Chapter 21

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After breakfast all the boys go back to Liam's flat so I can put my stuff away and so they can hang out.

"You guys should go out tonight" I suggest

"Go out" Louis asks

"Go out to a club or a bar or something, I feel like because I am younger I am holding you back from having fun" I say

"That's a good idea" Harry says

"And you aren't holding us back you are a little fun" He says

"Thanks Harry" I say

"But I don't want you to be alone" Liam says

"I will call someone" I say

"I will later first Amber is calling me" I say feeling my vibrate her custom ringtone.


Hey guess what


I am on vacation

Congrats where are you


Not even, where maybe your close

I think I am very close actually

*Knock* *Knock*

Wait someone's at the door

Who is it

It is....... What are you doing here

Get off the phone

I hang up and out my phone in my pocket,

"What are you doing here" I ask hugging her

"Well my mom has always wanted to come to England, and she thought because you are here it would be perfect" She explains

"You came at the right time" I say

"Why" She asks

"The boys are going out tonight, and Liam doesn't want me to stay here by myself" I say

"Oh then we are lucky" She says

"How did you know where I was" I ask

"Oh Liam got my number" She says

"Creeper" I say

"Oh I will introduce you to everyone" I say and let her in

"Guys this is Amber, Amber this is Liam, Harry, Zayn, Niall, and Louis" I say

"So you're the famous Amber" Harry says

"Anyway, while you guys are out Amber is going to stay here with me" I say

"Yay, now we can go out" Louis says

"Yea and its getting late so you should go get ready" I say

"Its 4:30" Zayn says

"Who doesn't want to go to a bar early" I ask

"The bars don't open till later dumby" Amber says

"How would you know" Liam asks

"My father was an alcoholic" She says

"Oh" Liam says

"Yea anyway, what do you guys want to do" I ask

"Lets go for a bike ride in the park" Harry says

"Lame, and cheesy" Niall says

"I agree plus Carter-" Amber starts

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