Chapter 11

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"Guys I am ready" I call to the living room walking down the stairs

"Let me get some food first" I say

"Ice cream wasn't enough last night" Niall asks

"No" I say

I walk over to the fridge and find some yogurt, I rip off the plastic lid  and grab a spoon and dig in. I find an oatmeal packet for quick making oatmeal and pour the mix in the bowl with milk and pop it in the microwave.

"Are you done yet" Louis asks coming into the kitchen

"No I am waiting on my oatmeal" I say

"Well eat it fast" He says

"Just go play some video games" I say

"Just hurry up" He says and walks back into the living room.

I finish my oatmeal and put the bowl in the sink, I walk back upstairs and grab my phone and walk back to the living room.

"I am done" I say

"Finally its 2:30" Harry says

"I woke up at 1:30 give me a break" I defend

"Lets just go" Liam says

"Did you tell Karen" I ask

"Yes, Mrs. Goodie-to-shoes" Zayn says, if they only knew why

We walk out to Louis's car and climb in Louis driving with Liam in the passenger, in the middle row its Zayn and Niall, and me and Harry in the back.

I'm sexy and I know it. Amber

"Sorry" I say and unlock my phone

Hey best friend

Aren't you supposed to be in school


Why are you texting me then

Ugh bathroom

Really? Rule breaker

But I get to text you

Don't text me go talk to Alex

I have to go or people will come for me

That would be embarrassing

I know that's why I am leaving, goodbye text you when I get on the bus


I put my phone in the cup holder and see Harry staring at me

"What" I mouth to him

"Was that your boyfriend" He asks loudly so everyone can hear

"I already told you I don't have one" I say

"Sure you don't" Zayn says

"Are we there yet" I whine

"No, we have been in the car for 3 minutes" Liam says

"It feels like its been forever" I groan

"Lets play a game" Louis says

"Your driving" I say

"So" He says

"What game" Niall asks

"Truth or dare" Zayn says

"Leave me out" I say

"Come on Carter" Harry says poking my cheek

"Stop poking me or I will brake your arm, and no I hate that game" I threaten

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