Chapter 13

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"Karen I'm ready" I call as I grab my book bag

"Ok meet me in the car" She calls

Well today I get to go to my first day of school in England, I hope I look ok my hair is lightly curled, I'm wearing my new camo jeans and studded sweater with my black converse. My make up looks good not to dark not to light, I hope I make friends. I close my door behind me and rush down stairs and run into Liam why do I always run into him?

"Carter I was just about to come up stairs and get you" he says

"I know, I know I have to leave" I say

"No not that, I wanted to wish you good luck" he says

"Oh thank you" I say

"Welcome, but stay away from those boys" Liam says

"I will Liam" I say

"Good" he says

"I have to go, but thank you" I say and give him a hug

"Your welcome" He says

I let go of Liam and walk out the front door and step into the passenger side, I put my book bag on the floor and buckle my seat belt,

"Don't be nervous" Karen says

"Its hard" I admit

"I know" She says

"I am just scared that I wont make friends" I admit

"Trust me you will, a girl named Becca who is also from America will be showing you around, they also gave you the same classes as her" Karen says

"Really there is another American in there I have classes with here" I ask

"Yea, and I already set everything up so I wont be coming in there with you" She says

"Oh that's ok" I say

"Really because I can come in with you" She says

"Karen don't worry" I say

"Ok" She sighs

"Is this the school" I asks as Karen pulls in the parking lot

"Yep" She says

"Thank you Karen for everything" I say hugging her

"Your welcome" She says

I open the car door and slide on my book bag and walk inside the school and turn into what I think is the office.

"Hello" I ask the lady at the front desk

"What do you need" She asks without looking up

"I am new here" I say

"Oh you must be Carter" She says looking up

"I am" I say

"Becca, this is Carter" The woman says

A blond girl about my age with brown eyes, walks over to us, who I assume is Becca.

"Hi I am Becca, you must be Carter" She says

"I am" I say

"Here are you classes" The woman says handing me a slip of paper

"Thank you" I say taking the paper

"Becca can you show Carter her locker and her first period then just show her  other periods as you go" The woman says

"Ok, thank you Mrs. Turner" Becca says

"I will show you your locker its 2 from mine" Becca says

"Oh at least I know someone" I say

"And the 2 people in between us, are Connor, and one of my friends Noel" She says

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