Chapter 5

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" You can meet them after school" she says

"Thank you Mrs. Rene" I say

"Oh so Matt told you" she says, shit I forgot

"Oh yea he told me, he was pretty upset" I say, I feel terrible for putting them in this position I know Matts family as if they were my parents almost and I am getting my "mom" to help me get away from my aunt

"Everyone is, Carter we want you to stay, but I don't want you to change your mind because of me follow your heart" she says, that's Matts mom always using the same quote over and over again

"Thank you Mrs. Rene" I say

"Well lunch is almost over so I will see you after school at my office" she says

"Thank you again, and goodbye" I say and hang up

She probably was going to cry I heard her vice crack and we still have 20 minutes of lunch left

I finish my lunch and throw it away in the trash I sit back down at my table, I pull out my notebook and open to a new page its a Monday time to write, every Monday no matter what I write letters about my week to my parents and give it to them at their grave

"Carter" Amber says sitting in front of me, I close my notebook and shove it in my backpack along with my pencil

"What" I ask

"We are sorry" Amber says

"For what" I ask with an attitude

"Thinking that you needed help that you were cutting" she say the last part almost a whisper but loud enough for me to hear

"You guys actually thought I was cutting" I ask raising my voice slightly

"Yes" she says biting her lip

"Why didn't the other come out" I ask

"Matt told everyone that someone is interested in you, because his mom texted him a minute ago" she says

"Oh, so you know I am meeting them" I say

"Yea" she says

"And I want to come along with Matt" Amber says

"Deal" I say

"Good now will you come inside with us" she asks

"Fine" I say grabbing my book bag

"What were you writing" she asks

"A bio for the people interested in me" I lie

"Oh" she says nodding

I enter the cafeteria and see a few tears streaming down Miranda's and Megan's face, Alex is a tough guy never cries to anyone so he of course isn't crying Matt isn't crying anymore.

"Hey" I say

"What will happen if you want to go with the parents" Megan asks

"I move in with them" I say not making eye contact

"Right away" Alex asks

"No she gets up to 2 weeks" Matt says

"Doesn't it take long with the papers and all" Miranda asks

"They usually do but because my mom has they head of all the foster homes in her building they are rather quickly to process" Matt explains

"Well that's just perfect" Amber says

"Guys if you are that mad at me for doing this then don't talk to me" I snap at them

"No Carter were sorry its just we wanted you to stay longer" Megan says

"Sorry" I say

'Its ok" Miranda says.

The bell rings indicating I need to go to my second period of reading, I wave to the others and walk with Alex to reading "So Amber told you we are going to meet the parents with you" he asks

"Yea, and I am glad you both are coming I am extremely nervous, what do I wear casual, or dress up" I ask

"What you are wearing is perfect" he says

"Thanks" I say

"Its hard to believe that my best friend could be moving to England" Matt says

"I'm not moving to England now" I say, I told everyone about my plans to move to England later on

"Did my mom not tell you" he asks

"About what" I ask

"The parents live in England they are visiting" he says

"Oh" Is all I say I don't know what to say anymore its good and bad I can be near London but away from my sister and farther away from my brother

We walk into our class and part away I sit in the middle and Matt sits 2 rows away from me, so we cant talk at all which right now is a good thing

After Reading I have Study Hall and lastly gym

I slide on my gym shorts and shirt and tie my shoes

"Ok girls today is the mile" Our gym teacher says

Everyone goes down to the track and waits for the teachers to yell start

"Go" They yell at the same time starting their stop watches

After my parents died to let off some steam blown off I took up more sports I played soccer and still do, in addition to swimming, tennis, and kickboxing I know what you are thinking a girl kickboxing but yea I am I have 2 practices a week my couch says I am pretty good but I don't believe him.

All of the sports I do but tennis which is mainly your arms but still has some legs to it help me in all sports, soccer for running and shooting, swimming for power, and kickboxing for well kicking so that's why on the mile I am rather fast at it but I would never try out for track.

I walk back into the locker room by myself once you are done you can go back in and change so I am here by myself.

The bell rings indicating its time to leave I walk out of the double doors and go to my locker

"Hey Carter Matts mom is going to pick all three of us up he already called your aunt and my mom" Amber says

"Oh ok" I say and open my locker

"Hey" Matt says walking to us

"Hey" Amber says

'Did you tell her that my mom is p-" he begins

"Yes" Ambers interrupts

"Oh ok" he says

"Are you ready" Amber asks me

"Yea" I say shutting my locker

"She's out-front" Matt says checking his phone

"Lets go" Amber says

We walk out to the parking lot and see Matts moms car, Amber and I sit in the back while Matt sits in the front

"Are you nervous Carter" she asks pulling out of school

"A little" I say

"The parents are nice I meet them before I left to pick you all up" she says

"Do they live in England" I ask

"Yes" she sighs

"I didn't want to tell you yet" she says

"It slipped out" Matt says

"Its ok" his mom says

"Were here" she says pulling into the parking lot

"Great" I say opening my door

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