Chapter 24

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"Answer it" Perrie says

"Ok" I say



Oh hey Niall

So Harry told me Perrie is over there, so I texted Zayn and asked him if he wanted some alone time with Perrie and you could come over here for like an hour

Oh ok, I will be right over

Ok, bye


"Your going over there" She asks

"Yep, because you have to leave soon and you cant see him that often Niall told Zayn I could come over there so you can have some alone time" I say

"Oh ok" She says

"Did Niall call you" Zayn asks standing in the doorway

"Yep" I say

"Phase 2, quality time in motion" He says

"Well I am leaving so text me or Niall when you guys are done with whatever" I say

"Ok" Zayn says I walk out of my room and open the front door, I wonder if Niall knows the plan she probably does. I hope it's not awkward between us, but he doesn't know that I know I hope it doesn't slip out. I worry to much,

"Carter" Liam asks

"Oh hey" I say

"What are you doing out here" He asks

"I am going over to Niall's" I say

"I thought you were supposed to go over Zayn's tonight" He asks

"I am, or was but Perrie came over" I say

"Oh ok" He says

"Well goodbye" I say, I don't know if I should tell Liam about the plan he is my brother that's weird.

"Umm ok" He says

"That was close" I mutter

I am really nervous, I can't even knock on the door, yes I can ok I have this.

"Hello" I ask knocking on the door

"Coming" He says

"Oh hey" He says

"You seem surprised, were excepting someone else" I ask

"No, I think its how it came out" He says smiling

"Is Louis or Harry is" I ask

"They were, but they left like a minute ago" He says

"Oh ok" I say

"How did you know they were here" He asks

 "You said Harry told you Perrie was over" I say

"Oh" He says

"So what are we doing tomorrow" I ask

"You think I'm going to tell you" He asks

"No, but I thought it was worth a shot" I say

"It failed" He says

"I can tell" I say

"Oh, and I am coming to get you at 11" He says

"Ok" I say

"What do you want to do" He asks

"Can we go for a walk" I ask

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