Missing You.

912 55 14

Quavo 💰.

"Say.. I wanna see you," I murmured into the phone as Felicia was sleeping behind me.

"For what Qua? We done.. Everything is done, why can't you seem to understand?" Kendra asked literally rippin' my heart out my chest.

"I just wanna see you Ken," I raised my voice then I heard the dial tone. I tossed my phone aside feelin' horrid, like a nigga got sick within seconds after the conversation.

Felicia shuffled then she ran her nails over my lower back.

"You okay?" She asked and I looked back at her light complexion.

I nodded then I stood up not wantin' her to touch me any longer and I went into the bathroom starting the nearly silent shower. I closed the large glass door back and I breathed out leaning against the bright nude colored counter top.

I truly missed Kendra.

I hated she was happy wit' someone other than me, was I really not good enough for her?

I shook my thoughts away and grabbed my toothbrush, turning on the sink slightly, wetting it.

"Baby I'm gonna get tacos," Felicia called out to me.

I completely ignored her and I squeezed some arm and hammer with baking soda on my brush, starting to brush my teeth viciously.

The house fell back to silence besides my scrubbin' and the showers whisper.

I spit into the sink, rinsing my mouth and brush.

I dropped my boxers and I pulled open the see translucent glass, I stared at the marble wall letting the steaming water pound onto my back.

This - was my stress reliever or.. A blunt.


I tapped my fingers on the wooden table, waiting patiently or atleast tryin' to for the one person, I'd been dyin' to see.

I looked away from the flower which sat on the cafe's table as a center piece in a semi-tall vase.

I heard the bell rattle loudly, mentally echoin' in my mind.

She walked towards my  table after gazin' at the modern decor, my heart started beatin' out my chest.

If she say some foul shit.. Don't say any in return.. Don't say nada.

I continued to mentally tell myself that but I ain't too fond of bitin' my tongue.

"So.." she smiled sitting down in the wooden chair, comfortably.

She had a somewhat glow on her brown-skin, which made my mind wonder to all the things he's done to her.. Being inside her, beside her, just around her in general.  I could make her glow.. If she'd let me.. Again.

"Imma just get straight to the point," I started starin' into her brown eyes a nigga loved so much.

"I really do miss yo-" she raised her hand up, shuttin' her eyes repeatedly shakin' her head. "Hear me out.. On everything," I perplexed.

She breathed out seemin' not actually wantin' to hear or.. She just acted that way.

"I really do miss you Kendra.. Everything 'bout happy but I'm not. I was just highly insecure 'bout you bein' wit me cause a girl neva' actually wantes me for me.." I admitted starin' deeply into her eyes but she broke contact lookin' away then down at the table.

"And I'm sorry I cheated on you.. You didn't deserve it but I still love you. And I can't stop lovin' you, I'm willin' to throw all my insecurities and shit aside.. Just for you.. Because I know you wanted me for me.."

Kendra then folded her arms across her chest, sittin' back in her chair.

"I-" she stopped herself and breathed out.

I reached my hand across the table, removing hers from their state and I held her soft hand, rubbin' my thumb over the back of her hand.

"I forgive you.. I could never stay be mad at you... But I'm with Bryson me my worth an-"

"So I didn't show you your worth?" I questioned startin' to let my anger overcrowd my sorrow.

"No," she spat, "I wasn't saying that whatsoever.. I'm saying that... I love Bryson." Her words slow down starting to replay in my head like a bad song.

I pulled my away, "bet."

"Don't be mad because I do-"

I just shook my head, "just bye Kendra," I mumbled then she slowly arose from her seat. I looked at my lap, runnin' my hands down my face, "Quav-"

"Go Kendra!" I hollered lookin' at her seein' she had tears rushin' down her face. "I don't want too," she pushed her bottom lip out poutin' as tears streamed.


I hollered yet again and she quickly rushed out, I looked around seein' eyes gazin' at me wit' startle in them.

I honestly think.. "I give up," I mumbled to myself.

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