Chapter 1

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"Is this Carter Nicole" a woman's voice says over the phone

"Yes and who is this" I ask

"I am a nurse at the state hospital, my name is Jenna I wanted to know is there an adult who can drive you to the hospital" she asks

"Yes I am at my aunts house" I say confusion in my voice

"Tell her to drive you to the hospital its an emergency ask for Jenna when you get to the front desk" she says and hangs up

Who is Jenna and why is she calling me asking me to go to a hospital in the afternoon

"Aunt Helen" I call

"Yes sweetie" she asks

"A nurse named Jenna called me and told me ask you if you can drive me to the hospital its an emergency" I say

"Oh ok did she say why" she asks grabbing her keys

"No but she sounded frantic' I say climbing into her car

We get to the hospital and rush inside I walk to the front desk and see a woman behind it

"I was told to ask for Jenna" I say

"Oh your Carter, I will get her for you wait right here" she says and walks away

How does she know my name let alone any of this nurses know my name I have never been here.

"Carter" a woman in her mid 20's says

"Yes" I ask

"Where is your aunt" she asks

"Right there" I say pointing to my aunt watching me

"Stay here" she says and walks to her

I watch the nurse talk to my aunt and she her break out into tears, what is going on

"Follow me please" she says

'What is this all about" I ask looking at my aunt crying

"I am sorry to inform you but you parents have died in a car crash" the nurse says

I cant move my legs stop and my knees give out I hit the floor and cry I don't like crying in front of people it makes me feel like I am weak like I have no walls up.

**End of Flashback**

That was how I got here today, in a office putting my self up for adoption a year after my parents death

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