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Brennan: Annie...I'm really sorry...I tried my absolute best to get my mom to let me stay here but, I have no choice. Whether I like it or not or if I'm happy or not. I have to move with them anyways.
Annie: I don't want to lose you Brennan. I..I love you so much. I will never be happy or the same again if I loose you.
Brennan: Annie, you're never going to lose me. Even if we're a thousand miles away from each other, nothing can ever stop me from loving you.
Annie: What if we drift apart? It's going to start off by talking to each other everyday, then it's going to start fading away and we're both going to forget about each other. I don't want to forget you and I don't want you to forget me.
Brennan: I'm not going to let that happen. We'll text and call each other every day. We can skype. Their is lots of things that will prevent us from drifting apart. I will never forget about you.
Annie: I'm just honestly so sad that you have to leave. When you're gone, it's going to feel like my life is incomplete.
Brennan: I feel the same way. Hey, we'll see each other tomorrow and I'll spend as much time with you as I can before we leave. We'll make the best of it as we can, okay?
Annie: Okay, I can't wait to see you tomorrow.
Brennan: I'll give you the biggest hug ever. Well, its time for me to get to bed. I'll see you tomorrow. Goodnight Annie, I love you❤️
Annie: Aww, okay see you tomorrow, I love you Brennan☺️

Annie's POV
When I put my phone down next to my night stand I layed down and went under my blankets.

I could feel my heart breaking into a million pieces just thinking about Brennan and his family leaving. As much as I keep reminding myself that everything will be okay. I start to wonder, Is everything really going to be okay?

*The next morning*

Annie's POV
I woke up and went downstairs to get started on my school work since I was going to be gone the rest of the day and I wasn't going to be back till tomorrow.

"You're up already?". My mom asked while walking to the kitchen.

"Yup, I don't want to come home tomorrow and I have bunches of homework to do, so I'm just going to do it now".

"Smart girl, hey what do you want for breakfast? Hayley's going to have her mini pancakes".

"Hmm...I'm not really hungry, I'm just going to eat a Z bar". I said while standing up to get one.

"Are you sure?". My mom asked while putting Hayley's pancakes in the microwave.

I nodded my head and walked back to my laptop to finish my school. After I got done with school I went up stairs and packed my bag to go to Katie's house.

"I'm ready". I said while grabbing my bag and walking down stairs.
I set my bag down on the couch and sat down while playing on my phone.


"I got it!". I yelled while running to the door as fast as I could.

I opened the door to see Katie standing there with a big smile on her face.

"Hi Annie!". She said excitedly while hugging me.
"Hi Katie!!". I said hugging her back.
"Are you ready to go?".
"Yeah, wait let me just tell my parents and Hayley bye."

I ran upstairs and ran to Hayley's room
"Bye Hayley, see you tomorrow!".
"Bye Annie, I'll miss you".
"I'll miss you too".

I went downstairs and went into my parents room.
"Bye mom, Bye Dad". I said while hugging the both of them at the same time.
"Bye Honey! Have fun, see you tomorrow. We love you". My mom said while giving me a kiss on my head.

I ran back into the living room and grabbed my stuff.
"Okay, I'm ready to go now". I said while smiling.
"Okay, let's go!". Katie said while walking.
I nodded my head and shut the door behind me.

We walked to the car where their mom waited and Brennan was sitting in the front seat and Ryan was sitting in the back asleep.

"Hey Annie". Mrs Jill said while I got into the car.
"Hi!". I said sitting down.

Brennan turned around and smiled at me, I smiled back and blushed a little.

When we drove off, Katie asked, "Mom, what are we doing today?".

"We're gonna go to the ice cream place then after we're going to the bowling alley".

"Okay, cool". Katie said while leaning back onto her seat.

"Time to make this day count" I thought to myself.

Brannie *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now