Chapter 25

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"What type of advice do I need" I ask

"Just advice" Harry says

"He doesn't even know that I know it's a date" I say

"He would have asked you on a proper date, but he chickened out" Louis says

"Guys, I think she has this" Zayn says

"I agree with Zayn" I say

"Fine, no advice" Harry says

"Plus I hate being given advice about what to do on a date" I point out

"Why, you might need it" Louis says

"I want it to go how I make it happen not what other people thing I should do" I say

"Fair enough" Harry says

"What can we do now, we have an hour and a half" Zayn says

"That's your fault you woke me up at 9" I say

"I thought he was coming at 10:30 not 11:30" He defends

"Lets call Niall and ask him if he can pick Carter up early" Louis says

"But make then he will know that I told you and he will think I am obsessing over it" I say

"Ok, I will say, Carter is at Zayn's house and she is ready, why don't you pick her up early to surprise him" Louis says

"Perfect" I say

"Ok" He says and pulls out his phone and starts to type

"Are you nervous" Harry asks

"A little" I admit

"Don't be, it will be fine" He assures me

"I am always nervous, for anything's even little things" I admit

"Like in school, test I am almost shaking" I say

"Really" He asks

"Yea, I have always at major anxiety" I say

"And I have depression, so both together sucks" I explain

"You don't seem like you have depression" He says

"I know, but I keep to myself" I explain.

"Niall said he will be over in 10 minutes" Louis says

"Ok" I say glad he interrupted our conversation

"This conversations isn't over" Harry whispers to me, spoke to soon

"Do you guys know what we are doing" I ask

"No, he said he couldn't tell us because we might tell you" Louis says

"Great, guys I don't like keeping this plan from Liam" I say

"Liam wouldn't like the plan" Zayn says

"Why because I am his sister and Niall is like his brother" I ask

"Yep" Harry says

"When are we going to tell him" I ask

"Do we have to tell him" Zayn asks

"While me and Niall are out, you guys go over to Liam's flat and tell him that you are trying to set us up and convinced Niall to take me out somewhere, and don't tell him that I know, and don't tell him the Niall knows the plan" I say

"Ok but who is telling him the plan" Louis asks

"I vote Harry" Zayn says

"I vote Harry too" Louis says

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