Chapter 41

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Niall's POV:

"Guys she's in the shower" I say walking downstairs

"Oh ok" Liam says

"Guys I think I want to try again with Carter" I say

"We know that" Louis says

"How" I ask

"You regret braking up with her and you still like her" Harry says

"But he's serious about it for sure" Zayn says

"So will guys help me" I ask

"Sure" They say

Carter's POV:

"You regret braking up with her and you still like her" Harry says

"But he's serious about it for sure" Zayn says

"So will guys help me" Niall asks

"Sure" They say

Oh my god, he does still like me, I thought he didn't. My life happens to fast I was broken up with today, and I realize I'm in love with my ex boyfriend, and that he still likes me.

I walk up the stairs quietly and plug in my blow dryer and began to blow dry my hair. I need to talk to Becca, Sam, and Kelsie, about this, I still think Niall and I wouldn't work out again. I don't think I'm ever going to date again, all of the relationships, I've been in end because of me, Niall thought I was weak because of my past, and Kyle slept with some other girl because I wasn't there.

I put my blow dryer down and let the rest of my hair air dry, I have half an hour until Becca will come, I still have to do my make-up, and eat something, my hair can have little waves today instead of straighten it. I need food, my head has to many thoughts in it. I walk downstairs into the kitchen, and open the cabinets up and grab some cereal and a bowl.

Liam's POV:

"I think Carter is out" Harry says

"Me too" I say and get up

"Going somewhere" I ask

"Yea, I'm going to Becca's house" She says

"Are you sure you want to go somewhere tonight" I ask

"I'm sure Liam, I cry over things like this the first few hours, then I realize why am I crying its my fault" She says

"What do you mean its your fault, Carter its not your fault her cheated, and is moving" I say

"Actually it is, if you think about, I wasn't there to stop him from getting drunk, from sleeping with the other girl" She says

"What about when Niall broke up with you, that wasn't your fault" I say

"Thank you for agreeing with me that Kyle braking up with me was my fault, but Niall thought I was weak because of my past, if I didn't come here I would have been unhappy in my own world" She says looking away

"Carter I didn't agree with you, neither of those where your fault, do you regret coming here to England and meeting everyone, from my point of view you seem pretty happy, the only time I haven't seen you happy is when your broken up with, Carter everyone gets broken up with more than once" I say

"I'm done having this conversation" She yells, slamming her fist down and stomping upstairs

"You surely don't know how to handle girls" Zayn says behind me

"Thanks Zayn" I chuckle

"You need to give her some space, this is how some people deal with brakes up, not wanting to talk about, Becca probably knows that and is going to help her get her mind off of things" He says

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