Chapter 12

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We finally got back to my new home and filed out of the car, I walked inside and went upstairs and dropped my bag off and began to put away my clothes when someone knock on the door.

"Who is it" I ask

"Liam" He says

"Come in" I say, he slowly turns the knob and opens the door, standing in the door way

"Yes" I question

"The boys are getting ready to leave" He says

"Oh ok I will be down in a minute" I say

"Just hurry" He says

"Ill try" I say

I wish I had my camera this will be a to remember moment but I had to forget it at home, great job Carter.

I set my sweater on my bed and change out of my dress into shorts and a hoodie, I make my way downstairs and see the boys in the kitchen,

"What are you guys doing" I ask

"Nothing, just waiting" Zayn says

"For" I ask

"For our ride to take us to the airport" Harry says in a duh voice

"Right" I say and take a seat on one of the bars

"Are you going to miss us" Louis asks poking my cheek

"Remember what I told Harry when he poked me" I ask making him withdraw his hand

"I am done" He says

"And of course ill miss you guys, probably you and Zayn the lest" I say

"Why" Zayn asks putting his hand on his heart acting offended

"You nearly made me pee my pants" I say

"But that was funny" Niall says

"Not to me" I say

"I think this calls for a group hug" Harry says

"No thank you" I say

"You don't like group hugs" Louis asks

"Not at all" I say

"Too bad" Liam says

"What" I ask

"Get her" Niall says making all the boys jump off there stools and bring me into a bone-crushing hug

"L-Let me breath" I choke out, the few group hugs I am in I always end up being crushed

"Sorry we are going to miss you so much" Louis says wiping a fake tear away

"Shut up" I say and chuckle at him

*Honk Honk*

"That's our ride" Zayn says

"Time for more hugs" Harry says

"Great" I say sarcasm filling my voice

Liam hugs each of the boys, then I do, and the boys hug each other

"See you Wednesday" Harry says waving to everyone and getting in his car.

All of the boys climb in there car and drive off me and Liam go back inside and sit on the couch,

"Where are your parents" I ask

"Work, its 3:30" He says

"Oh" I say

"What do you want to do" He asks

"I have no clue" I say

"We could play video games" Liam says

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