Comforting Arms.

992 45 20

Kendra 🌺.

My phone rung loudly awaking me from my sleep, I was slightly buzzed and out of energy. "Hello?" I answered without seeing who it was.

"You did good tonight," Bryson complimented.

"Bryson?" I asked and he laughed, "yeah.. Harley says hello.."

I smiled, "tell her I said hi if she's awake at this time," I then heard her running in the room asking for the phone. "Hello?" She answered sweetly.

"Hey Harley," I laughed sitting up. "He-Hey Ken when you gonna come over?" She asked and I looked around, "umm I'm not sure."

"I'm sorry," Bryson laughed, "she will not go to sleep whatsoever.."

"I want Ken!" She squealed and I could hear her literally running around, "she just bouncin' off the walls.."

"I'll come and lay her down.. If that's okay with you?" I questioned. "Yeah its fine.. I need a break or somethin'... Can you keep her?" He joked causing me to laugh.

"I don't do children but I do Harley," I smiled walking to my pink Uggs sticking mt feet inside. "Well hurry," he shouted over Harley's loudness then I heard some glass. "Harley!" He hollered then I heard the dial tone.
I grabbed my keys from my sidetable and I exited my house quickly driving to Bryson's estate. I arrived in minutes and I exited my car, walking up to the door knocking.

Seconds later it opened and I was greeted by Harley's small self opening the door.

"Ken!" she squealed and I crouched down to her level and she threw her arm around my neck, I picked her up letting her legs wrap around my hip.
"You giving daddy a hard time?" I asked walking in and she nodded nonchalantly.

"He wants me to go to bed," she responded eating a powdered donut, "but I no wanna.."

I stood at the foyer and I watched Bryson as he swept up a vase. "Who broke that?" I asked.

"She did.." he mumbled then he walked to the trashcan dumping the glass inside it. "Okay Harley.. Time for bed now seriously..." he said pulling her from me.

"No.. Can Ken put me to bed?" She asked smiling and I nodded, "why not?"

I then took her from Bryson going upstairs, I entered her Princess themed room and sat her down. She ran to her bed climbing under the blankets, "read this.." she leaned over handing me a book. "The princess and the frog," I read the title aloud, "uhuh.." Harley said looking up at me.

After I read the book a total of five times she was finally asleep, I kissed her forehead and I turned her light off exiting her room.

I looked over the stairs seeing Bryson wasn't in sight.

"Bryson," I called.

"My room," he responded and I entered his room sitting on his bed, "did she give you a hard time?" he asked exiting his bathroom with gym shorts on and no shirt exposing his perfect body to me.

"No just made me read Princess and the frog five times," I shrugged and he laughed, "thanks.."

"You're welcome.." I smiled then I felt a dip in the bed and I felt him towering behind me. He massaged into my shoulder's gently, "all that work you did tonight.. Catching flights," he mumbled.

I nodded, "I'm exhausted but I came for Harley.."

I moved my neck aside hearing it crack and he continued, "you did good from what I saw tonight," he laughed.

"You didn't see it all?" I asked curious.

"Nah I wish I did.. I saw when you came on though... You looked amazing," he complimented.

"Thank you," I groaned then he stopped and laid under his blankets.

I stood up yawning, "well I should really get going."

"You can stay.." he smiled and I shook my head, "its best if I go..." he then shrugged, "if you insist..'

I smiled looking at him, "no.. Don't go you look really tired," he reached out for my wrist. "You have a guest room?" I asked and he shook his head, "just sleep with me.. As a friend.. I won't grab you or anything.."

I kicked off my boots and I pulled my shirt from over my head tossing it aside. I then removed my leggings and I climbed into the bed, snuggling comfortably under the warm blanket.

"I guess I'll get the light," Bryson mumbled and I laughed.

He stood up and walked turning the light off and the room instantly grew dark. He climbed back beside me and placed his arm over me snuggling his head in the crease of my neck.

"Bry you said you wouldn't grab me," I rolled my eyes smiling.

"I lied," he laughed into my ear causing me to smile widely.

I felt at ease finally being able to rest my body, I found myself falling right to sleep in the comfort of Bryson's arms.

He pulled me closer to him and I could feel his cold body against mine.

He started placing wet kisses onto my neck, "Bry no," I said softly half asleep, he continued causing me to shiver then he finally stopped.

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