Chapter 40

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"Carter" Liam asks knocking on my door

"Go away" I say

I am trying to the best of my ability not to talk to Liam about what happened with Kyle, my brother isn't really someone who I want to talk to about these things.

"Carter I'm coming in" Someone else says

"Why do you need to come in" I groan

"Hi" Niall says awkwardly

"Why are you in here" I ask

"Liam thought I should talk to you" He says

"I'm fine I don't need to talk" I say

"Carter, I can see where tears went down your face, your a mess" He says

"Thanks" I say

"You shouldn't cry" He says sitting beside me

"Why shouldn't I don't I have the right to" I ask a bit annoyed

"You do have the right but you shouldn't he cheated on you" He says

"He was drunk, probably a graduation party, I knew we were going to brake him being older and going to college but now in Australia" I say

"Carter you still shouldn't cry cheating, is cheating if he was drunk or not" He says

"Niall I think I want to be alone" I say

"Ok" He says and walks out

I don't want to be alone, but I don't want to be with Niall, or Liam. I want to be with Kyle. God I complain too much, you know what I'm going to the gym. I change into black and white shorts, and a pink t-shirt I got from camp 3 years ago.

I grab my kick-boxing bag, ear buds, and 5 dollars or pounds and walk downstairs. I walk past the living room and see the boys heads turn towards me, but don't say a word to me. I wouldn't have said anything even if they did talk to me.

I need a ride to the gym its 5 minutes away, maybe I can call Becca she got her license,


Hi Carter

I was wondering if you could give me a ride to the gym, I have to tell you something too

Sure, I'll be over there in 2

Ok thanks

No problem

I put my phone in my bag and sit down on the front steps, at least I get to talk to Becca not any of the boys, I think they are getting the message that I don't want to talk. I just want to punch something right now, when I am sad it turns into anger, that's probably why the boys didn't question me leaving. It seems like I'm always leaving, when Niall broke up with me I went to the soccer field. Why do I always get my heart broken, when Niall broke up with me it felt different from Kyle braking up with me. I am always running away from my problems, I wish I could hide from them, I wish I could go somewhere forever and never come out, that way I wont have any problems.

Honk Honk

"Hi" I smile to Becca

"Hey" I say back

"What's wrong" She asks

"That's what I wanted to tell you about" I say

"What happened" She asks

"Kyle is moving to Australia and broke up me, and he told he got drunk and slept with someone" I say

"If I was you I would be crying my eyes out not going to the gym" She says

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