Chapter 9

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"Karen" The middle aged man says finally spotting us

"Honey" She says, walking over to him and hugging him

"Oh, this is Carter" Karen says looking over to me

"Carter, this is my husband Geoff " Karen says

"Its nice to meet you" I say sticking my hand out for them to shake

"Its lovely to meet you to, my my your a pretty thing" Geoff says pulling me into a hug, out of the corner of my eye I see Karen roll her eyes then hug Liam, I still haven't seen his face he has been blocked my Geoff and Karen

"Carter this is Liam my only son" Karen says as Geoff stops hugging me

That's Liam for the boyband One Direction Amber loves them I have only listened to half of their newer album and seen there faces, you can call me a fan but a huge one he is my new step-brother.

"Its nice to meet you" I say, play it cool Carter don't be a freak

"You too, Carter my mother has told me about you over the phone" He says

Well this is awkward,

"Enough chit chat lets get home so Carter can get unpacked" Karen says

"Fine by me" I say

We walk to the baggage claim and wait for our luggage to come, I see Karen's dark brown bag followed by my green polka-dot suitcases and my smaller black bag, we walk over to our luggage and grab my bags

"Here let me help" Liam says grabbing 2 of my bags

"Thanks" I say

"Welcome, but thank you for not screaming or freaking out when you see me" He says following his parents though the airport

"Your welcome, but I not that bug of a fan" I say

"Oh, ok that will make it easier to live with you" He says

"It will and I wont take secret picture of you either" I say

"Much appreciated" He says laughing a bit

"So are you home. like living there now" I ask

"Yea, we a week off" He explains

"Oh ok" I say

"Yep, so we can bond over the week" He says

"But I have school" I say

"You have school for four days while I am there" He says

"Right" I say forgetting I have no school tomorrow

'Don't sound so excited" He says

"Sorry that I am not jumping up and down with joy" I say

"Its ok" He says

We reach the car and put the luggage into the back and climb into the back with Liam while Karen and Geoff are in the front, I look out the window and see the sights of England I wish I lived here instead of Maryland well used to live.

"Carter" Liam says shaking my shoulder

"What sorry I zoned out" I say turning to Liam

"I can tell, but what I was saying is that tomorrow the boys are coming over before they go back home" He says

"Oh ok, I will look forward to meeting them" I say

"You might need earplugs they can be loud" He says

"I am used to loudness" I say

"Not the boys loudness" He mumbles

Oh but Liam I use to be loud like them until I changed.

After 5 minutes of Karen asking Liam questions about the touring and recording we finally arrived at what I assumed was there house, I got out of the car and felt the wind hit my face and blow my hair away I walked to the trunk and grabbed my luggage to be stopped by Liam

"Let me take those you are now a Payne resident" He says taking my bags beside my carry on

"Thanks" I say

"No problem" He says

"Liam, can you shoe Carter her room" Karen asks

"Sure" He says heading up the stairs with me close behind

"Here it is" He says opening the door

I step inside, the room has crème color walls a dark brown cover on the bed, a dresser with a mirror above it, a closet, and a desk in the corner.

"I assume you will change it to fit you" Liam says setting my luggage on the bed

"I will try my best" I say

"Well I will leave you unpack if you need anything I am next door, and the bathroom is down the hall" He says walking out of the room or my room.

I unzip my first suitcase and open the dresser drawers I put my pajamas in first, my jeans, my shorts, my t-shirts, and my underwear and bras, I close my drawers and grab my next suitcase with my closet clothes and shoes.

After an hour of unpacking I finally finish I shove all my empty suitcases on the shelf of my closet and close the door, I walk back over to my bed and grab my rope and hang it along the perimeter of the room I finish and grab my clips and pictures I grab a stool from my desk and stand on it to hang the pictures on the rope. I finish after 10 minutes and half of the rope is covered in pictures, I hear someone walk though the door downstairs Karen probably ordered something for dinner tonight, I hear people talking but ignore them until Karen calls me down. I walk over to my phone and call my aunt,

Hey Aunt Helen

Carter finally I though I was going to have to call you

No I just wanted to unpack before I called you and Amber

Oh ok and you forgot your camera so I am going to mail it to you

Oh god my camera how could I forget it

It was in my room from when you took pictures of the sunset from our window

Oh right but thanks for mailing it, I already hung up my rope and put my picture on it

You seem to have settled in well

I have, you will never guess who my new step-brother is

Liam Pane the British boy in the world famous boy band One Direction

How did you know

Karen told me I wanted to keep it a surprise Matt know too

You guys keep do much from me

We do it because we love you

You are going to put me in a bad mood


I was joking

Man you are in a really good mood, you just joked with me and it wasn't sassy

I have to go eat dinner Aunt Helen, I will talk to you tomorrow

Ok honey make sure to call Amber

I will or I will get an earful

I am sure, goodbye be good


I hang up and decide to text Amber and tell her I will call her later

Hey I will call you later just though I would tell you so you wouldn't think I was avoiding you:) And you never will believe who my brother is tell Matt to keep it quiet

I put my phone on the dresser and look at my picture before I go downstairs, I am glad I organized them into categories, friends, and family

"Knock, Knock its Liam" Liam says

"Is it dinner" I ask though the door

"No I have someone or someones who want to meet you" He calls

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