eyes, "do you wanna come or no?" I hollered smilin'.

"Nope," she popped the p entering her car and starting the engine backing out and I quickly walked to her window, "what I gotta do to change your mind?"

She looked around, "nothing.." she said dryly.

"You sound like the fuckin' magic conch, quit playin'.." I spat becomin' annoyed with this situation.

"We can discuss this during dinner at my house.. Around eight," she smiled then she continued on her way. I smiled as she drove out the lot and I walked to my Mercedes.

"Heyyy you Quavo in Migos," I heard behind me and I turned around seeing a gorgeous ass girl, she was slim thick had long blonde weave and tattoos on her arms and shoulders.

"Ye-Yeah," I stuttered and she smiled, "can I have a picture?" She asked and I nodded.

She pulled out her IPhone 6 plus and went to the camera, she smiled wit' her tongue out and I put my arm around her shoulder biting my bottom lip. "Oh my god thank you," she giggled.

"You welcome.." she then looked me up and down, "I really mean.. Thank you," she said sexily biting on her fingernail walkin' away switchin' her hips.

"Wait," I called out chasin' behind her. She looked at me, "yes?" She hissed.

"Uh.. Can I getcho number?" I asked because I knew it was harmless.. I probably wouldn't even text her.

"No you give me your number.." she laughed.

"Fine," I then took her phone inserting my number and handed it back to her, "thank ya I'll text you later on tonight.. What you doing later?"

I then scratched the back of my neck, "dinner wit' my girl."

"I don't give a damn that you got a girlfriend," she smirked and I chuckled wit' my eyebrows raised.

Kendra 🌺.

"Hey," I called out seeing Bryson bob his head to the beat he had playing throughout the studio. He finally looked at me, "wassup?" I then shrugged walking to sit down.

"Did Harley give you a hard time?" He asked walking to me and I shook my head, "she's fun.." I laughed.

"I bet what'd my aunt say?" he questioned raising an eyebrow, "she thought I was your girlfriend.. Talking about you don't let just anyone around Har so I must be special," I said and he laughed.

"Nah you not special.. You decent," he smirked sitting beside me.

"So why did.. Your dude call me buggin'?" He asked and I rolled my eyes, "he keeps thinking I'm messing around with you when that's completely false.."

"A man always accuses one of his dirty work," Bryson shrugged standing up. "What you trying to say?" I asked folding my arms over my chest standing to my feet.
"Well I'm sayin' he probably out doin' what he accusin' you of.." he shrugged again.

I shook my pointer finger along with my head, "no.. Quav isn't stupid... He is just insecure.."

"He is stupid because I know he's messin' around on you so you're stupid too," he said grabbing his water bottle drinking some then putting the cap back on.

I rolled my eyes, "you don't know shit," I spat.

Bryson nodded, "you're right..." He said sarcastically.

"So just shut the fuck up," I smiled then I started walking towards the door but he quickly grabbed my arm, "don't go.."

I snatched away from him, "I have to go make dinner," then I exited the studio and rushed out to my car.


I was so happy, I finished dinner and it looked along with smelled amazing. I called Quavo and it just continuously rung, "if this dude don't answer the phone.." I mumbled.

I sat down at the table looking at how neatly set it was, he told me earlier he was on his way and that's when I was plating the food.

He should've been here right now, I soothed out my black dress and I just sat and waited.

I then called again a good twenty minutes later, "hello?" I heard a female's voice.

"Umm is Quavo there?" I questioned. She giggled, "stop..' I heard her whisper, "no he's sleeping.."

I quickly hung up the phone and looked at the time not realizing I'd been a sitting duck for three hours.

"I am done," I stood up throwing everything off the table letting tears stream down my face, I grabbed my phone walking upstairs and I sat on my bed, I dialed the first number that came to mind.

"Hello?" He answered sleepily.

"You were right Bryson," I then started crying as hard as ever.. He was right.. I was just stupid.

"Right about what?" I heard him shuffling and his voice became more clear.

"About Quav.. A-A girl answered his phone... You were right," I laughed wiping my tears starting to sniffle.

"I'm comin'..."

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