Chapter 26

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*Ring* *Ring* *Ring*

I look over at my phone and see Amber is calling me on Skype,

"Hello" I say

"Hey" She says

"Guess what" I ask

"Your pregnant" She asks

"Where did you get I'm pregnant" I ask

"Well you use guess what when something big happens" She says

"Well I'm not pregnant" I say

"Ok, ok what is it then" She asks

"I have a boyfriend" I say

"Is it Adam again, if it is Carter I will-"

"No it's not Adam" I interrupt

"Oh, then who" She asks

"Niall" I say smiling

"Oh my holy crap" She says

"Ohh I am going to ask my mom if I can come down there and spend the day with you" She says

"Ok" I say as she walks out of view.

"Carter can I come in" Niall asks

"Sure" I say

"Who are you talking to" He asks

"Amber on Skype, what are you still doing here" I ask

"I fell asleep here" He says

"Oh" I say,

"Well my mom said I  can" Amber says sitting in front of the camera

"Amber this is Niall, Niall, Amber" I say

"Oh, look at the cute couple" She says

"She knows" He asks

"I just told her" I say

"Oh" He says

"Amber I'll ask later" I say

"Ok" She says

"I'll let you two have you girl talk" Niall says

"Thanks" Amber says

"I'll see you tomorrow" I say

"Ok" He says and shuts my door behind him.

"Go ask Liam" Amber says

"Fine" I say and get up and walk to the living room

"Liam" I call

"Yes" He asks

"Can Amber come over tomorrow" I ask

"Sure" He says

"Thanks" I say and walk back to my room.

"So Liam said you can" I say

"Yes" She says

"Isn't tomorrow your last day in England" I ask

"Yep" She says

"Your mom is ok with it" I ask

"Yes" She says

"Ok" I say

"Does it matter what time I come over" She asks

"No" I say

"Ok. I'm coming at 11:30" She says

"Ok" I say

"See if Niall is busy tomorrow" She says

"Ok I'll text him" I say

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